Super Monk

Chapter 2252

Near midnight in the hospital, Shang Yu lives in a single ward, which Zhao Xiaoyan specially asked for for him. Shang Yu is lying on the hospital bed, and occasionally there is a slight pain in her leg. The effect of the anesthetic continues, and he doesn't feel the pain for the time being. Shang Yu looks at the deposit balance displayed on her mobile phone, and her proud expression becomes more and more obvious.

"It's a good deal to make five million yuan from two broken legs. After two or three months, the leg will grow well. If you miss this opportunity to make money, you may not have another one!" The more she thinks about it, the more proud Shang Yu is. She gets five million yuan from Zhao Fugui. Zhao Xiaoyan borrows five million yuan from the usurer. She borrows five million yuan from the usurer and buys a Lamborghini. There are nearly three million yuan left. The total amount of money is almost eight million yuan. When his legs are ready, the money will be enough for him to be smart for a while.

The more she thought about it, the more proud she was. After a while, she laughed happily, but he didn't find a shadow outside the door. Soon the door of the ward was quietly pushed open.

"What's the matter? My legs have been bandaged. What are you doing here? I'll have a rest if I'm not disturbed! " Shang Yu sees the person who pushes a door to come in impatiently say. Push the door to find someone outside wearing a white coat, face with a mask, looks like a doctor.

"I'll give you a little operation!" The "doctor" in his white coat sneered and said, then Shang Yu saw that the "doctor" suddenly took out a cold shining scalpel from his pocket and walked quickly.

"What do you want to do?" Shang yudun screamed in horror. He wanted to jump out of bed, but his legs were broken and he was suspended with anesthetics. He couldn't even move, let alone come down. He watched the "doctor" like man walk over.

"Shang Yu, blame you for offending the wrong person. It's bad luck for you! Someone asked me to bring you a sentence, this time just let you less things, if you don't know the face, what's the matter with Zhao Xiaoyan, next time you will lose more than this thing! " With a sneer, the "doctor" man twisted the scalpel between Shang Yu's legs. Suddenly, a stream of blood gushed from the white patient's suit. The "doctor" man took the cut things, turned and quickly left the ward.

"Ah, it's killing me. Help, help!" Shang Yu rolled all over the bed in pain, even the bandage hanging on the bed was torn off. His shrill scream immediately alerted the nurses on duty on this floor, and the two nurses rushed over.

"What's the matter with you?" A nurse quickly helped Shang Yu and asked.

"It's killing me, it's killing me!" Shang Yu pressed between his legs, but the blood kept flowing out of his fingers. Another nurse immediately found that it was wrong.

"The lower part of him has been cut off. Ask the doctor to sew it back for him!" Another nurse called at once, and soon the doctor on duty at night was called over.

"Give him anesthesia first, prepare to stop bleeding and sew up the wound. What he cut off has been taken away. I'm afraid it's impossible to sew it back!" The doctor on duty at night checked Shang Yu's wound and said that Shang Yu was hurt and afraid when she heard this, and even fainted to death.

"This man is very handsome. What on earth did he do? He was so ruthless!" Soon Shang Yu was sent to the operating room, just two nurses on duty discussed.

"If not, more than one woman will be killed." Another nurse said, "I'm afraid I wouldn't have done it if I hadn't hated others so much!"

"I think it's an ordinary thing. If you think you can beat him at most, it's certainly not an ordinary thing! But it's a pity that he is so handsome! " Said the nurse who spoke earlier.

"What's the pity? Maybe it's a good thing. Otherwise, maybe he'll do harm to many girls!" Another nurse said disapprovingly.

At the same time, Zhao Fugui's three cars have just passed through the city center. It's too big to go to Beijing, with a permanent population of 20 million. Even though there are not many cars at midnight, the motorcade still can't drive out for a while.

"Headmaster, things have been done. Shangyu can't hurt people in the future!" Ren long in a car said to Zhao Fugui after receiving a phone call.

"How long will it take to get out of town?" Zhao Fugui nodded and asked. The longer he has been in Beijing, Zhao Fugui feels that the invisible pressure on him has not decreased, but has a growing trend. It is obvious that the dragon spirit of Shangjing has a great rejection of those people with special strength, and Shangjing does not welcome them at all.

"If it goes well, it will be more than half an hour!" Ren long looked at the time and said.

Three cars are on the city road in the middle of the night. The downtown of Shangjing has already been built. There are not many places to demolish and build. But after leaving the downtown area, some construction sites can still be seen. Just as Zhao Fugui's three cars are about to pass by a large construction site, two Mercedes Benz cars with double flashes suddenly rush past Come on, directly in front of Zhao Fugui's three cars.

"Creak!" The driver of the car in front of the three cars didn't expect that there would be someone else in front of his car on such a wide road with few cars in the middle of the night. When the driver saw a car suddenly appeared in front of him, he quickly stepped on the brake. The tire of the car suddenly made a sharp explosion, leaving two deep brake marks on the ground, a burst of tire The smell of chafing on the ground immediately diffused.The car in front of Zhao Fugui's team almost ran into a Mercedes Benz in the road. The driver was startled, and immediately pushed the door open and walked down from the car.

"What are you doing?" The driver angrily got out of the car and yelled at the Benz who was in the way.

But just at this time, a Mercedes Benz suddenly appeared. These Mercedes Benz drove directly, and in a twinkling of an eye, they surrounded Zhao Fugui's three cars. The total number of these cars was at least 20 or 30, all of which surrounded Zhao Fugui's three cars.

Dense Mercedes Benz cars blocked Zhao Fugui and them. Most of the eight Lane roads were blocked. These cars surrounded Zhao Fugui and them, and then all the people on the car came down. These guys were almost all men in their 20s and 30s, and in their early 30s.

The bodyguards of Ren's family in black suits immediately came down and looked at these guys with a dignified look. These guys are at least hundreds of people, and they are full of fierce breath. They are not gangsters. Although many of these bodyguards are real fighters, they can't give full play to their strength in the 10th floor of Shangjing. I'm afraid they are not rivals of these guys at all. These guys are obviously not good comers .

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