Super Monk

Chapter 2232

"Uncle, I'm not a bad man. I'm controlled by a monster. Help me!" At the moment when the sword in Zhao Fugui's hand is cut, the ferocious expression on Fang Xiaozhen's face disappears. She looks at Zhao Fugui in panic and cries to him.

"When you think of the variant as the ghost's upper body, you can still retain a clear mind after complete alienation?" Zhao Fugui looks cold, Li Si is not moved, the sword in his hand is still mercilessly chopped to the variant.

The parasitized body is not without immune body, but the more able it is to resist the parasitism of the parasite, the less alienated the body will be. People who can completely resist the parasitism of the parasite will not have any alienation. However, this kind of person has not been found even in the Moon Palace. At present, the so-called "immune body" will still have some characteristics of alienation.

Once completely alienated into a variant, it is impossible for Fang Xiaozhen to retain her independent mind. Only Ji Wei, Ji Ling's elder brother, is an exception. Ji Wei could resist the parasitism of the parasite, but he was cheated by Xia Rui to eat Xia Rui's husband. Therefore, Fang Xiaozhen was alienated and could only barely retain a part of the God If Zhao Fugui goes a few days later, he will be completely alienated.

"Damn the Terran, you liars all deserve to die!" Fang Xiaozhen saw that she couldn't deceive Zhao Fugui, and her face suddenly became ferocious. At the moment when Zhao Fugui's sword was cut to the head of the variant, Fang Xiaozhen's body suddenly split from the middle, revealing something like an eyeless snake head. This thing had a strong blood evil spirit. At the moment when the ancient sword was cut, it suddenly opened its mouth and bit the ancient sword fiercely It's on.

At this moment, Zhao Fugui felt as if the ancient sword had been cut on a ball of thick but hard things. How could hard things be thick? But at this moment, Zhao Fugui had such a strange feeling.

At the same time, an extremely smelly smell came to his face. Zhao Fugui suddenly felt dizzy and had a kind of poisoning feeling. This strong and extremely bloody spirit even had a strong gambling element. Even Zhao Fugui's body was affected.

"Click, click, click!" The sword in Zhao Fugui's hand failed to cut off the eyeless snake's head. The ancient sword only cut off half of the eyeless snake's body. Almost at the same time, ferocious faces appeared on the mutant's body. Then, arms suddenly stretched out from the mutant's body, grabbed Zhao Fugui hard, and crazily pulled him to the mutant's body.

"Damned human beings, you are just some insignificant nourishment, and I become a part of my body!" Fang Xiaozhen tore up the population as if it had nothing to do with the connection, issued a ferocious voice said.

"No, the leader is controlled by that monster!" A group of experts of Ren family and Huangfu family turned pale and cried in horror. Almost all of them were injured. Some of them even broke their body protection and their vigorous Qi was seriously injured. But the ghosts entangled with them were hardly affected. Even if their hands and legs were cut off, they continued to fight without pain. Human beings could not fight with ghosts like this Fight.

"The director is in danger, help quickly!" The song army also found the danger of Zhao Fugui, but soon they found that they could not help at all. The snipers could not aim to fight in this rainstorm, and other weapons could not cause enough damage to the variants. They could not help Zhao Fugui at all.

"If the director is killed, we can't control this monster. Once we let it escape and attack people madly ..!” A field team leader looked at the former colleagues who turned into ghosts and said with a shudder.

At the same time, other people in the secret service were deeply worried. With the terror of this monster, once it was allowed to leave the school, I was afraid that the whole provincial capital would be in chaos. Although it could not eat many people for a while, the panic it caused was enough to cause huge chaos, and I was afraid that the news of the variants could not be concealed at that time.

"Let me eat you, Terran, eat you, I can restore half of my strength!" Fang Xiaozhen looks at Zhao Fugui strangely. Her eyes are full of greed. Her eyeless snake like mouthpiece entangles the ancient sword. The mouthpiece slowly approaches Zhao Fugui, and slowly opens her mouth full of layers of small sharp teeth. Some liquid that can melt human flesh and bones slowly flows out of her mouth.

The demon elixir in the mutant can help Zhao Fugui cultivate. Now it seems that Zhao Fugui's flesh and blood, or the flesh and blood of the human strongman, can also help these mutants recover their strength. More than one mutant has said something similar.

Moreover, these variants have not recovered their strength. If they are allowed to recover their strength, Zhao Fugui does not know how strong their strength will be.

"I'm afraid you won't have this chance, if you can not die, kill evil!" Zhao Fugui reaches out his hand and grabs the mouthpiece. At the same time, his cold voice rings in the surging rain.

The sixth sword of zhantian nine swords is to kill evil. It is not only zhantian nine swords, but also a sword with a hint of Tianhe sword. A sword light is cut down like a meteor. The surging rain curtain becomes hazy in a moment. The raindrop is broken by the sword air and becomes hazy fog. It seems that the whole world becomes hazy in a moment.

Fang Xiaozhen's face was unbelievable and terrified. He watched the sword light fall and his whole body twisted violently to escape."Impossible, how can you still be alive!" Fang Xiaozhen sent out a shrill scream of extreme fear, and puffs of mucus came out of the mouth like a snake without eyes. Zhao Fugui's face was full of gold, and the Taoist power was condensed to the extreme. As soon as the slime from the eyeless snake touched the Taoist power, it began to corrode it. But for a while, it could not corrode the Taoist power and hurt Zhao Fugui. At the same time, the sword of killing evil in the air had fallen.

"Hum!" The sword light fell fiercely, the cold light flashed, and the variant's head flew out directly. A big black air sprayed on the sword light, and the sword light immediately cut the black fog open and cut the variant's body fiercely.

Distorted faces appear constantly on the mutants. Those ferocious distorted faces want to help the mutants block the sword, but under the light of the sword, which combines a hint of Tianhe sword, these distorted faces can't block the sword light at all. The sword light cuts off the head of the mutants, and then continues to cut off the body of the mutants without any pause. The body of the mutants is instantly cut off It's three paragraphs.

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