Super Monk

Chapter 2285

Two F16 fighters launched four air-to-surface missiles at one time, then launched four air-to-surface missiles again in the second round of attack, and eight air-to-surface missiles in two rounds instantly flew to the giant monster.

Two rounds of air to surface missiles were launched, and two F16 fighters immediately flew sideways, ready to circle for the second wave of attack. They were not close to where the giant monsters were, so that the monsters could not attack them. This is also one of the advantages of human beings in the face of variants. Human beings have many means of super long-range attack, even in hundreds of kilometers away can attack variants, but variants are almost impossible to have such ability.

"Here they are Soon, people saw several black spots flying from Texas Air Force base with long trails. These black spots appeared, but the shrill sound of missile flight did not sound. That's because the speed of these missiles has exceeded the speed of sound, and the speed of sound transmission is not as fast as these missiles.

"Look, that giant monster has also found the attack!" Jiang Dahai also held a pair of military binoculars in his hand, and pointed to the ground in horror and screamed. Other people could not see clearly without binoculars. Zhao Fugui looked down at the desert on the ground, and saw that the central part of the giant monster's body slowly split, from which a huge eye with a length of at least tens of meters appeared, and the direction that the eye was looking at was not clear It's the direction of the air to surface missile.

Zhao Fugui's heart sank, the variant's body almost won't grow useless things, if this huge eyeball has any special ability, it will be in trouble.

"Watch out, it's starting to squirt mucus again!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice, just after the huge eyeball appeared, the giant flesh worms of the giant monster stretched out straight out again, and spewed thick mucus to the direction of the air to ground missile.

"Poop, poop, poop, poop!" Dozens of clouds of mucus shot out like raindrops and shot at the four air to surface missiles. In the blink of an eye, these white mucus appeared in front of the air to surface missiles. Most of the mucus failed and did not touch the air to surface missiles at all. Only two air to surface missiles just hit the mucus.

One of the two air-to-surface missiles was completely unaffected and continued to shoot at the giant monster, while the other air-to-surface missile was hit by two successive jets of mucus. I don't know what was damaged, but the air-to-surface missile fell askew and directly into the desert.

Three air-to-surface missiles instantly pass through dozens of mucus masses. After passing through these mucus masses, the distance between the three air-to-surface missiles and the giant monster is less than one kilometer. For this kind of air-to-surface missile whose terminal speed can reach two mach, it even takes less than one second to hit the target.

But at this time, more than a dozen car wrecks flew directly face to face. The worm on the giant monster threw away the car wrecks and smashed them into the remaining three air to surface missiles.

"Boom!" The wreckage of more than a dozen cars fell like raindrops. Two air-to-surface missiles were smashed in an instant. Two huge flames burst into the sky, tearing the surrounding car wrecks to pieces. Only the last air-to-surface missile passed through these car wrecks and blasted the giant monster.

"Boom!" The bodies of a pile of rotten meat and two giant worms were directly torn and smashed by high explosive. The high explosive warheads of all these surface to air missiles were loaded with 500 kg of high explosive. Even a small building could be instantly blown to pieces, but such power had little effect on the meat mountain, which was about the size of a medium-sized aircraft carrier.

Ten or twenty air bombs can only bring about a serious damage to this meat mountain. An air to ground missile can not cause much impact at all, but this wave of attacks is only the beginning. The air to surface missile has just exploded, and the second wave of attack has begun. The two F16 fighters had already circled back and launched the second wave of missiles. This time, the two F16 fighters raised their altitude and pulled into the distance, launching four waves of eight air to ground missiles.

One F16 fighter can carry nine air-to-surface missiles. Two F16s can carry a total of 18 air-to-surface missiles. Four of them were attacked just now. Now there are still 14 missiles left in the two F16s. They will launch all the 14 missiles in the shortest time.

"Roar!" The giant monster let out an earth shaking howl. The giant eye in the center of its body was shining like a dark cloud. Then the desert began to move without wind. A strong wind appeared out of thin air, and huge dust was rolled up in the blink of an eye. The dust whirled rapidly and soon began to form a huge dust tornado.

"Boom boom!" Several air-to-surface missiles passed through the tornado before the formation of the dust tornado and blasted on the giant monster. These four or five missiles blossomed on the giant monster and tore large wounds on the monster.

The giant monster let out an earth shaking cry, and the remaining surface to air missiles wanted to follow up the attack. However, at this time, a huge dust Tornado had been formed, and those surface to air missiles crashed into the dust tornado and exploded directly, leaving a flash of fire in the dark tornado.

"We've lost the variant's position. We can't attack, repeat, we can't attack!" The pilots of the two F16 fighters watched in horror as the huge tornado gradually formed, shouting nervously in the communication channel."Damn it, it's a devil. It can summon tornadoes!" Bob's eyes widened and his face was frightened. Today, the appearance of this mutant completely refreshed his understanding of the mutant.

"Get out of here, or the helicopter will be swept away by the tornado!" Zhao Fugui looked at the growing tornado on the ground and said solemnly.

The tornado on the ground is gradually expanding, which has covered the whole giant monster's body for a long time. Even the tornado continues to expand around. It will not be long before this area will be covered with dust hurricanes. In this case, the aircraft can no longer attack.

"Damn it, it's a pity that I don't have the authority to launch cruise missiles, otherwise ten Tomahawk missiles can't solve this monster, so use 50 100! Get out of here, send out the armored forces, inform the base to send the armored forces, no one else can find this monster Bob yelled that the strong wind around the Black Hawk helicopter began to appear, and the helicopter quickly flew away. If it was too close to the black sand hurricane, the helicopter would be finished.

"I'll take care of this monster, you get out of here!" Zhao Fugui took a look at his feet and jumped from the Black Hawk helicopter without hesitation.

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