Super Monk

Chapter 2215

The family's missing girl, Fang Xiaozhen, is not over 14 years old. On the 5th of last month, she was insulted by sun Yong when she took the elevator to go home. Two days after calling the police, sun Yong almost smashed the burglar proof door at home, and then Fang Xiaozhen disappeared.

Their family also went out to find the missing girl while avoiding the sun family. They didn't dare to come back until yesterday when they heard that all the sun family members had been arrested. However, Fang Xiaozhen had no news. The police had listed her as a missing person and posted her on the Internet, but so far there was no clue.

Fang Xiaozhen's mother is still crying to Zhang Peng. She only dares to do so when she knows that the sun family will have bad luck. This time, the sun family men may not come out so easily.

"Can we look around?" Zhao Fugui suddenly interrupted the middle-aged woman's cry.

"Yes, yes, you can look at it. As long as you can find my daughter, you can do anything!" The middle-aged woman wiped her tears and said that Fang Xiaozhen had been obedient and obedient since she was a child. If it wasn't for sun Yong, their family wouldn't be like this.

Zhao Fugui winks at Zhang Peng and asks him to continue talking to the middle-aged woman. He and Ren long go directly to Fang Xiaozhen's room. The little girl's room is in good order, with many textbooks and certificates. However, Ren Long's face suddenly changes when they enter the room.

"Master, the reading has changed a little!" Ren long took out the portable detector and said in a low voice.

"I see it!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice, in the eye of heaven, Zhao Fugui has seen a very light variant breath in this room, which seems to disappear at any time. Even on the high sensitive portable detector, the reading is only a little fluctuation.

"It's like a mutant came here a long time ago, at least three months ago, maybe the mutant came here for some reason a long time ago!" Ren long is not sure that this slight fluctuation of readings is not the result of the short-term appearance of variants.

"That girl disappeared last month. It's almost a month now. The mutant should not be her. Once a person is parasitized, the speed of change is very fast, and he can completely lose his human form in a month or even a few days. He can't maintain his normal life for two or three months! " Zhao Fugui pondered, "and if the girl is a mutant, she has lived here for a long time, the atmosphere here can't be so light. The girl may not be a mutant, but there's something strange about it! "

"Then only the last middle-aged man is left. He used to live in the second phase of Lvjing community. He is very suspicious!" Ren long said.

"Go and have a look first. I'm afraid it's not that simple!" Zhao Fugui had a suspicious look on his face, but he looked around and walked out of the room.

"If there's a clue, we'll let you know as soon as possible!" Zhang Peng saw Zhao Fugui and Ren long come out, ended the conversation with the middle-aged woman, stood up and shook hands with her.

"You must find my daughter!" The middle-aged woman said, biting her teeth and full of hatred, "if her daughter is not here, you must severely punish sun Yong. If it wasn't for him, my daughter would not have an accident. If my daughter died, he would have done it!"

"Don't worry, sun Yong will be severely punished by the law!" Zhang Peng said seriously.

"Some people are a bunch of bastards!" The middle-aged woman watched as Zhao Fugui left, her face full of despair, Zhang Peng said hatefully.

"The people of the sun family will get the punishment they deserve. Now the most important thing is to find the mutant, otherwise more people will die!" Zhao Fugui said.

"The people in the Bureau went first!" As soon as several people arrived at the Second District of Lvjing community, Zhang Peng saw a car parked downstairs of the missing middle-aged family.

"Let's go up!" Zhao Fugui frowned and said.

"Wei Yan, open the door. We are investigating your husband's disappearance. We want to ask you a few more questions!" Meanwhile, on the fifth floor, a team of special service field agents with portable detectors were knocking on the door.

"There is a change in the reading, there may be a residual smell of variants!" Next to the agent who knocked, another agent with a portable detector whispered. These agents are a group of five. One is responsible for clearing, three are responsible for fighting, and the other is responsible for dealing with emergencies or communication. One of the agents in charge of the battle is carrying a high-strength wire mesh gun, and the other two are carrying high-energy electric shock guns. It is difficult to use the powerful fog in the urban area. They can only fight in a way that has as little influence as possible. First, pull away the variant uniforms, and then deal with the inferior variant. This method is very effective.

Seeing that the portable detector didn't give an alarm, several agents secretly relaxed a little bit of tension, just a little bit of breath left by the variant, so it's OK. If the variant is not here, there's no need to be so nervous.

"Bang!" Just when several agents just relaxed a little, the security door was suddenly pushed away from inside. The agent standing at the door subconsciously stepped back, then felt a sharp pain in his stomach, and the blood gushed out.

"Go, you go, you devils don't want to hurt me!" There was a sharp sound behind the security door. A 30-year-old woman with hairy hair pulled a bloody knife from the belly of the agent at the door and waved it wildly."Attack Three agents in charge of the fight suddenly changed their faces. One agent rushed up and instantly pulled apart the injured agent. Almost at the same time, a barbed wire and two high-energy stun guns hit the woman with hairy hair.

"Bang!" The steel wire mesh enveloped the woman's body, and the rivets on it nailed her on the wall behind her. Two high-energy stun guns shot the woman in an instant. The woman trembled violently, and two huge arcs swept directly from her body, which almost turned half of the woman's body into coke.

"Stun gun charged!" One of the agents yelled at once, charging the high-energy stun gun to prepare for the next attack.

"Wu Feng is dying!" The wounded agent began to bleed from his mouth, and the blood from the wound was everywhere on the ground.

"Something's wrong!" At the moment when the hairless woman started, Zhao Fugui's face changed and rushed up immediately. "He was stabbed in the liver and had to be operated on immediately and sent to the hospital immediately!"

Zhao Fugui had no treatment spray and gold needles at hand, and the liver was directly stabbed. He could not stop the agent from stopping bleeding immediately.

"She's dead!"

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