Super Monk

Chapter 2276

The iPad shows the appearance of a black officer. Zhao Fugui's plane will land directly at Texas Air Force base. When they get off the plane, Zhao Fugui will go directly to the black officer Bob Smith. Zhao Fugui took a look at the officer on the information, nodded, and handed the iPad to the intelligence agent sent by the Moon Palace.

The task of these three intelligence agents is to collect first-hand information about foreign variants, so that the moon side can analyze the correlation between foreign variants and domestic variants, and see if they are related and whether there is any internal connection. The more information about variants collected now, the more useful they may be in the future.

"Mr. Zhao, have you really killed the mutant? What kind of mutants did you kill? The appearance of the ox is similar to that of the black ox, but it can melt from a distance! " Li Wei's eyes show a strange light of excitement. Some girls have some strange hobbies, such as eating. Li Wei's biggest hobby is all kinds of strange creatures. Mutants are strange species that have never appeared on the earth. Her interest in this kind of creatures is far beyond that of men.

"It's not magic, it's not magic, it's not magic!" he said Aidong said to himself, but now he's a good student. He doesn't dare to interrupt. His voice is very low. Only he can hear it.

Since knowing that Zhao Fugui is a colonel, and may also be the director of the Special Service Bureau Branch, Aidong dare not interrupt at will. Can such a young captain be an ordinary person? If you offend him, it will be bad luck if you are crushed to death.

"I killed several variants. I hope you can remember that any variant is extremely dangerous. There is no need to stay away from the variant!" Zhao Fugui looked at the three experts seriously and said in a deep voice.

"We are only required to observe the mutants from a distance this time. We will never approach those dangerous monsters casually!" Jiang Dahai said quickly.

"Mr. Zhao, if you have a chance, can you show me the mutants? I want to touch the living mutants. When we were in China, the only living body that was close to the mutants was still under heavy protection. They allowed us to approach the mutants after they anesthetized them!" Li Wei looked at Zhao Fugui pitifully and said in supplication.

"No, unless you want to die!" Zhao Fugui flatly refused without hesitation, saying that even Zhao did not dare to take it lightly because of the strangeness of the variant, but he took Li Wei to touch a living variant without protection, unless Li Wei wanted to die.

"Mr. Zhao, please, since you can kill the mutant, you must be very strong. I have never touched a living mutant. Would you please satisfy my wish?" Li Wei begged desperately and even used the coquettish means she was not good at. Unfortunately, these means didn't work at all.

After more than ten hours of private aircraft entering North American airspace, a US Air Force aircraft took off, confirmed the purpose of the visit to the private aircraft, and then flew to Texas Air Force base.

"Here we are, ready to get off the plane!" After a while, the captain's voice sounded in the cabin of the private plane, and then the private plane began to land. Looking out of the window, Zhao Fugui can see a huge air force base under the private aircraft. This air force base has many airplanes, fighters, helicopters, transport planes, all kinds of airplanes. In addition, there are even many armored vehicles and military Humvees.

Dezhou air force base is only a second tier air force base within the territory of the United States. Some of the most advanced aircraft rarely use this airport. Obviously, the United States is also guarding against Zhao Fugui and a group of people to avoid divulging any military secrets.

The private plane began to slide on the runway, and the speed became slower and slower. Finally, it stopped slowly at the designated position, and the random cabin door opened. Zhao Fugui was the first to go down.

"Welcome, my dear friends. I'm Bob. I'll take charge of this" happy "trip for you all." A black man chewing gum and wearing casual clothes was waiting outside the plane. As soon as Zhao Fugui appeared, the guy came up to give Zhao Fugui a warm hug, and he spoke fluent English.

"I'm Zhao Fugui, the person in charge of the Huaxia side of this operation team!" Zhao Fugui and Bob hugged and shook hands.

"Ah, Zhao, you are so big. I think we will be good friends!" Bob Smith said happily, and then this guy wanted to hug Li Wei, who was closely behind Zhao Fugui, but Li Wei directly blocked him and shook hands with him.

"Everyone, welcome to the United States. Please don't mind the bad weather and bad environment here. Those stupid people in Congress only approved this place for us. Come on, I'll show you our command room!" Bob warmly shook hands with the crowd and hugged them. He jumped into a military Humvee. There were three military Humvees waiting outside the plane. All the drivers were wearing casual clothes and sunglasses. They looked like people in black.

"Get in the car!" Zhao Fugui looked back and said hello to the people of the operation team. Then he sat in the military Humvee and asked, "what army do you belong to? Why don't you wear military uniform?""Zhao, although we use some things from the air force base, we are not those annoying air force guys! We don't belong to the military, but to a joint group of Congress. Our boss is a few members of the Senate. Of course, they usually don't care about things. Those national affairs are enough to annoy them. As long as we don't make a big mess, they won't care about us! " Bob laughed a few times and said, "in fact, we're in the sixth inning, just like the guys who manage aliens in the man in black movie. Maybe those strange monsters are aliens!"

After a while, three military Humvees drove to a hangar at the farthest of the military airport. But now the hangar has been completely rebuilt and divided into upper and lower layers. On the lower layer, there are many soldiers in military vests going in and out, busy with their own equipment and weapons. Next to them, there are more military Humvees, and even the main station and tanks armed helicopter.

"These guys are Marines. They're under our command. Those guys in Congress don't take those monsters seriously at all. How can those idiots who only sit in the office know the horror of those monsters? What a bunch of assholes! They even cut our budget! " Bob nagged, "follow me up, I'll show you the command room!"

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