Super Monk

Chapter 246

Zhao Fugui touched his nose and quickly looked away. If he looked down, he might have nosebleed. Chen Yihan has been quietly paying attention to Zhao Fugui. Seeing that Zhao Fugui just takes a look at Xia Hongyan and Chen Jia, she looks away. Suddenly, she is quietly happy.

Just as the phone was about to ring for the last time, Chen Yihan took the phone out and connected it. Just now, Chen Yihan heard her cell phone ring again. She just secretly observed Zhao Fugui. She didn't answer the phone quickly.

"Well, I see. I'll be right there!" Chen Yihan hung up and said to Zhao Fugui, "the watermelons over there are full. I want to go and sign the account with the people of Shenzhu society. You can watch it here!"

"It's all right, meaning, I'll stare at them! They don't know how deep the water is in Heilongtan. It's easy to have an accident. I'll go down later! " Zhao Fugui nodded and said.

"Don't look around, don't come around!" Chen Yihan turns around and takes a few steps, then suddenly turns around and says to Zhao Fugui in a low voice. Zhao Fugui looks at Chen Yihan in surprise, but Chen Yihan blushes and leaves in a hurry.

Zhao Fugui didn't expect that Chen Yihan would account for this. Isn't it that only a girlfriend would account to a boyfriend? But before Zhao Fugui can react and speak, Chen Yihan has already gone away in a hurry.

"Plop, plop!" Before Zhao Fugui could taste what Chen Yihan had just said, two rings of water suddenly rang out, and a splash of water suddenly fell on Zhao Fugui.

"Village head Zhao, if you have something to do, you can leave first. Don't worry about us!" Xia Hongyan swam in the water a few times, turned back and waved to Zhao Fugui.

Zhao Fugui only saw two big white legs looming in the clear water of the lake, and then raised a splash. Big white legs turned into a mermaid and swam to the middle of black dragon pool. The two of them are following each other.

Xia Hongyan and Chen Jia are both equipped with simple diving equipment. Zhao Fugui quickly takes off his clothes, takes a submersible with him, jumps into the black dragon pool and chases Xia Hongyan and Chen Jia.

"The water here is clear and not too cold. It's so comfortable to swim in summer." Xia Hongyan is swimming forward, backstroking and diving for seven or eight meters. Obviously, the water is quite good.

"I've been in Chengdu for so many years. I didn't know there was such a good place. I knew there was such a good place. If I had nothing to do, I would definitely come to play and take some photos. It's said that the delicious food here is also very delicious. After taking photos, we'll eat delicious food! " Chen Jia said.

"If you are a foodie, you know how to eat!"

"Well, I'm not fat by nature. What's the matter? Envy, envy, hate? " Chen Jia rolled his eyes and said.

Xia Hongyan bites her lips. Although she is not easy to get fat, she is also an ordinary person's body. If she eats too much, she will get fat, but she is still a eater she doesn't admit. And Chen Jia is different, Chen Jia belongs to how to eat all eat not fat physique, and very proud of the nature of their food.

Two people go out to eat together, Xia Hongyan often eat a little, and then envies and envies Chen Jia. What's more, Chen Jia doesn't eat meat at all. She grows it on her chest, which makes Xia Hongyan envious.

When the quarrel failed, Xia Hongyan turned her lip. Seeing Zhao Fugui catching up quickly, she immediately changed the topic and joked, "Yo, village head Zhao, you are chasing your girlfriend, so positive! I tell you, we are not easy to catch up with each other. We can't catch up with each other in a van! "

"I drive Rolls Royce!" Zhao Fugui said casually. These two beauties are very interesting, but Zhao Fugui hasn't even caught up with Chen Yihan yet. How can he bother other girls.

"Ha ha, I can't see that you are quite poor, village head Zhao!" Xia Hongyan said with a smile.

Xia Hongyan and Chen Jia don't know much about Xiaowan village. Chen Jia only likes photography. Xia Hongyan is usually very busy with her work, so they don't focus on other things.

They think that Xiaowan village is cooperating with the developer. Xiaowan village goes out of the land and the developer manages the construction. Zhao Fugui, the head of the village, can at most take some kickbacks to coordinate the contradictions between the villagers and the developer. In fact, he can't manage much.

Xia Hongyan and Chen Jiagen did not expect that Zhao Fugui was not only the head of Xiaowan village, but also the boss of Xiaowan village. Driving Rolls Royce was not a joke.

"Jiajia, look, there are a group of little red fish there. Take a picture quickly!" Xia Hongyan suddenly saw a group of red fish swimming leisurely not far in front of her. The clear lake water, golden sunlight and the group of red fish suddenly formed a beautiful scroll. Xia Hongyan immediately screamed.

"Where, where? Oh, I see it Chen Jia hurriedly turns on the camera, but before she presses the shutter, the fish are startled by Xia Hongyan's shrieking voice, and suddenly disappears with a tail flick. Chen Jia chagrined and said, "how can they run so fast?"

"There are many fish in the lake. You can see them when you dive down!" Zhao Fugui said casually. At the same time, he thought that people in the city are really rare. What's so surprising about a group of young fish? This thing is not everywhere in the black dragon pool.

"Village head Zhao, how far is it from the coral Bush?" Chen Jia asked.

"It's about half a mile away, two or three hundred meters away, but the water is deep there. You have to be careful!" Zhao Fugui said."Beauty, let's start diving from here, and swim to the coral while taking pictures!" Chen Jia said.

"OK, let's start diving from here and get used to the environment here first!" Xia Hongyan nodded and said.

The two beauties put the respirator in their mouths, then nodded to Zhao Fugui. As soon as they turned over, they went diving under the black dragon pool. Zhao Fugui is now a diving coach. As soon as he turned over, he also followed them to the downstream.

As soon as the body sank into the water, the surroundings became quiet, and the sun completely lost its power. The cool water floated slightly, making people feel quite cool.

The clear water of the lake has no effect on shielding. The figures of Xia Hongyan and Chen Jia are fully exposed in the water. Although Chen Yihan explains, Zhao Fugui still can't help but focus most of his eyes on Xia Hongyan and Chen Jia.

The flashing lights under the lake kept flashing, and Chen Jiaxing was shooting everywhere. All kinds of beautiful fish, red prawns, slowly moving blue shells and turtles could not escape Chen Jia's camera.

Xia Hongyan stretches herself in the clear lake water. She is a professional model, and her camera sense and professional level are far higher than Chen Yihan. If Chen Yihan is a shy little mermaid when taking photos underwater for the first time, Xia Hongyan is a hot big Mermaid.

The green water plants are like grass on the ground. Xia Hongyan and Chen Jia are attracted by the beautiful scenery at the bottom of the lake. Unconsciously, they dive deeper and deeper. Zhao Fugui suddenly feels that something is wrong.

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