Super Monk

Chapter 2298

"Sneeze!" I don't know how long later, Li Wei suddenly feels chilly. It's like that in summer, she is hiding in her room without wearing anything and sleeping with the air conditioner on, but she forgets to cover something. But Li Wei vaguely remembers that after she came to North America, she had a roommate. If she had a roommate, she couldn't sleep without pajamas.

Li Wei opened her eyes in a daze, and immediately found that it was wrong. She was naked, and she was really naked. She was really awakened by freezing, because the temperature of the air conditioner was too low, and she was not dressed, so she was awakened by freezing.

Li Wei stayed for two seconds to wake up completely. Didn't she run to Zhao Fugui's room and want to take blood for test? How can you suddenly sleep here without clothes? Thinking of Zhao Fugui, Li Wei subconsciously put her hands in front of her chest and looked aside. As soon as she turned her head, she saw that Zhao Fugui was looking down at her.

"Ah Li Wei suddenly screamed, jumped out of bed, turned around and wanted to run outside the room. But after two steps, she remembered that she had no clothes on her body. If she ran out like this, she might be seen by more than one person.

Li Wei blushes. She turns around and tries to grab a piece of Xia Liang from Zhao Fugui's bed. But when she turns around, she finds that there is nothing moving on Zhao Fugui's bed. Zhao Fugui is lying in bed and sleeping well. No one is staring at her.

"Was that an illusion?" Li Wei sees that Zhao Fugui on the bed doesn't seem to have moved, and Zhao Fugui also inhales ether, so she should be sleeping very well. Before she passed out of coma, Zhao Fugui had been sleeping, and there was no sign of waking up at all. Li Wei wants to break her head and can't understand what's going on.

And she fainted because she was covered with a towel sprayed with ether on her face, but Zhao Fugui didn't wake up at that time, and Li Wei didn't see anyone holding a towel. The towel seemed to cover her face.

"Is there a ghost?" Li Wei wanted to break her head and couldn't understand what was going on. She looked around suspiciously, but the darkness made her shiver instead. "No, no, I'm a firm atheist. There are no gods or ghosts in this world. At most, there are only aliens!"

Zhao Fugui is lying on the bed with his eyes closed, but the little Yin God has been sitting cross legged at the head of the bed looking at Li Wei Miaoman's figure. He really convinced this woman. In this case, if she didn't run away or find a dress to put on, she was still standing there thinking hard about what was going on. As expected, after being seen for a while, she was not afraid to be seen for a while.

"It's not right. There must be something wrong with it, and my clothes have been cut off!" Li Wei thought for a long time and couldn't understand it. Suddenly, she didn't even wear any clothes. Her pretty face suddenly changed. Li Wei tore off the Xia Liang from Zhao Fugui's bed in a hurry and was wrapped up in a hurry.

Until this time, she seemed to understand that this is not a place to stay for a long time. Wrapped in Xia Liang, she opened the door in a hurry and looked out. Seeing that there was no one outside, Li Wei Ran to her room in a hurry.

Zhao Fugui's Yin God follows Li Wei all the way to see her return to her room, and then turns back to join Zhao Fugui's sea of knowledge. Zhao Fugui turns over and begins to sleep with anger.

However, Zhao Fugui suddenly found that the Yin God can not only be used for fighting, but it seems good to go through the wall and look around. Anyway, ordinary people can't see the Yin God at all. However, there are more men and less women in this air force base, and those women soldiers do not conform to Zhao Fugui's aesthetic standards. Zhao Fugui is not interested in seeing them.

Early the next morning, Zhao Fugui got up in the morning and threw away Li Wei's broken pajamas and the needle tubes she left behind. After washing, he left the room.

Several people sent by the Moon Palace have already gone to the command room of the sixth Bureau. They want to study the process of dealing with variants in the sixth Bureau as much as possible, and refer to the troubles encountered in eliminating variants in the sixth Bureau. These things may be useful.

Li Wei didn't show up in the morning. I guess she was embarrassed to face Zhao Fugui. Although Li Wei was cute, she had a high IQ. After she went back, she calmed down a little and knew that what happened last night must have something to do with Zhao Fugui. Maybe she was unconscious last night and her clothes were cut by Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui can even control the lightning. Maybe he can cover her face with a towel, and she can't see the person who started.

Although Li Wei didn't mind being seen by Zhao Fugui, she was embarrassed by the incident, so she avoided Zhao Fugui and didn't meet her in the morning.

Zhao Fugui doesn't care about Li Wei either. He has more important things to do. Today, he has to go to the 100 year old library of Beaumont to check the Dead Sea books. Only when he knows what the Dead Sea books are, can he know what the organization wants to do and how to do it.

"You fool, you fool with grass in your head, do you know how much trouble you have caused? Two F16s, two Apache, two Black Hawks, that's 230 million dollars. You can't make so much money in a hundred years, you idiot As soon as Zhao Fugui entered the command room, he heard a huge voice roaring again.

"Of course, that's because my salary is too low!" Then bob's voice began to ring."You fool, you think I'm joking? Members are very dissatisfied with your action. Your damned action not only cost US $230 million, but also killed 26 active servicemen. We can only blame those terrorists in the Middle East for this. Your excellency is under a lot of pressure. Do you know? "

As soon as Zhao Fugui went in, he saw a middle-aged white man with a big stomach roaring at Bob, without any scruples about other people in the command room.

"Mike, show Mr. Thomas our battle video. It seems that Mr. Thomas is only listening to our losses, not caring about what we have destroyed!" When Bob saw Zhao Fugui come in, he shrugged helplessly. Then he yelled to another middle-aged bald man who was eating a hamburger and didn't seem to notice that his head was being reprimanded.

The man nodded, and then opened the main screen. As soon as the main screen was opened, the terrible giant monster about the size of a medium-sized aircraft carrier immediately appeared on the screen. The aerial bomb dropped by F16 seemed to tickle it again. Maybe it was only a little more serious than tickling.

"God Thomas was shocked when he saw the monster. His briefcase fell to the ground and didn't react.

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