Super Monk

Chapter 2464

Zhao Fugui sits cross legged on the mountainside. The long sword mark at the foot of the mountain separates the Lingwu sect from many strong ones. The crazy real martial artists who are stimulated by greed are suddenly poured with cold water. One by one, they stop in fear in front of the sword mark. Tens of thousands of real martial artists are stopped by a sword mark and dare not move forward.

"He can still use vigorous Qi!" Alandari's face suddenly darkened and said incredulously. They didn't know that Zhao Fugui was using Daoli instead of gangqi. They just thought Zhao Fugui was using gangqi.

"If Zhao Fugui is still in his prime, with his strength and the huge giant skeleton, even if we fight with the remaining tens of thousands of real warriors, we may not be able to kill him. It seems that we can't kill Zhao Fugui this time. Everybody, Ayu, let's go first! " Ah you, the eight armed heavenly king, said to Alan dari with a gloomy face. Then he slowly disappeared into the real warrior.

"Coward, what a coward this guy is!" Uncle Tang's face suddenly becomes very ugly. If others can run, he can't run. Hongbang's family has a big business, so it's easy to do things when something happens. However, when the enemy appears, Hongbang's family has a big business, but it's not easy to run. Even if Uncle Tang can run now, monk can't run temple, so ah you can run, but he and Alan dari can't.

"Our judgment will never be wrong. Zhao Fugui must be at the end of his rope!" Alan dari said with a gloomy look, "I'm afraid that sword Qi was the last vigorous Qi on Zhao Fugui just now. I'm afraid that he doesn't have any vigorous Qi now, but even if there is no vigorous Qi, Zhao Fugui's strength is still strong, and he also has horizontal martial arts, and this kind of horizontal martial arts is stronger than the dark beast. If these real martial arts dare not start, we are not Zhao The rival of wealth

"Don't be scared by Zhao Fugui. He must be dead. If he really had the strength, I'm afraid he would have started on us already!" Uncle Tang hid behind the real warrior and yelled, "don't be afraid. Let's do it together. It's easy to get Tianjian Dao. Don't you want it?"

"Kill, kill Zhao Fugui, kill him, you will get the sword of killing heaven, fight with him!" There are real warriors hiding in the crowd and yelling, trying to encourage other real warriors to fight.

"Yes, are so many of us still afraid of Zhao Fugui? Let's go together, let's go together, kill him, don't be afraid of him Some real warriors want to fish in troubled waters, and they also shout. There are so many of them. Even if Zhao Fugui can kill many real warriors, can he kill all of them?

As long as Zhao Fugui doesn't kill all the real martial artists, it will be Zhao Fugui who will die at that time. After all, the real martial artists will stare at Zhao Fugui with greed and madness.

"Kill it, find the demon Dan!" Zhao Fugui looked dignified and ordered the ghost emperor directly in his divine consciousness. Now only by killing the double headed snake and getting the demon pill, can Zhao Fugui recover his strength in a short time.

"Roar!" The ghost emperor let out a silent roar, grabbed the snake's tail and pulled out the two headed snake which had escaped into the Han River.

"Kill, don't let the giant skeleton come to help him, kill him!" A group of real warriors see the giant skeleton and want to solve the problem. The two headed snake comes to help Zhao Fugui. These real warriors can't bear to rush through the scar of the sword and attack Zhao Fugui. But at this time, a burst of dense gunfire instantly rang out.

"Dada dada!" The sound of heavy and heavy machine guns rang out directly from the rain curtain of the rainstorm, and flames appeared from the dim sky. These real fighters were suddenly attacked, and immediately became confused.

"Rich and noble!" Chen Yihan's voice came from the place where the gunfire started, and a group of people rushed directly to the Mountain Gate of Lingwu school.

"It's the real armed forces. These guys really look like an army!" Uncle Tang saw the group of real warriors coming, and immediately said with an ugly face.

The physical quality of the real fighters is much better than that of the ordinary people. After they are equipped with weapons and taught to use them, their combat power is much stronger than that of other armies. In addition, the real armed forces have not only learned how to use weapons, but also learned how to cooperate with each other. These real armed forces are the key to dealing with variants in the central China Military Region in the future.

"Damn, where are these guys coming from?" The master level real fighters can resist the ordinary pistol bullets, but the machine gun bullets are not so good. As soon as the real fighters open fire, many real fighters are killed and injured, and the real fighters are in chaos.

"It's Zhenwu army. Miss Chen is here with Zhenwu army!" When Cao man saw the people rushing out of the rain, he immediately stood up and yelled.

"The real armed forces are equipped with light machine guns and heavy machine guns. They have no problem in fighting with these weapons, and everyone can carry a lot of weapons and ammunition without considering the problem of loading. Even if the weapons are damaged or the bullets are exhausted, they can still fight with real weapons, which is far more powerful than ordinary soldiers! " Huangfu murmured that this real army is like soldiers who use advanced exoskeleton armor, but they are more flexible and have longer fighting time than soldiers who use exoskeleton armor, and they don't have to worry about the technical problems of large-scale manufacturing exoskeleton armor.

The firepower is strong enough, and they can cooperate with each other in combat. This real armed force can really help the central China military region to deal with ordinary mutants in the future.Most of the real fighters didn't expect that they would encounter such a situation, and they suddenly got into chaos. Although the real fighters all have vigorous Qi to protect their bodies, and they hurt more and die less at the moment of being attacked, they still can't avoid chaos in the face of such intensive fire attack.

"Don't panic, don't panic. The great masters of all the great families will fight with me, and others will kill Zhao Fugui. Today, either Zhao Fugui or we will die. If you want to win the victory of killing heaven Kendo, you can rush with me!" Alan dari's face was cold and fierce, and he leaped up with a roar. He was a strong man of the myth level in the world. The vigorous Qi of his body had been able to resist the heavy machine gun in a certain period of time. As soon as Alan dari put out his hand, he clapped his hand on the Zen stick, and the Zen stick suddenly roared out.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Three bursts of sound immediately appeared, and three Zhenwu soldiers, whose bodies were continuously penetrated by the Zen staff, fell to the ground in an instant.

"Don't panic, stop him!" Chen Yihan immediately yelled, suddenly more than a dozen Zhenwu soldiers immediately gathered fire in the direction of Alain dari. Even though arandari was a mythical strongman in the world, he could not keep close to the Zhenwu army even if he was fired by more than a dozen light and heavy machine guns. His figure suddenly dodged the flames.

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