Super Monk

Chapter 2418

Catherine looks a little hesitant. She still has some trust in Zhao Fugui, because she escaped with her in such a dangerous situation, and she also has a great responsibility. Only this can prove that the Chinese in front of her is a person worthy of trust.

But now this situation is really not in line with Catherine's childhood education. Catherine doesn't want to be too close to Zhao Fugui, but she also knows that Zhao Fugui's prudence is not wrong, especially in the current situation.

"How do you check?" Catherine hesitated for a moment, but she stepped on the beach with her long legs and asked Zhao Fugui.

"Give me your hand!" Zhao Fugui said that Catherine's eyebrows were wrinkled, but she still handed her hand to Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui held Catherine's hand and directly injected Daoli into Catherine's body. Daoli quickly changed Catherine's whole body and checked every corner of Catherine's body.

"Are you ready?" Katherine was held by Zhao Fugui. She felt a heat flow from Zhao Fugui's hand, and soon entered her body, making her whole body feel warm. This feeling was Katherine's first encounter, which made her very uncomfortable.

"Strange, no!" Zhao Fugui frowned and said to himself in surprise. Zhao Fugui's Daoli has changed Catherine's whole body, but Daoli didn't encounter any evil power in Catherine's body. It's almost impossible. Zhao Fugui saw with his own eyes that half of the devil entered Catherine's body.

"The devil can't divide the body into two parts to survive, maybe it has disappeared!" Catherine said that in the aspect of demons, Catherine is an expert, but Zhao Fugui is not.

Zhao Fugui thought about it. Maybe Catherine was right. Parasite and devil are two different things. Maybe devil is different from parasite.

"Let's go then!" Zhao Fugui nodded, waved a piece of the wreckage of the sailboat directly into the water, then put one hand around Catherine's slender waist, and jumped directly to the wreckage under his feet.

"Ah, what are you doing?" Katherine suddenly felt a cool buttock and cried out in panic. The next second, Zhao Fugui took her to the wreckage of the sailboat. Daoli was surging, and the wreckage of the sailboat immediately rushed to the West like a motor. The sea breeze was blowing head-on, and the waves were passing from both sides. In a flash, Zhao Fugui hugged Katherine and turned into a small black spot.

Katherine has never experienced such a feeling. The sea breeze blows, the sea is within reach, and there seem to be only two people left in the whole ocean. Katherine suddenly has a feeling called romance. Through the thin T-shirt against Zhao Fugui's chest, Catherine's face is more and more red, and even her ears are red. She twisted in Zhao Fugui's arms unnaturally.

"Don't move, be careful to fall down!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice, it's not whether she will fall or not at all, but Catherine will be embarrassed if she twists for a while. It's not easy for a goddess to wear so few clothes and be in the arms of the building. It's not easy to be embarrassed. If you twist it again, even with Zhao Fugui's determination, you can't stand it.

Although Katherine has never been in love and seldom contacts with boys, she is not a very stupid girl. She immediately realizes that it's wrong. Her tall and hot body suddenly stiffens and doesn't dare to move.

Catherine is held by Zhao Fugui with all kinds of wishful thinking. The wreckage of the sailing boat is like a sword leaving the string. It shoots at the sea, even faster than the speed boat. It was still bright when they left the desert island, but it was getting dark after more than an hour.

"It's dark!" Katherine shivered and said that after dark, the temperature dropped and the sea breeze became cold. Katherine had only a T-shirt full of holes. In addition, she was so wet by the waves that the sea breeze at night soon made her shiver.

Zhao Fugui noticed that Katherine was constantly shaking. He frowned and released Daoli to wrap Katherine, so that she would not be directly blown by the sea breeze. Although Zhao Fugui's Daoli had been reduced to the lowest value, this degree of saving would not have any effect.

"He's quite a gentleman!" Catherine noticed the warmth of Daoli and thought of it in her heart. At the same time, her heart beat faster.

"It's almost there. There's a light ahead!" After a while, Zhao Fugui suddenly said, Catherine quickly looked up to the front, but did not see anything. Zhao Fugui opened his eyes, and even could see more than ten kilometers on the sea, but Catherine obviously did not have the ability.

However, as the wreckage of the sailboat continued to move forward, Catherine soon saw the dim light in front of her. There was not much light, but there was. I don't know why, but when Catherine saw the light, she didn't know why there was a burst of loss in her heart. She even had a kind of hope that she could float on the sea forever. But Catherine soon perked up. She knew it was impossible. Zhao Fugui had a lot to do, and she also had a lot to do.

"Chinese boat? It seems that we are going back to China directly? " Zhao Fugui slowly stopped to urge Daoli, and the speed of the wreckage of the sailing boat became slower and slower. Zhao Fugui saw a crude Wharf in the darkness ahead. Near the wharf, there were two or three rusty fishing boats with numbers written in Chinese. Zhao Fugui is almost certain that they have returned to China directly.Zhao Fugui thinks that they may never know the specific location of the underground cavity, but it may not be too far away from China, or it may be in the Pacific Ocean.

Before the wreckage of the sailboat hit the shore, Zhao Fugui jumped up with Catherine in his arms and landed directly on the coast, which is remote and may not have been developed. Except for this crude wharf, there are only some lights in the distance occasionally. There may be a fishing village there.

"Let's go to the fishing village first and get some clothes for you!" Zhao Fugui looked into the distance and then said to Catherine.

"I can go by myself!" "Don't let anyone see me!" Katherine said

"You are too slow yourself!" Zhao Fugui directly held Catherine up, and then swept to the direction of the light. "Don't worry, no one will see you!"

Katherine screams and starts to pull the hem of the T-shirt in a hurry. She is held in her arms by Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui's T-shirt immediately shrinks up and runs to her waist. After a while, Katherine's face is red as if she wants to bleed.

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