Super Monk

Chapter 2284

"Are you a reformer? No, no, you don't have the power to transform people! " Bob looked at Zhao Fugui in shock, as if he never thought that Zhao Fugui would have such power.

"True warrior?" Li Wei blurted out in disbelief that she was one of the main experts in the secret laboratory under the Academy of Defense Science and technology, and knew many secrets. Among them, she had heard some secrets about the real martial arts, but Li Wei had never seen the real martial arts before. Now when she saw Zhao Fugui's hand, she immediately thought that she was the real martial arts.

AI Dong and Tao man look at Zhao Fugui in horror. They have never heard of a real warrior, and they don't know what power Zhao Fugui has. AI Dong even wants to slap himself in the face. If he had known Zhao Fugui had such power, he would have dared to talk.

Fang Nan and Jiang Dahai are also shocked and scared. If Zhao Fugui didn't have such strength, I'm afraid their Black Hawk would have crashed long ago, and they all turned into a corpse.

"Continue to pull up, this monster's attack height is at least one kilometer or so!" Zhao Fugui didn't pay attention to the problems of the people in the engine room. He frowned at the burning desert and said in a deep voice.

"Zhao, you are an angel sent by God to save us. Pull up, pull up, don't want to die, fly higher for me Cried Bob excitedly for the rest of his life.

"Yes, sir!" The Black Hawk helicopter pilot quickly continued to pull up the plane, and soon flew to an altitude of one or two kilometers, which was beyond the attack range of the giant monster.

"My God, this monster is not dead yet!" At the same time, the two escaped F16 fighters were also pulled up to high altitude and came back from high altitude. At an altitude of two or three thousand meters, the giant monster was not much bigger than a rat, but it was obvious that they could see that the giant monster was not dead.

"God, it's still moving!" Another fighter pilot also cried in horror. With their bombing firepower just now, even a tank regiment in the desert has been bombed into the sky. Although not all the laser guided bombs bombed on this giant monster in the bombing just now, the number of bombs bombed on it was also quite large. I didn't expect that even this could not kill this giant monster.

Finally, in the remaining Black Hawk helicopter, Bob took a military telescope to look at the desert under the helicopter. The fire light in the desert gradually disappeared, and the ground around the giant monster was bombed with potholes and huge craters appeared. The giant monster's body was also blown up. I'm afraid that there were at least 100 meters of dense giant worms on its body, and half of them were blown up.

More than half of the car wreckage piled up on it also disappeared. Although the bombing just now failed to kill the monster, it has seriously damaged it.

"Damn it, keep bombing and blow it up to heaven!" When Bob saw that the monster was still alive, he yelled in a shrill voice of surprise and anger.

"We have no bombs!" The drivers of the two F16s looked at their ammunition and showed that all their weapons had been used up in the previous round.

"Damn it, you go back to base!" Bob said with an ugly face, this monster is not only very huge, but also has a lot of attack means. The mutant that ate nearly a thousand people in this way has never been encountered in North America. The heavy loss of this operation is not his own problem, but in any case, he has to eliminate this monster, otherwise not only he will not be able to make the difference, but also the intercontinental highway will be cut off .

It used to be this monster that ate people when he was hungry. Now this monster is so seriously injured. In order to recover from the injury, this monster may attack anyone who passes through this intercontinental highway. Although the state police have blocked this highway, it is impossible to block this intercontinental highway for a long time without proper reasons.

"Mount the air to ground missile for long-range strike, continue to take off F16, send this monster to God!" Bob contacted the command room of the air force base again and yelled angrily. Dealing with these variants is confidential even within the military. Although these F16 and armed helicopters are parked at the Texas Air Force base, they are actually secret forces with special establishment, and only use part of the runway and hangar of the Texas Air Force base.

In the past, it was not very difficult to deal with variants, so the air force of the sixth Bureau was relatively small. There were only a dozen F16s and twenty or thirty armed helicopters. Two F16s and four Black Hawks have been lost in the attack just now. These things are not just there.

Although the fighter planes and armed helicopters in Texas Air Force base are hiding, this kind of secret operation can not authorize the ordinary air force to attack. It can only be solved by the sixth Bureau itself. If the loss is too large, it will have a great impact on the operation of the sixth Bureau. We should know that the sixth bureau is not only in charge of this area.

"Continue to send out two F16s. If there is something wrong with the plane, we can only send out armored forces. Today's loss has exceeded the plan!" Another commander of the air force base said grimly.

"This mutant sent by Satan is too big. Only God knows that this monster has been hiding beside us for so long. The UAV sends back the pictures. You can see for yourself!" Bob said unhappily.

The UAV, which has been flying here for high-altitude investigation, immediately passes the pictures back to the base. In an instant, the base quiets down. Almost everyone stops working and looks at the monitoring screen in horror."God, this must be the devil from hell!" A middle-aged female staff member looked at the monitor screen in horror, drew a cross in front of her chest, and said with great fear that many civil servants in the command room had the same expression as the middle-aged woman.

This giant monster is at least 300 meters long and nearly 100 meters high, which is about the size of a medium-sized aircraft carrier. I'm afraid it has eaten more than a few hundred people. It lurked here and dragged hundreds of cars. I'm afraid it has eaten at least one or two thousand people.

This kind of monster is much bigger than the blood sucking giant that Zhao Fugui dealt with before, not to mention in North America, even in China, or at least not found. Huaxia has been dealing with these variants for several years, not to mention North America. No wonder these office workers are scared.

"Two fighters have been launched, and the air to surface missile has been targeted. It can attack the variant at any time!" It was at this moment that someone immediately reported.

"Attack Bob ordered without hesitation that the two F16s were not close to the desert there at all. They launched air to surface missiles nearly 100 kilometers away, and the wake of missiles appeared in the sky immediately.

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