Super Monk

Chapter 2275

Twenty minutes later, a small private plane took off from Mordor airport. Soon after, the boundless sea appeared in front of us. The private plane flew over the sea and began to fly towards North America.

Sitting on a private plane, Zhao Fugui is thinking. According to the information obtained by the Moon Palace, there are signs of variants all over the world. Basically, there are no exceptions in the seven continents. In particular, the chaos and destruction caused by the variants in some war-torn and economically underdeveloped areas are still very serious. If it wasn't for the poverty, backwardness and chaos in those areas, and the lack of attention, plus the joint efforts of several major powers to block the news, I'm afraid the news of the variants would have been on the mainstream media for a long time.

However, even so, at present, several major powers still do not pay enough attention to the variants. On the one hand, there is not enough evidence to prove the number of these variants. On the other hand, all major powers have strong confidence in their own weapons and equipment. They all think that the threat of variants is far less than that of other big powers. Therefore, although they have begun to pay attention to the issue of variants, they have not devoted their efforts to deal with it.

"If variants are found all over the world, it means that there are not only one seal, but many seals?" Zhao Fugui integrated these intelligence together and quietly began to analyze. He had a dialogue with the mutant, but Yuegong never had one. The reason for this is not clear to Zhao Fugui. It seems that the mutant did not regard the people in Yuegong as an opponent of the same level, so there is no need to communicate, even if they were killed or caught. Zhao Fugui is different from any other mutant No one seems to dare to despise Zhao Fugui.

"What are you thinking, Mr. Zhao?" While Zhao Fugui was thinking, a clear female voice rang up and asked. Li Wei put her bag aside. She didn't know when she had sat down and asked. She was very curious about Zhao Fugui. Chinese people are generally led by older people. Young people are considered to be unstable and unreliable. It's certain that Zhao Fugui can be the leader of their action team There is a reason.

"Nothing, just a little thought!" As soon as Zhao Fugui opened his eyes, he saw Li Wei's smiling white face and said casually.

"Where is Mr. Zhao from? Your accent sounds like that in Central China! " Li Wei didn't seem to notice Zhao Fugui's indifferent attitude. Maybe she did, but she didn't show it. Li Wei, as a beautiful woman with both talent and appearance, is the focus of attention everywhere. Zhao Fugui's attitude not only didn't make her angry, but also aroused Li Wei's curiosity.

Zhao Fugui is young. Although he looks good and seems to be strong, it is not enough for him to become the leader of the operation team, especially the danger of their being stressed again and again. If Zhao Fugui has no special ability, how can he become their captain.

"I'm from Rongcheng, central China. Where is Dr. Li from?" Seeing that Li Wei was so enthusiastic, Zhao Fugui asked casually.

"I'm from Shangjing. I used to work in a laboratory under the Academy of Defense Science and technology! Mr. Zhao, which unit did you come from before and how did you participate in this action? Are you also an expert in some aspect? " Li Wei asked.

"I'm not a unit. If I want to be a unit, I'm in the special service bureau in Central China. I'm the director of the special service branch there! As for the experts, I'm half an expert on variants! " Zhao Fugui said.

"Secretary? Or the director of the secret unit, who are you cheating? Is there such a young chief of secret service in Huaxia? " Aidong said sarcastically.

AI Dong from Li Wei's side took the initiative to talk to Zhao Fugui. They all deliberately kept their distance. Li Wei took the initiative to talk to Zhao Fugui. AI Dong was more and more upset. Moreover, now that the plane had taken off, he was not worried that the plane would turn around and send him back, so he began to jump up again.

"Mr. AI, I'm talking to Mr. Zhao. Can you stop interrupting me?" Before Zhao Fugui opened his mouth, Li Wei said discontentedly that this AI Dong is lustful and has no ability. Li Wei didn't want to talk to him for a long time, just because everyone is colleagues in the future. Therefore, she left a little face for AI Dong. She didn't expect that AI Dong's interruptions twice or three times were disgusting.

"Dr. Li, I'm doing it for your own good. I'm afraid you'll be cheated!" Aidong's face was ugly and embarrassed.

"Xiao AI, Mr. Zhao can be our leader. Maybe Mr. Zhao is an expert in some aspects, such as mutants. Doesn't Mr. Zhao say that he is an expert in mutants? I don't know if Mr. Zhao has ever been involved in the dissection of variants? I've been involved in two autopsies of mutants, and I think I'm an expert in this field! " Jiang Dahai said with some pride.

"I haven't dissected the variants. There's no need to dissect them. Just kill them!" Zhao Fugui said lightly.

"Mr. Zhao killed those mutants?" Hearing this, Jiang Dahai's expression suddenly became serious. Even there was a trace of fear in his eyes. Even the corpses were so terrible, let alone alive. Not only Jiang Dahai, but also Li Wei and Fang Nan are serious. They have never seen living mutants, but they can imagine the horror of those mutants."Killed a few!" Zhao Fugui said casually.

Jiang daheidon's face changed and he looked at the other people in the Moon Palace. However, he found that the people in the Moon Palace had no intention of refuting. It was obvious that Zhao Fugui was telling the truth. Can kill those variants, no wonder can become the captain of the action team, Jiang Dahai immediately dare not to think about the position of captain.

"Mr. Zhao, we will be colleagues in the future. If we are in danger, I hope you can help us, Mr. Zhao!" Jiang Dahai said with a smile.

"If you can follow my orders and don't run around, I will naturally protect your safety. You can rest assured about that!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Of course, we will follow your orders!" Jiang Dahai nodded repeatedly and said that AI Dong was stunned. He couldn't understand that Jiang Dahai was very dissatisfied with Zhao Fugui as the team leader. How could Jiang Dahai's attitude change so quickly after just a few words.

"Colonel, the information from North America has been sent. This Bob Smith is the one who contacted us!" Just at this time, a Yuegong intelligence officer came up with an iPad and handed it to Zhao Fugui.

AI Dong's face suddenly changed and his neck shrank quietly. Zhao Fugui was actually a colonel. How could such a young colonel be provoked by him?

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