Super Monk

Chapter 2419

"Wait here, don't run around!" Zhao Fugui took Katherine up and down a few times and came to the place where the lights were on. This place is a small town. A coastal road passes through the center of the town. On both sides of the road, there are all kinds of houses. The houses are generally not high, basically two stories.

There are many clothes hanging on the balcony on the roof outside these houses. Some houses have lights on, and some of them have gone out. The fishermen get up very early, basically go out to sea in the early morning, and return before dawn. They wholesale the seafood fish caught in the early hours of the morning to the vendors, and then the vendors take them to the market for sale. Therefore, many fishermen are used to going to bed early .

Zhao Fugui jumped on the roof, pulled a few clothes and went back to the outside of the town. Catherine was standing in the dark, shaking with her body in her arms. After running on the sea for several hours, her clothes were all wet. It's strange that it's not cold without such a heater as Zhao Fugui.

"There's nothing suitable for you. Make do with it." Zhao Fugui throws the clothes to Catherine and says that it's strange to find some clothes suitable for Catherine's tall ocean horse.

"You, turn around!" Said Catherine, wrinkling her clothes.

"What's so shy? I should have seen it before!" Zhao Fugui casually stimulated Catherine to say.

Katherine's silver teeth are biting. It's not gentlemanly. It's not gentlemanly. When she sees Zhao Fugui turning around, she quickly puts the clothes Zhao Fugui asked for on her body. Under the clothes Zhao Fugui found is a pair of trousers and above is a shirt. Catherine first puts on the trousers to block the spring light, and then directly puts the shirt on the outside of the T-shirt. She wears Zhao Fugui's T-shirt as underwear.

"Why are you reluctant to take off my rag?" Zhao Fugui turns his head to look at Katherine and jokingly says that Katherine puts on a man's suit and brings a different kind of temptation.

"Mr. Zhao, can you take me to the nearest embassy or consulate?" Catherine has determined that Zhao Fugui will not have any gentlemanly demeanor. She simply ignores his teasing and asks Zhao Fugui directly.

"What are you doing at the Embassy?" Zhao Fugui also put on an inappropriate dress and asked casually.

"I don't have a passport, I don't have a phone, I don't have money. I need to go to the embassy for help and contact my family!" Katherine patiently explained that, I don't know why, in front of Zhao Fugui, Katherine is always easy to get angry. Before, she was never easy to get angry in front of others.

"This is a small town in the south of China. I'm afraid there are no embassies or consulates nearby. Don't bother. I'll take you to the airport and directly arrange for you to return to the UK. But how can you enter the UK? You can contact your family to arrange it yourself!" Zhao Fugui said that when he was looking for clothes, he already knew about where it was.

"I'm French, not English, I'm going back to France!" Catherine said, "I don't have a passport either. How can you arrange my boarding?"

"I have channels to help you. Let's go. There are road signs in the town. You can enter the city by walking along this road!" Zhao Fugui pointed to the coastal highway.

"I don't have shoes!" Zhao Fugui was about to leave, Catherine whispered. Zhao Fugui didn't find her shoes. Generally, unless someone washed the shoes, no one would wash them. Clothes would be washed every day, but shoes wouldn't. Without shoes, Catherine's small white feet are dirty. Besides, there are all kinds of things by the sea. She can't walk barefoot at all. She will be injured if she is not careful.

"Forget it, I'll take you to save some time!" Zhao Fugui looked at Katherine's feet. He picked her up again and drove to the city along the coastal road.

Occasionally, there are cars passing by on the coastal road, but Zhao Fugui doesn't bother to stop the car, so he just holds Catherine on the road. Catherine is like a Persian cat, and she is quietly held by Zhao Fugui.

Zhao Fugui walked for more than half an hour with Catherine in his arms, and soon saw a brightly lit city in front of him. However, it didn't look big, it was just a small city.

"Go and borrow a cell phone!" Zhao Fugui took Katherine into the city, went to the street and said to Katherine.

"Will someone lend it to me?" Katherine asked hesitantly, her image is not very good now.

"You just say it's a foreign friend, whose wallet has been stolen. You need to call the embassy for help!" Zhao Fugui said, "you have to have some confidence in yourself. As far as your appearance and figure are concerned, even if someone gives you a mobile phone, someone will do it!"

Catherine glanced at Zhao Fugui, then took a deep breath, and summoned up courage to walk to a passer-by. She was a descendant of the Bourbon royal family in Medieval France. She stayed with Zhao Fugui for a long time, and there was no bottom line. This is a tragedy.

"Hello, auntie, can you use your mobile phone? I'm French. I've lost my wallet and mobile phone. I want to call the embassy for help!" Catherine stopped a middle-aged woman with a takeout in her hand and said nervously in authentic Chinese.

The middle-aged woman watched Katherine warily, rolled her eyes and walked away quickly, leaving the embarrassed Katherine."You've got the wrong person. Find a man. No matter how old they are, they like you!" Zhao Fugui said. Catherine glared at Zhao Fugui, but she thought it was the only way. She could only walk to another passer-by again.

However, this is not the only way. Zhao Fugui has already seen that there is a police station 500 meters ahead. It's no problem to borrow a phone directly. Zhao Fugui is to attack Catherine's arrogance. Now the world is different. If she doesn't know that her heart is dangerous, she will be cheated next time.

"Sir, can you use your phone? I've lost my wallet and phone!" Catherine saw a middle-aged man coming, hesitated, stopped him and said.

The middle-aged man was stunned when he saw Catherine's expression. With Catherine's figure, he killed all the people from eight to eighty. Listening to Catherine's words, the middle-aged man quickly took out his mobile phone.

"Where are you from, miss? If you don't have a place to live, I have a room there, which can be provided to you for free! " The middle-aged man looked at Katherine and saw that Katherine didn't even have shoes, and she was still wearing unsuitable men's clothes. His eyes turned and he said.

"I borrowed the phone!" Unfortunately, Catherine didn't hear what he said. She jumped up with her mobile phone and gave it to Zhao Fugui as a treasure.

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