Super Monk

Chapter 2231

"Boom!" A trace of sword light burst, and half of the ghost's head was blown off, but this injury did not affect the ghost too much. It tore a trace of sword Qi, and immediately scratched other attacking sword Qi.

"Boom boom!" These alienated monsters are surprisingly hard, and their swords can't cut off their bodies. They can only explode one by one and destroy their bodies. But the explosion of this degree can't kill more than 20 monsters. A piece of swords light is as thin as silk. None of these monsters has been killed.

"These monsters have strong bodies!" Huangfu Fengyun saw that many of these monsters' bodies had been blown up, but none of them had been killed, and his face turned ugly. Zhao Fugui's strong sword spirit makes his great master dare not approach him. If the sword spirit blows on the body protecting vigorous Qi of Huangfu Fengyun great master, I'm afraid the body protecting vigorous Qi can't stop it. It's incredible that the bodies of these monsters are even harder than the body protecting vigorous Qi of great master.

"Huangfu, look at the white snake Another master of Ren family didn't look at these dissimilated monsters, but looked in the direction of variants in horror.

There is a sword light pouring down from the top of the variant's head. The ancient sword exudes a strong sword spirit in the sword light. This is the most horizontal part of the sword. The sword gas condenses but does not disperse. It is specially used to deal with the variant.

The powerful sword light poured down, and the mutant arched her body. The small part of Fang Xiaozhen's body at the front raised her head high and stared at the sword light, spitting out a black gas from her mouth.

"Hoo The black gas spewed out like smoke and exploded on the sword light instantly. The huge sound of the sword roared. The bright sword light suddenly darkened, and the ten Zhang long black gas was cut off by five or six Zhang. But after the sword light cut off the five or six Zhang black gas, it could not bear the impact of the black gas and suddenly broke.

"Bang!" The light of the sword burst to reveal the essence of the ancient sword, and the variant's eyes suddenly showed a treacherous expression. With a breath, he directly pulled the ancient sword to the front of his eyes. The dark air filled the air, and began to pollute the spirit of the ancient sword. Even Zhao Fugui's divine consciousness attached to the ancient sword began to be polluted and scattered.

This variant wants to destroy Zhao Fugui's ancient sword. Not all ancient swords can bear Zhao Fugui's idea of fighting heaven and even Tianhe sword. Without these ancient swords, Zhao Fugui's power of Kendo will be greatly reduced.

"I'm not timid. I want to destroy my sword! Come on Zhao Fugui's eyes flashed. With a loud drink, he stretched out his hand to the ancient sword. The ancient sword suddenly buzzed and flew to Zhao Fugui. The variant refused to let the sword fly away. He took another strong breath. His neck was like a rattlesnake. A huge suction came from the sword and pulled the sword to keep it from flying away.

"Roar!" At this moment, a ghost has rushed over, the ghost's legs are like the legs of a cow on the ground, and immediately pounce on Zhao Fugui.

"Death Zhao Fugui's face was cold and fierce, and a fist awn the size of a millstone appeared. In an instant, the powerful fist awn smashed the ghost's body into pieces. Zhao Fugui smashed the ghost with one blow, reached out and pinched the sword formula, and led it to the void. A sword light appeared again and cut it to the variant.

"Kill At the same time, seeing that the ghosts rushed to Zhao Fugui, the experts of Ren family and Huangfu family also reacted and rushed directly to the ghosts. In an instant, the two sides scuffled together.

When the mutant saw the sword light falling, Fang Xiaozhen's face twisted. The monster swung its tail fiercely, and the white snake's tail suddenly pulled towards the sword light.

"Poof The sword light cuts the snake's tail in an instant, and a nearly one meter long snake's tail is immediately cut off. A thick blood spurts out from the wound of the snake's tail in an instant. I don't know if the sword light cuts something in the mutant's body. After mixing it with the blood of the mutant, it is like aqua regia, and instantly corrodes the surrounding things. The trees, the ground, the walls, everything touched by the blood of the mutant are all corroded.

"Ah The mutant twisted painfully and swayed his tail crazily. A master of Ren family was accidentally drenched in the blood of the mutant. He screamed in an instant. His whole body was like a melting candle. It melted completely in the blink of an eye, even without a human skin left.

The other masters immediately backed away in panic. No one wanted to get the strange snake blood on their bodies, but the ghosts were brave enough to catch up with them and fight with them again.

The variant was cut off by Zhao Fugui's sword, and it could no longer control the ancient sword. The ancient sword was recalled by Zhao Fugui, and there was a black air on the sword. Zhao Fugui used Daoli to inject Daoli into the ancient sword, and Daoli turned on the ancient sword, which cleared the black air on the ancient sword.

Zhao Fugui coldly looks at the twisted variant on the ground, and is about to continue to kill the variant. At this time, the body of the ghost that was hit by Zhao Fugui's fist just now began to slowly close and agglomerate again. It seems that he wants to revive again.

"How could it be revived? The ability of these variants is really weird Zhao Fugui's face changed slightly. Just now, his fist directly smashed the ghost, even his body with black Qi. With the power of Zhao Fugui's power, even a fierce ghost can beat his soul with one punch. I didn't expect that the monster could be revived after being blasted.The ghost's broken body is covered with black air everywhere. It seems that it is the black air that makes the ghost come back to life. However, Zhao Fugui just looks at the ghost he wants to revive and doesn't look at it again. These ghosts are just some small fish. It's not enough to worry about these things after killing the variants.

"Good pain, good pain, you damned human!" After a few words, the mutant seems to speak more and more clearly, and it soon starts to speak like a normal human.

The monster wriggled in pain in the rain for a few times, then swung his tail fiercely, and insidiously threw his blood to Zhao Fugui. The blood on the monster was even more terrible than aqua regia. It would not be a good thing if he was drenched in it.

"To die!" With a sneer, a clear footprint of three inches suddenly appeared at his feet. Zhao Fugui's body was like a heavy artillery shell coming out of the barrel. He rushed directly to the mutant body, and his blood fell behind him. He injected powerful Dao Li into the ancient sword, and the ancient sword was cut off by Jin Guangfang.

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