Super Monk

Chapter 2299

"Now the danger level of the mutant has been raised from the fifth level to the third level by us. Because of the backward equipment, insufficient funds and limited authority, this mutant has consumed two or three thousand talents and was discovered by us. If this news is leaked, it will be a huge scandal. Your Excellency certainly does not want to do so!" "We want money, we want people, we want equipment!" Bob yelled

"But this year's budget has already passed the audit of the parliament. Members can't provide you with a new budget again!" Thomas' voice was obviously lower, especially when he saw the super tornado. If the monster appeared in a big city, it would not be thousands of people who died, but tens of thousands of people who died.

If some of the variants do have such destructive power, then the risk level of the third level is not exaggerated. The U.S. government divides the national crisis into five levels, the lowest level and the highest level. The huge natural disasters that spread all over a state or more than one state are roughly equivalent to the fifth level of risk.

Terrorist attacks that cause more than 100 casualties are the fourth level of danger, which may cause thousands or even tens of thousands of casualties. Crisis is the third level of danger, while world war is the second level. The first level of danger is alien invasion or nuclear war.

The sixth Bureau defines the variant threat as the third level, which is already a very high level of danger. In this level of danger, if the sixth Bureau exercises special decrees, it even has the power to directly command the national name guard. Although the national name guard of the United States has the name of guard, they are in fact quasi front-line forces, and their training and equipment are very poor Even better than the elite troops of more than 90% of the countries in the world.

In addition, if the Military Commission approves the sixth Bureau's definition of variant danger, then the sixth Bureau will automatically get a large amount of budget funds, elite personnel and a large number of weapons and equipment. The United States has been fighting for decades and has its own process to deal with the crisis.

"This variant, which is bigger than an aircraft carrier, killed a large number of our personnel, and even destroyed fighter planes and helicopters. If it wasn't for Zhao, the most mysterious strong man in China, maybe what you see at Dezhou air force base now is just a piece of debris!" Bob yelled, "imagine the disastrous consequences of this mutant in the city, and it's not just a matter of money or equipment!"

"What? Are you a true warrior of China? " Thomas then saw that it was not the advanced weapons and rice army that made them proud that finally destroyed the mutant, but a Chinese man who, like a God, seemed to manipulate lightning to kill the huge monster.

Thomas saw Zhao Fugui appear behind him, subconsciously nervous back a few steps. Thomas is the office director of a member of Parliament, similar to the position of chief secretary or chief of staff. He knows more secrets than Bob. The dark giants of the European dark parliament, who are known as the Twelve Gods of Olympus, those of East Asia who are secretive, the Yin Yang division of Fusang, the sword God, and of course, the Chinese real martial arts circle that no one can bypass.

Moreover, the real warrior who can kill the giant mutant is certainly not the ordinary real warrior. It should not happen that this kind of person can freely enter and leave the United States.

"Bob, you arrange two cars for us. We're going to Beaumont. Besides, I hope you can investigate some information about the longevity organization!" Zhao Fugui didn't pay any attention to Thomas. This guy, not to mention representing a member of Parliament, even representing the president of the United States, has nothing to do with Zhao Fugui.

"OK, Zhao, I'll be right here!" Bob gave a loud promise, then clapped the table and cried out, "I want money, people and more weapons. If not, let the congressman deal with the monsters himself!"

"I will go back to ask members about this matter. The Military Commission will meet to discuss this issue. If the Commission agrees, we will give you an additional budget and arrange more personnel and weapons for you!" Thomas looked at Zhao Fugui in fear, and his voice was like a wronged little girl.

Today, Thomas didn't come here to talk to Bob like this. In the box he was carrying was a letter of dismissal signed by the congressman to remove Bob from his post. But now Thomas has changed his mind. If Bob is dismissed, who will deal with those terrible monsters for them?

At present, Bob has done a good job. Only 20 or 30 people died and three or four planes were lost in dealing with that kind of terrorist giant variant, which is smaller than dealing with some terrorists. The panic and danger caused by that kind of giant variant is much greater than most terrorists.

"The budget is not enough, and we don't have enough power to let Loma company give priority to our orders. Now more than two-thirds of the places in the United States are in a state that can't be monitored. No one knows how many giant mutants are hiding in some places. You'd better speed up, or it will be too late when those mutants get into big trouble!" Bob said, full of threats.

"Of course, of course, I will try my best to persuade you to hold an emergency meeting. I believe that you will be given additional budget and authority soon!" Thomas said in a hurry. After that, the guy didn't dare to stay at all. He left in a hurry with the box. He didn't want to stay with Zhao Fugui at all. It was too dangerous.Thomas left in a hurry. A black Cadillac was waiting outside the hangar. A strong white man with a headset, a black suit and sunglasses was standing outside the car. When he saw Thomas coming, he immediately opened the door for him. Then the black Cadillac left in a hurry.

"Damn bureaucrats!" Bob looked at Thomas's back and scolded him. Then he said to Zhao Fugui, "Zhao, let's go to Beaumont. Yesterday we did a big thing. Today we're going to be smart!"

"Bob, you can find someone to investigate the Changsheng organization. What they are doing now is probably related to variants. If they make it, it will be very troublesome!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

"No problem. It's up to me. I'll coordinate the investigation between CIA and homeland security. Let's go, let's go, there will be news soon! " Bob said aloud, and then he took Zhao Fugui to the outside. The two cars outside the hangar were already ready, and Li Wei was there. Seeing Zhao Fugui and Li Wei blushing, he hurried into the car.

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