Super Monk

Chapter 2417

Katherine was shocked to see Zhao Fugui put the huge giant skeleton into a small pagoda, and then the pagoda disappeared in Zhao Fugui's sea of knowledge. This was too amazing for Katherine. She was even shocked to see the parasitic dragon in the underground cavity. How could such a big thing be put into the head of this Chinese?

Catherine's heart is still full of shock, she turned her eyes to ask Zhao Fugui what's the matter, and then found that Zhao Fugui's eyes have been circling around her. Katherine was so angry that she didn't have a gentlemanly demeanor. But she didn't think about this isolated overseas island. She was also a lady without clothes. Zhao Fugui had a gentlemanly demeanor before she came here.

"Sir, should you be a gentleman and give me a dress?" Catherine tried to calm her tone and said to Zhao Fugui.

"It's not much use for you to wear it!" Zhao Fugui takes a look at the T-shirt he's wearing. Several wars have made many holes in his clothes, but he still throws them off to Catherine. Catherine put on the T-shirt in a hurry, but she couldn't hide the spring light when she was wearing it, which made Zhao Fugui feast his eyes.

When he was in the underground cavity, Zhao Fugui didn't have time to see Katherine more. Now that Corvinus is dead, the Changsheng organization has completed their one-step plan, and what they should do has been done. The result can't be changed. What will happen to the underground cavity is no longer under Zhao Fugui's consideration. Zhao Fugui finally has time to relax now.

Catherine is not only a goddess, but also a hot figure. Even the 5 million euro one night British rose in Plymouth is far less than her.

"Have you had enough?" Katherine's eyes were wide open, and she looked at her Zhao Fugui angrily. Zhao Fugui is 1.8 meters tall, Catherine is also very tall, almost 1.75 meters tall. Girls are already tall. If Zhao Fugui's T-shirt is replaced by a petite little beauty, it would be just right. But it's different to wear it on Catherine's body. Even her buttocks can't be completely covered. She has to keep reaching out to pull the hem of her T-shirt.

"It seems that you haven't taught your boyfriend and have no confidence in yourself!" Zhao Fugui casually said that Catherine's figure and appearance, let alone for a while, is not enough for a man to see for a few years.

"It's none of your business. Who are you?" Catherine's face was ugly, and she said strongly. As an alternate saint, Catherine has few opportunities to contact with men, let alone fall in love. What Zhao Fugui said just poked her pain point.

"Huaxia people!" Zhao Fugui said casually. He looked at Catherine for a while and then began to look at her situation. The liquefying Daoli that used to fill the whole body has now consumed 70% or 80%. Even the Yin God can't motivate him. If he meets an enemy like kovinus again, Zhao Fugui may not be his opponent.

With the current amount of Taoist power, even the evil killing of Tianjiu sword can only urge one or two swords. It can be said that this is the weakest time since Zhao Fugui stepped into the small holy land of Taiping daoshu. This situation is not very good.

"I know you are Chinese. I ask you who do you work for?" Catherine asked angrily as she tried to pull the hem of her T-shirt.

"I'm Chinese, of course I work for China. Who do you work for, and who let me go to the bottom of the sea with Corvinus?" Zhao Fugui frowned, looked up at the sky and asked casually.

This question makes Catherine's clear eyes show a trace of anger. It's obvious that the person who cheated her to come here and tell her all this is to seal the devil cheated her.

At first, Catherine thought that Zhao Fugui and kovinus were bad guys, but kovinus was cheated. He didn't know that the ultimate goal of the Dead Sea book was to seal demons, and Zhao Fugui seemed to know, so she wanted to stop kovinus. But it was only at last that Catherine realized that no one was cheated, and the only one who was cheated was her The person who cheated her was the one she and her family trusted the most.

"Do you know where this is? How do we get out of here? " Catherine was silent for a moment, and did not answer Zhao Fugui's question, but asked.

"These seabirds come from the West. There should be islands or land in the West!" Zhao Fugui pointed to the seabirds flying in the sky and said, "let's go now!"

"This is the sea. How can we get there?" Catherine asked, puzzled. Her idea was that they could wait for the boat here to see if there would be a boat passing by. If there is a boat, let Zhao Fugui call for help, and then go to the boat to bring her a dress, so that they can leave here.

The success of this idea depends on luck, because the desert island looks like a small reef, and there is not even a tree on the island. Maybe the reef will be submerged when the tide rises at night, not to mention that there is no water or food on the reef. If the ship doesn't come before dark, they will become very dangerous.

"On the sea, naturally we go from the sea!" Zhao Fugui's eyes swept over the sea and saw a piece of wood that seemed to be the wreckage of a sailing boat floating in the distance. Seeing this board, Zhao Fugui reaches out to the direction of the board and grabs it in the void. The board is directly caught in the air and thrown on the island."But I'll check you before I leave!" Zhao Fugui threw the board aside and looked at Catherine.

"What do you want to check?" Catherine immediately vigilant looking at Zhao Fugui, tightly grasp the clothes on the body, full of doubt to see Zhao Fugui.

"In the underground cavity, a small half of the devil's body got into your body. Although the devil is not a mutant, it may not make you change, but I still need to check it!" Zhao Fugui said.

Katherine is more clear about the case of demon possession than Zhao Fugui, because she has read many books and even manuscripts on this aspect since she was a child, and many of them are secret books of the Holy Church and the Holy See, which will not be circulated outside at all. But most of the people who are possessed by demons have no faith or are not firm in faith, and she is firm in faith. Catherine does not believe that she will be possessed by demons.

"Do you want me to take off my clothes for inspection?" Asked Catherine with a frosty face.

"That's not necessary. Hurry up and we'll get out of here after the inspection!" Zhao Fugui impatiently said, he has a heaven's eye in his heart, don't say you wear this kind of clothes that can cover the top but can't cover the bottom, even if it's wrapped tightly, it's still useless.

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