Super Monk

Chapter 2214

Before daybreak, the provincial capital began to wake up slowly. All kinds of noodle shops and snack bars opened one after another. Bursts of white water mist appeared in the slightly cold air. Busy figures could be seen in every shop that opened the door. Soon after, people at work began to appear, and the whole city was busy.

"Chief!" Dozens of special service field agents entered the detection area of detectors 24 and 25 after dawn. These field agents dressed up in any way, including office workers in a hurry to work, people taking a walk in the morning, and even people pretending to pick up plastic bottles and garbage, were shuttling through the alleys, looking for anything that might be abnormal.

Another special service team came to cooperate with Zhao Fugui. Almost one night, the special service bureau had mastered the basic situation of these two areas.

"Did anyone call the police last night saying someone was missing?" Zhao Fugui asked directly. Now the secret service has even cut into the police intelligence reporting system. As long as someone calls the police or a case is reported to the secret service, the secret service will immediately grasp it. There is no need for the police to report to the secret service again.

"No, there were three cases of provocation and robbery last night, but no one was missing or found dead!" Zhang Peng shook his head and said.

"The mutant appeared last night, maybe it was hunting. You should pay attention to the case that someone called the police and disappeared. Let's go to the house of the three people who disappeared before!" Zhao Fugui said, "go to the old man's house first!"

The home of the missing old man is in an old community not far away. This place used to be the staff dormitory of a factory. Later, the factory closed down and the houses were sold. Some people live here. Most of them are elderly people. Now it has become an elderly community.

This place also has no property, Zhao Fugui with Ren long and Zhang Peng into the community, other people did not follow together, but scattered around to see. In the old community, some old people are doing morning exercises, and others are taking the dog for a walk in the community. This community is open. People often park their cars in and out. Zhao Fugui and the three of them didn't attract much attention.

"Sir, I want to know if the old man Zhang Aihua who used to live here is still here? We are his nephews from afar. We just want to see him when we pass by the provincial capital this time! " Zhang Peng asked an old man who was playing Taijiquan.

"Zhang Aihua? You mean Lao Zhang? Lao Zhang hasn't seen anyone for a long time. He has Alzheimer's disease and seems to be lost. The police have been here twice before, but they haven't found him. Are you finished The old man thought about it and said.

"What about his family?" Zhang Peng continued.

"His wife has been gone for a long time. It's promising to raise a son. He went abroad to settle down more than ten years ago, but he didn't take him with him. Lao Zhang is missing and his son hasn't come back to have a look!" The old man said angrily.

"And where does he live?" Zhang Peng asked again. At the same time, he took a look at Zhao Fugui. He was a lonely old man. He didn't have an old companion, and his son couldn't care for him when he was abroad. I'm afraid it's hard to find a clue if I want to find something.

"When you go up to the second floor, he lives in the easternmost room, but there is nothing in his room, which has long been stolen by thieves. If we hadn't asked a few questions, thieves would have lived in a few days ago!" Said the old man.

"Thank you, old man. You are busy!" Zhang Peng said thanks to the old man and came back, "director, Zhang Aihua is a lonely old man. He is missing and nobody cares. I don't think he can ask anything. What should I do now?"

"Take out the detector, let's go to his house and have a look!" Zhao Fugui said that Ren long and Zhang Peng nodded. Ren long had been holding the detector and kept squinting at the readings on the detector for fear that the variants were nearby.

Zhang Aihua's house is a single room. The iron door has been rusty for a long time, and the lock is broken. There is almost nothing left in it except an iron shelf bed and some ragged clothes on the ground. Everything else has been removed.

"The readings haven't changed, the variants haven't been here!" Ren long looked at the unchanged portable detector and said with a slight sigh of relief.

"It should not be him. He is not likely to be eaten by the mutant. The most important thing in the provincial capital is people. There is no need for the mutant to eat an old man or parasitize an old man!" Zhang Peng looked carefully in the room and said.

"The remaining two missing people are in Lvjing community, one is in phase I of Lvjing community, the other is in phase II of Lvjing community. It's close to phase I of Lvjing community, and the one missing in phase I is the teenage girl. Let's go to phase I first!" Zhao Fugui opened his eyes and looked at the whole building, but he didn't see anything unusual.

Lvjing community was built a few years ago. The environment is much better than that of Zhang Aihua's community, but there are many people living here.

"Headmaster, didn't this building smash our detector's building?" If the top floor of the building is still damaged, they can see the top floor of the building.

"It's this building!" Zhao Fugui frowned. Is it a coincidence or something? It happened that there was a suspected alien parasite in the building, and the scanner was smashed.Soon Zhao Fugui and Ren long and Zhang Peng went up the building. The people up and down the building looked normal, and they didn't look nervous. It seemed that nothing strange happened in the building. Soon they found a place.

"Ding Dong!"

"Who is it?" Zhang Peng rang the doorbell a few times, and soon a woman's voice came from the door.

"We're here to ask about the disappearance of your child. Maybe we have a clue now!" Zhang Peng took out a certificate and shook it on the cat's eye of the security door.

"Do you know my daughter?" The security door was pushed open, and a woman rushed out and asked excitedly.

"I haven't found it yet. I just found some clues. We want to ask, has anyone contacted you recently, your daughter or someone else?" Zhang Peng asked, Zhao Fugui directly opened his eyes and looked into the house price. Ren long also closely watched the reading on the portable detector. There was a faint smell of mildew in the room. It seemed that the woman had just come back recently. The house should have been uninhabited for several days before.

"Not yet?" The woman said with a disappointed face, and then she got angry again and yelled, "you must sentence that sun Yong and put him in prison. If he hadn't insulted my daughter, my daughter would not have run away from home and disappeared, Wuwu!"

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