Super Monk

Chapter 2283

"Damn, this monster must have existed long before we deployed UAVs. With so many missing cars, it must have devoured at least a thousand people!" Bob said with a look of horror. Intercontinental highway in North America is different from Huaxia highway. Huaxia highway is closed, and every entrance and exit has a camera. Even if a car is missing on the highway, it is easy to determine the location.

However, it is different in the United States. The intercontinental highways in the United States are open, and will pass through numerous no man's land and sparsely populated areas. The management and supervision of these intercontinental highways can only rely on the state police. In many cases, if a person is missing on an interstate highway, basically finding an abandoned vehicle can determine the location of the incident.

However, it's hard to know which state the missing person was in, let alone which section of the road. What's more, North America alone has more than 100000 people missing in one year. Many of them go alone. Their families don't know that even if hundreds of cars are missing here, they are not found. This is absolutely impossible on China's expressways. No man's land is possible.

Zhao Fugui's face is completely dignified. The mutant relies on blood food to recover its strength and become powerful. The monster has devoured hundreds or thousands of people, and its strength is still unknown. If the mutant itself is extremely powerful, it will be difficult to deal with it.

"Blow it up, kill it, kill it!" Bob cried out in horror. He didn't expect that there was such a big guy hiding just over 100 kilometers away from the air force base. If this big guy could easily move under the sand, he might suddenly appear outside the air force base and destroy the whole air force base overnight.

The monster must have been hiding deep in the sand before, hunting with only a few giant worms, which may be one of the reasons why it can hide for so long without being found. At first, the mutant was very weak, so it acted cautiously. As its strength became stronger and bigger, the monster became more and more courageous, so it was discovered by UAV.

The huge monster was attacked by the ground penetrating bomb, and part of the wreckage of the car had been destroyed long ago. The monster was like a pile of disgusting ferocious meat mountain, and those giant worms were like terrible pork tapeworms drilled out of its body. The number of these giant worms was tens of hundreds, and only a small part of these giant worms was destroyed by the ground penetrating bomb just now.

Four F16 fighter planes also found this huge terror monster. Four F16 fighter planes flew from low altitude and instantly threw laser guided bombs at the monster. An aerial bomb bombed the huge monster like a carpet bomb.

The huge explosion sounded madly, small mushroom clouds rose from the ground, and the sky fire almost covered the desert. But at this time, the disgusting sarcomatous monsters stood up and spewed out disgusting white mucus from their mouths.

Just as the giant worms spewed out disgusting white mucus, some laser guided aerial bombs also fell on the giant monster. In an instant, the disgusting flesh and blood of the giant monster began to fly in the sky.

"What is that?" Bob's face changed greatly, and he looked at the white mucus that was coming like a lot of shells in horror.

"Pull up, pull up now!" Zhao Fugui immediately yelled to the Black Hawk's driver, as long as it's the variant, nothing is good.

"What is this big ugly bug spraying?" The pilot of an F16 stepped on the gas pedal fiercely. The F16 speeded up and wanted to rush out of the desert. But just as the F16 speeded up, a mass of white mucus hit the plane.

"Bang!" The cockpit cover of the F16 was smashed and cracked instantly, and white mucus poured into the cockpit, drowning everything in the cockpit. The pilot of the F16 struggled hard. He wanted to wipe off the mucus outside the mask, but immediately found that he couldn't do it. The disgusting mucus was like a very strong glue, which stuck him in an instant.

"Boom!" The pilot of the F16 couldn't even lift his foot from the accelerator of the plane, so he could only let the fighter accelerate wildly. After a few seconds, he crashed into the desert and turned into a burning fire.

A laser guided missile on the weapon carrier of another F16 was hit by a mass of white mucus and stuck directly on the wing just before the fuze was launched. When the pilot found that it was wrong, he immediately ejected it. At the moment when he was ejected, the laser guided bomb exploded.

"Pull up, pull up, pull up!" Bob yelled in horror with a tone changing voice. This damned monster even has a long-range attack method, which has never happened before.

With Zhao Fugui's warning, this Black Hawk helicopter pulled up one step ahead of time, but the other Black Hawk helicopter was not so lucky. The Black Hawk pilot's reaction speed was too slow. When he just wanted to pull up, he was hit by a mass of disgusting white mucus.

The disgusting white mucus directly hit the propeller of the Black Hawk helicopter. Under the huge mucus, the propeller of the helicopter stopped rotating, and the whole helicopter stalled instantly and fell to the ground."God Seeing this, Bob murmured in horror.

"Get out of the way, we're going to be hit!" Just at this time, Li Wei suddenly screamed in horror. She grabbed Zhao Fugui's arm and looked at a mass of white mucus under the plane. She immediately hit the helicopter.

"It's too late. We're dead. I'm just here to gild. Why is that?" Aidong looked at the mass of mucus in despair, his legs trembled, a smell of Sao smelled diffuse out, and he was scared to urinate directly.

"God bless, God bless!" Jiang Dahai was so scared that he was about to faint. His whole body was shaking like a sieve. He kept shouting in horror.

Bob looked at the group of mucus getting closer and closer, and his face also showed a look of despair. The senior commander of the sixth Bureau in North America had not been killed. It seemed that he would be the first one to cover the national flag, which was better than going to the military court. This idea suddenly appeared in Bob's head.

"You underestimate these mutants!" Zhao Fugui calmly looked at the mass of mucus, reached into the void and grabbed it. A huge golden palm suddenly appeared under the helicopter and put the mass of white mucus in his hands. The huge explosion on the ground also began to stop slowly.

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