Super Monk

Chapter 2253

"Do you have enemies in Shangjing?" Zhao Fugui see so many breath fierce big gangster like guy around the car, immediately surprised to see a long asked. In a place like Shangjing, these experienced thugs who dare to fight and fight are easier to use than those who are really martial arts. A strong master in Shangjing is not as powerful as a half step master. A strong master in Shangjing is not as powerful as a fake master. A strong master in Shangjing is just like an ordinary person.

The stronger the real warrior is, the more oppressed he is in Shangjing. If Zhao Fugui is not included in the top ten experts of tianbang, I'm afraid Shangjing is not the opponent of the top ten thugs.

This is the reason why Zhenwu people hardly appear in Shangjing. No one wants to be blocked in Shangjing by enemies. Even those Zhenwu people who work in official departments will not easily enter Shangjing.

Obviously, it's not a sudden move to send so many big gangsters to surround them. There must be some gangsters in places like Shangjing, but I'm afraid there won't be too many. Many of these gangsters are temporarily transferred from the surrounding cities.

Zhao Fugui should not have such a powerful enemy in Shangjing, so his first suspicion is that these guys are coming for Ren long, and the person they want to deal with is Ren long.

"Headmaster, our Zhenwu circle has the rules of Zhenwu circle. It's a consensus that something in Zhenwu circle will not be solved in the capital! Even if someone does things quietly, you will send so many people so blatantly. These people should not come to me! " Ren long said with a bitter smile, he is a bit confused about the current situation.

"Go down and see what they want to do!" It's not Ren Long's enemy. Zhao Fugui frowns, pushes the door open and goes down. Zhao Xiaoyan also wants to get out of the car, but is stopped by a black suit bodyguard and doesn't let her down.

"Who are you? This is Ren's team. Don't ask for trouble! " The captain of the bodyguard in the black suit stares at the big gangsters surrounded and shouts that the Ren family's influence in Shangjing is also deep-rooted, and ordinary people dare not provoke them at all.

"Ren Jia? What a prestige, but what about the Ren family? Any family has to follow the rules. If they are in debt, they have to pay it back! " Chen Yong came down from a Mercedes Benz with a cigarette in his mouth and said with a sneer.

"In debt? I don't know who I owe or who I want to pay for such a big family business! " Ren long followed Zhao Fugui out of the car with both hands on his back. However, when he got off the car, he quietly made a gesture to the person behind him. Ren Long's driver immediately took out his mobile phone to make a phone call when he saw the gesture. Do these guys think Ren's family can't call?

But the driver took out the phone and found that the signal in this area had been blocked and the mobile phone couldn't get out at all. These guys had planned everything before they surrounded their three cars. There is a construction site behind here. There is no one at all in the early morning. No one will come here for a while. These guys are determined to deal with them.

"Ren long?" Chen Yong seems to know Ren long, but this guy doesn't seem to be a member of Zhenwu circle. If it's reasonable to know the owner outside Ren's family, he can know Ren long. This is unusual. Zhao Fugui frowns, feeling that this is becoming more and more strange. Moreover, it seems that these people really don't come to deal with Ren long.

As soon as Chen Yong's face changed, he didn't seem to expect Ren long to be here. There was a little hesitation on his face. He seemed to be a little afraid of Ren Long's identity. After hesitation, he quickly walked to the outside of another Mercedes Benz, said a few words through the window and the people in the car, and then walked back with a sneer.

"Mr. Ren, today's matter has nothing to do with your Ren family. If you don't care, we can help you as long as you hand over Zhao Fugui and Zhao Xiaoyan!" Chen Yong said with a sneer.

Zhao Fugui frowned. These guys came to him and Zhao Xiaoyan. Are they the people invited by Shang Yu? But if Shang Yu has so much energy, can he still eat soft food?

"How dare you not pay attention to our family? If you want to move the leader, you must pass my Ren long pass first! " As soon as Ren Long's face changes, he shouts harshly. He's a great master. He's greatly suppressed by the dragon spirit of Shangjing. I'm afraid his strength is similar to that of the ordinary huajinger masters of the outer gate. Moreover, he's old and frail. I'm afraid he may not be the opponent of the ordinary dark strength masters of the outer gate.

Here, Ren long, an ordinary gangster, has no problem fighting a dozen or twenty, or twenty or thirty. But when he meets this kind of fierce gangster, I'm afraid he can't even deal with ten or eight. But now he can't flinch in front of Zhao Fugui.

"Hum, I don't pay attention to Zhao Fugui, who is the second in the list of heaven. I'll give you face and tell you to be the head of the family. If I don't give you face, you're nothing. I'll get out of my way quickly!" Chen Yong spat out a mouthful of phlegm and dropped it at Ren Long's feet. He said with disdain that he didn't give Ren long any face. Moreover, Chen Yong knew Ren long and knew that Zhao Fugui was the second strongest man in tianbang. Obviously, he knew Zhenwu circle very well.

"To die!" As soon as Ren Long's face changes, his figure moves and he goes with the wind. Although he is not the opponent of so many big gangsters, even if his strength is suppressed severely, it is not difficult to kill Chen Yong. But when Ren long rushes to Chen Yong, Chen Yong suddenly escapes from his body with a black pistol and points at Ren long with a sneer. Ren Long's figure stops abruptly.If the strength is not suppressed, a pistol is not afraid of Ren Long's strength, but now a pistol is enough to kill him.

"How dare you shoot in Shangjing?" Ren Long's face became extremely gloomy and ugly. He asked coldly.

"I dare not move too many guns, but it's not difficult to get one or two out. Besides, if this gun is used, no one knows, it will be used!" Chen Yong said with a smile. Ren long looks ugly and wants to talk, but Zhao Fugui stops him with a wave.

"So you are making such a big battle in Shangjing today to deal with me?" Zhao Fugui casually walked to the front, looking at Chen Yong light asked.

"Ha ha, Zhao Shenhua is the second strongest man in tianbang. How dare we ask you for any trouble?" When Chen Yong saw Zhao Fugui coming, his face changed slightly, and his gun became tighter. After all, Zhao Fugui was the second most powerful man in the myth level in the world. No one had ever been to Beijing. No one knew how much strength they had left. Chen Yong could not be nervous. "We don't dare to trouble Zhao Shenhua, but it's not in line with the rules for your sister to leave because she owes us money."

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