Super Monk

Chapter 245

Liu Er Jie asked Chen Er Dan to inform herself that Zhao Fugui was a little embarrassed. Liu Er Jie must be afraid that he would find a girlfriend outside and be caught by Chen Yi Han.

After wiping his hands, Zhao Fugui saw that the work in the field was almost done. He wondered whether Lin zhinuo and Shu Ya had come to find himself? But Lin zhinuo and Shuya often come here. Liu Erjie should not let Chen Erdan inform her.

Zhao came out of the village to pick a few rich fields, but he didn't want to hurry up.

"Richness, this way!" Before Zhao Fugui came to Xiaowan village, he saw two beauties, a big one and a small one, talking to Chen Yihan from a distance. When Zhao Fugui saw them, Chen Yihan also saw Zhao Fugui, waving and shouting from a distance.

One of the two beauties talking to Chen Yihan has long straight black hair, which is much higher than Chen Yihan in his early seventies. From a distance, it seems that there are legs below his chest. Another small beauty with sunglasses, although a little shorter, but the figure is simply good exaggeration.

As he got closer, Zhao Fugui found that the two beauties were also very good-looking, no less than Chen Yihan. The three beauties stood together to form a beautiful picture, which attracted many tourists.

"Are you village head Zhao? Hello, I'm Xia Hongyan and this is Chen Jia. We heard that there are red corals in your lake, so we want to take a group of photos with corals! " Xia Hongyan saw Zhao Fugui. She thought the head of Xiaowan village would be a bad old man, but she didn't expect to be a tall and powerful black handsome man.

"Yes, we can take pictures in the coral bush, but we charge by the hour!" Zhao Fugui shakes hands with Xia Hongyan, saying that this woman is really beautiful. Maybe she is a model.

But Zhao Fugui has met many beauties, and Xia Hongyan can't get the chance to take photos for free. Zhao Fugui had already discussed with Chen Yihan that people who would dive in Heilongtan would be charged an hour, 1000 yuan per hour, and no more than 20 groups would be received every day.

It's much cheaper than diving in a tourist resort. It's also equipped with some simple diving equipment and diving instructors. The price is not expensive.

However, Zhao Fugui has not yet recruited a diving coach, which is a rare thing in Chengdu and is not easy to recruit. Zhao Fugui plans to invite some people to come after the official start of the project.

Lifeguards, divers, first responders, all of which need to be recruited before the water park opens.

"Richness, you come!" As soon as Zhao Fugui quoted a price, Chen Yihan gently pulled Zhao Fugui, and they walked aside. Chen Yihan whispered, "Fugui, Xia Hongyan is a fashion model, Chen Jia is a photographer, and she is very famous in Meikong. It's helpful for us to take photos here. I mean, this shooting is free!"

Zhao Fugui thinks that Xia Hongyan is really a model, maybe a leg model. With her long legs, she can eat by her legs.

"All right, I'll be there later. The black dragon pool is too deep. I don't think they can dive to the coral grove. I have to watch them to avoid accidents! " Zhao Fugui nodded and said.

Zhao Fugui doesn't care about the money, but if he offers it for free, I'm afraid Chen Yihan won't be happy. Chen Yihan will surely wonder if these two women are beautiful, so Zhao Fugui gives them free. It's OK for Chen Yihan to bring it up by himself.

Heilongtan scenic spot is not officially open now. It's free. It's most important to accumulate fame.

"Meaning told me just now that they are professionals, let's make it free this time! Are you guys ready? Come with me when you're ready! " Zhao Fugui said.

"Our things have been ready for a long time. Village head Zhao will lead the way." Xia Hongyan said casually.

She doesn't care whether it's free or not. One thousand yuan an hour, when someone asks her to take a picture, the price can't be increased ten times. Xia Hongyan doesn't care whether it's free or not.

"This way, please!" Zhao Fugui nods, turns around and takes Xia Hongyan and Chen Jia to Heilongtan. Chen Yihan is very busy today. She has to check accounts with Shenzhu club, but after thinking about it, she still follows.

Let Zhao Fugui take two beauties to the remote place of Heilongtan alone, Chen Yihan is a little uneasy, especially after a while he has to change his clothes and go into the water.

There is no scenery on the east side of Heilongtan, and there are no other entertainment projects. In addition, there are also cemeteries in the village, so there are almost no tourists here.

Zhao Fugui took the three girls with him, and soon it was quiet. The sound of cicadas and birds and the cool breeze from the lake replaced the noisy sound of tourists and the hot air.

"Mr. Zhao, you don't even have a cemetery. It's a taboo in a tourist resort." Xia Hongyan said carelessly when she passed the cemetery.

The woman was not afraid to pass through the cemetery, but Chen Jia's face was slightly nervous, as if she was afraid to pass through the cemetery.

"After I've been busy with my work recently, I'm going to start moving tombs. I'm sure they won't stay here!" Zhao Fugui said casually.After passing the cemetery, several people walked more than a mile to the East and came to several big trees. Zhao Fugui pointed to a big stone on the bank and said, "just go into the water from here. The coral reef is about two miles away from the bank. I hope you two have good water quality. Have you two learned to dive?"

"Don't look down on people. My water quality is very good, and Jiajia's water quality is not bad. In addition, we travel every year. We've been to diving resorts in New Guinea and Costa Rica several times. Diving is absolutely no problem Xia Hongyan waved a small fist to say.

"Beauty, change your clothes!" Chen Jia put the camera into the water bag, adjusted the parameters of the camera and said to Xia Hongyan.

"Yes Xia Hongyan nodded and glanced at Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui was a little embarrassed and prepared to avoid. Who knew Xia Hongyan took off her clothes directly and took off her T-shirt and hot pants, revealing her sexy swimsuit.

Chen Jia, too, quickly took off her coat and revealed her swimsuit. Zhao Fugui takes a glance at Chen Jia, and almost doesn't stare her eyes out. Chen Jia's figure is too exaggerated. She is about to burst her swimsuit. After taking off her sunglasses, Zhao Fugui finds that she has a baby face.

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