Super Monk

Chapter 2282

The pilot of a long bow Apache screamed in horror, and then it pulled the nose fiercely. Under the strong power, the long bow Apache immediately made a super maneuvering action, climbing up at an angle of 70 or 80 degrees. If it wasn't for the cobra action, the helicopter's climbing speed was not fast enough, I'm afraid the pilot would make a cobra action to climb out of the helicopter at the first time DANGER.

The long bow Apache began to climb rapidly under the support of the strong power of the helicopter, but in an instant, a giant insect rushed over. It was like a meat grinder and bit the tail of the long bow Apache. The propeller at the tail of the long bow Apache tore a huge hole in the giant insect's mouth, but the giant insect didn't care and bit the tail of the helicopter .

"Creak!" Apache Longbow desperately want to pull up, but it is impossible to pull giant insects out of the desert, giant insects bite off the tail of Apache Longbow.

At the moment when the giant insect bit off the tail of the long bow Apache, a stream of black smoke came out of the tail of the long bow Apache. The whole armed helicopter lost control instantly and fell directly to the ground. But before the armed helicopter fell into the desert, another giant insect had bitten the helicopter hard and directly tore the fuselage with the huge mouth of a meat grinder Our driver dug it out.

"Rogue one crash, repeat, rogue one crash, God!" The other long bow Apache didn't pull up directly, but tried to fly away from the huge meat insects. The pilot screamed in horror. Two black eagles at high altitude tried their best to shoot with heavy machine guns, but they could only watch the two long bows Apache crash one after another.

The second long bow Apache had just dodged a giant meat worm. Before it took the opportunity to pull up, the second meat worm had rushed over and bit the belly of the armed helicopter, directly tearing a huge hole in the armed helicopter. The helicopter struggled powerlessly in mid air and was torn to pieces by the first attacking insect.

High up in the sky, two black eagles climbed again until they reached the height of nearly 200 meters, which is equivalent to the height of 70 or 80 stories. From this height, the giant insects in the desert became smaller.

The two Black Hawk helicopters were dead. In North America, there were almost never such huge casualties when dealing with variants. In the past, only when heavy weapons could not be used in big cities and urban areas could there be relatively serious casualties. This is the first time that such heavy casualties have occurred in this desert no man's land.

Fang Daguo took a high-resolution camera to record all this. His mission this time is to record these mutants encountered in North America. The mutants in North America are indeed different from those in China, or most of them are different.

Most of the people in the Black Hawk helicopter are pale looking at all this. The fire light rising from the wreckage of the three helicopters looms in the desert. At least a dozen giant worms appear from under the desert. When they watch the two Black Hawks in mid air, they can't deal with these giant worms with the firepower of the heavy machine guns on the two Black Hawks.

"Damn, damn!" Bob's dark face showed a look of fear. He was stunned and hit the Black Hawk's cabin with a violent blow. No one thought that their action would have such heavy casualties before they set out.

"Do you have a backup plan? If not, I can help you to see what's under the desert! " Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

"Can you deal with these giant insects alone?" Bob said grimly, and he immediately began to contact the base. "The mission failed. We suffered a lot. A group of mutants hid under the desert. Send me fighters and blow them up!"

"Mission failure, team B cancel deployment, activate plan C, hurry up!" The base started operation immediately. Team B was originally a ground force, but now the operation of this ground force has been cancelled directly, and plan C has replaced Team B's operation.

Ten minutes later, four F16s loaded with ground penetrating bombs and aerial bombs took off from Texas Air Force base and flew directly to Bob's location of operation. F16 is a kind of multi-purpose fighter, which can carry air-to-air combat missiles, various air-to-surface missiles, precision guided bombs, conventional bombs, and even nuclear bombs. It is a kind of multi-purpose fighter with fierce firepower, but a single aircraft can only carry nine missiles at most.

"Show them where they are, send these damn mutants to God!" Soon after, several small black spots appeared on the horizon, and Bob growled at the earphone.

The Marine soldiers on another Black Hawk helicopter immediately turned on the mini laser transmitter installed on the assault rifle, and the laser dots immediately shone on the giant worms in the desert.

In the blink of an eye, four fighters roared by, each carrying two large equivalent earth penetrating bombs. In a moment, eight earth penetrating bombs flew directly to those giant creeping missiles.

"Boom boom boom!" Eight ground penetrating bombs went deep into the sand and exploded deep in the sand. Zhao Fugui could see that the whole sand layer of the desert was shaking, and even several low sand dunes around him began to collapse. The remains of those giant worms on the ground suddenly flew into the sky, and the bodies of one giant worm were torn to pieces."Damn mutants, blow them up and send them to God!" Bob gritted his teeth and yelled, this time so many soldiers were killed and several armed helicopters were lost. If Bob didn't go to the military court, he might have other big problems.

"Now they are dead. They must be finished with such fierce fire!" Jiang Dahai murmured that it would be terrible if those giant worms didn't die with such fierce firepower.

"Another round of air bombs, blow up this place for me!" Bob yelled angrily, four fighters turned around to drop the bomb, but at this time Zhao Fugui's face changed.

"Something's coming up!" At this time, Zhao Fugui's face suddenly changed and said in a deep voice.

"Roar!" The huge sand layer on the ground rises high, the whole sand layer shakes, and a huge thing like a hill on the ground slowly comes out from under the sand.

"My God, so many cars!" Li Wei looked at the scene in shock and murmured that there were wrecked cars all over the huge monster's body on the ground. There were at least hundreds of these cars. They were like layers of armor covering the monster's body. The monster's body was like a car cemetery.

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