Super Monk

Chapter 2274

"Colonel Li, it's like this before we start. It seems that the team is not very easy to lead!" Zhao Fugui said casually. The middle-aged people in military uniform look embarrassed. These observers are not from the Moon Palace. They don't know who Zhao Fugui is or the danger of variants. Even the experts who have seen several variants don't have a clear understanding of the danger of this mission.

In the face of variants, it is never safe, even in the world's first power. In North America, there is no more than a vast land and few people. When dealing with some variants that do not appear in big cities, heavy weapons can be directly used. This is an advantage over China, but it is not enough to make the task more secure.

To tell you the truth, according to the meaning of the Moon Palace, there is no need to send any action team at all, just send Zhao Fugui alone. But the think tanks above need information and intelligence on global variants, so as to analyze the threats of variants on a global scale. In addition, we need to see whether these variants are the conspiracies of hostile countries or the enemies faced by all mankind .

It was for these reasons that this operation team finally appeared. However, in the operation team, except for three conventional fighters and two intelligence officers, the other five observers did not see any living mutants. They did not know the horror of mutants at all, so this situation appeared.

"Aidong, pack up your things and go away at once!" Captain Lee cried with an ugly face.

"What? I'm sent from above. Why should you drive me away? " Aidong's face changed and he cried in a panic. In order to take part in this mission, he went abroad to gild his family, but he found a lot of people. In addition, the mission was arranged and coordinated above, so AI Dong didn't pay attention to Zhao Fugui. He thought that Zhao Fugui couldn't move him. Unexpectedly, it was only Zhao Fugui's words. Colonel Li, who was responsible for arranging their trip to North America, wanted to drive him away. AI Dong was immediately flustered.

"If there is any objection above, I will explain it, and so will other people. Everyone must obey Mr. Zhao's order, and no one can object to Mr. Zhao's order!" Colonel Li's eyes swept directly across the faces of the others, and said solemnly.

Even Jiang Dahai, Fang Nan and Li Wei look surprised. Unexpectedly, Zhao Fugui is so powerful and supports him. They are experts in their own fields. What's the origin of Zhao Fugui? How can you command them?

Aidong's face suddenly turned pale. If he was driven away, his desire to go abroad to gild would be dashed.

"Don't be surprised, Mr. Zhao, when we are young, we can't leave alone. Let me be a peacemaker and let Xiao AI apologize to Mr. Zhao. It's over now! " Jiang Dahai coughed and said, after all, Aidong came out in order to make him the team leader, and he had to come out to make peace.

"Look, Mr. Zhao?" Col. Li doesn't want to make things too rigid. After all, everyone has a task. What's more, Jiang Dahai is also an expert in the industry. He doesn't want to give any face, but in the final analysis, Zhao Fugui has to nod his head. These experts don't know, but he knows very well that the success or failure of this mission and the safety of these experts and scholars depend on Zhao Fugui.

"That's it!" Zhao Fugui doesn't bother to argue with AI Dong. When he looks at this guy, he doesn't know the importance of this mission. I'm afraid he thinks that this is a gilded man going abroad. When he really faces the variant, he will know what fear means.

"Xiao AI, what are you still doing? Don't apologize to Mr. Zhao soon! " Jiang Dahai said to AI Dong.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhao!" AI Dong's face is a little ugly. He reluctantly tells Zhao Fugui that although he is not willing to be driven away, he can only bow his head and apologize. After apologizing, Aidong sat back with a blue face and felt that he had lost face in front of Li Wei.

Colonel Li mainly introduced three experts. Two of them didn't introduce them at all. To put it bluntly, they all came to gild. They are dispensable. Unfortunately, they miscalculated this time. This time, they didn't come to gild casually.

As for the three conventional fighters and intelligence officers, they are all from the Moon Palace. There is no need to introduce them. They know Zhao Fugui, and Zhao Fugui knows them.

After the introduction, Col. Li's face became serious and said in a deep voice, "we have made clear the main task of this time. I hope you can be more vigilant, be more careful and come back safely after completing the task. Now get your things ready and board in five minutes! "

"What kind of mutant is it? Is it a person who has been stimulated by nuclear pollution to mutate? It's like those weird people with eyes across the mountain? " AI Dong glanced at the mission data in a hurry and muttered that the word variant frequently appeared in the mission data. However, AI Dong and another Tao man who came to fight did not know what the variant was. Those experts had at least seen the corpse of the variant, but they had not even seen the corpse of the variant.

"Maybe it is. Now the environmental pollution is more and more serious. Last year, I followed them to inspect a heavily polluted industrial area when I was working in the Ministry of environmental protection. Unexpectedly, I saw a mouse about the size of a cat under a drainage ditch. You didn't see it with your own eyes. Only when you saw it with your own eyes did you know the horror of mice. The mice looked at us like food. Fortunately, it was daytime and there were many of us. If we met alone at night, it would be terrible! " Tao man shook his head and said."I hope we don't meet those strange things this time!" AI Dong said, just at this time, he saw Li Wei was packing up his things and quickly trotted over and said, "Dr. Li, I'll help you with your things!"

"No, I'll do it myself." Li Wei puts her bag on her back and doesn't give Aidong the chance to be courteous. Li Wei looks like a fashionable girl, but she is far more independent than the ordinary fashionable girl.

"Sister AI, help you with the things!" At this time, Fang Nan said.

"OK, sister Fang, I'll take it for you!" AI Dong looks at Fang Nan, who looks like a ripe peach. Li Wei takes a look at him, and a look of disdain flashes in her eyes.

"See if your things have fallen. If not, go now. Let's go!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

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