Super Monk

Chapter 2465

Under the Mountain Gate of Lingwu sect, there are tens of thousands of real martial artists. Among these real martial artists, there are thousands of great masters and hundreds of great masters. Alan dari reaches out his hand and moves his Zen stick back to him. Alan dari roared loudly, and soon these great masters rushed to the Zhenwu army, directly blocking the way of the Zhenwu army.

The great masters are vigorous and fast. As long as they are careful, they are hard to be killed by the Zhenwu army. If these great masters block the way of the Zhenwu army, the Zhenwu army will soon be unable to move forward, but casualties will start to appear. After all, the number of Zhenwu army is too small. There are hundreds of great masters besieging and other Zhenwu people constantly attacking. Even if this Zhenwu army appears, it will not change the situation.

"The Zhenwu army is surrounded. After all, their number is too small to rush over!" Huangfu Wudi looked down from the mountainside and said solemnly. What Huangfu said about invincibility is only superficial. There are also some other reasons. For example, many people in the Zhenwu army know these Zhenwu people. When the Zhenwu army opened fire, it was very difficult for them to kill their acquaintances, so they quickly adjusted the muzzle of the gun. In this way, the firepower was scattered and confused, and they were unable to wield the maximum power. This is one of the reasons.

The real armed forces are not used to deal with the real armed forces. On the contrary, the real armed forces are the main source of the real armed forces. If today's enemy is a variant, they will certainly be able to play a more powerful fighting force.

"The great master deals with the Zhenwu army, and other Zhenwu people kill Zhao Fugui!" When arandari saw that these real warriors began to obey the command, he immediately continued his command.

But his order was not carried out immediately. Although it was dangerous for the great master to deal with the Zhenwu army, it was far less dangerous than to surround and kill Zhao Fugui. Bullets can be resisted or evaded by these great masters, but Zhao Fugui's fists can't be resisted or evaded. These great masters don't want to be beaten to pieces.

The great masters all understand this, and other real warriors will not fail to understand this. The courage they have just summoned up has been shown up by the sudden appearance of the real warriors. Courage comes and goes quickly. When Zhao Fugui comes to help, these real warriors hesitate again, and more real warriors begin to consider the attitude of the military.

After all, it is true that there is such a consensus in the Zhenwu circle, but now the situation is different. Although the Zhenwu army is composed of some Zhenwu people who support Zhao Fugui, they use modern weapons after all. To some extent, this may represent the meaning of a part of the military. The military does not want Zhao Fugui to die here.

After all, the times are different now. Although the real martial arts have a good life, it's not the time for them to rely on their powerful martial arts to fight against the government. There are no half step, half god or real semi God level strong among them. Once they really fight with the government, they will be the ones who suffer losses.

However, the only advantage now is that the military does not want to interfere too much in the Zhenwu circle. Otherwise, it will not only come to the Zhenwu army, they still have some scruples.

"Think of a way quickly, these guys have begun to be timid. If they don't attack Zhao Fugui again, they will run away soon!" Alan dari said with an ugly face, there are no stupid people in the Zhenwu group. They are all crafty and cunning. This is their biggest problem. If the Zhenwu group were not so smart, they would have killed Zhao Fugui and broken the Mountain Gate of Lingwu group by relying on their blood.

This is just like in war, an army composed of ordinary people or people with ordinary education background is often more courageous than an army composed of people with high education background. An army composed of ordinary people or people with ordinary education background is easier to unify ideas, but people with high education background are not so tolerant. At the same time, these people are easier to persuade themselves to escape.

Today's true martial artists belong to this kind of situation. These true martial artists didn't escape just because they were greedy for Sha Tian Kendo and Zhao Fugui's martial arts. However, when they realized that they couldn't get Sha Tian Kendo or other powerful martial arts, they immediately ran away without hesitation.

Uncle Tang's face was ugly. Although the Zhenwu army was stopped, they destroyed the courage that the Zhenwu people had just summoned. The huge skeleton on the other side could be solved at any time. The double headed snake came to protect Zhao Fugui. Once the double headed snake was killed and the giant skeleton came, the Zhenwu people would immediately run away without hesitation. They could not deal with the huge giant skeleton, Since they can't deal with it and have no chance to kill Zhao Fugui, they will immediately run away without hesitation.

"Scorpio, I'll increase your commission by three times. If Zhao Fugui dies, I can also copy it for you if I get it. You can try Zhao Fugui, and let the real warrior surround and kill Zhao Fugui with you!" Uncle Tang's face is gloomy and says aloud to scorpion.

This group of real warriors need a leader now. As long as someone starts first, and Zhao Fugui can no longer kill the strong ones so strongly, the courage of these real warriors will reappear.

"Well, I believe in the reputation of Hongmen!" Scorpion licked his tongue, swayed his body and walked slowly to the sword mark. Three times Commission plus a martial arts, money can give scorpion all the enjoyment she wants, while killing Tianjian can give scorpion almost everything she wants, which is enough for her to take risks. What's more, with the eyesight of the king of scorpion killers, she can also see that Zhao Fugui is at the end of the crossbow.Not to mention that scorpion has her own way to sign up. In fact, scorpion used to be an experimental body of a biochemical laboratory in Europe. She was sold to the laboratory for experiments since she was ten years old. In the laboratory, she injected various biological toxins into her body to extract antibodies from her body.

The scorpion's body is different from ordinary people since childhood. Her body is far more tolerant to toxins than ordinary people. Countless kinds of toxins can't kill her. Instead, they integrate into her body and become her weapon. The laboratory in Europe used to bite scorpions with Belcher sea snake, the world's most poisonous snake. Belcher sea snake is the world's most poisonous snake. 0.01 mg of its venom can make an adult die in ten seconds.

But this sea snake not only didn't kill the scorpion, but also turned into a stinky black liquid by the toxicity of the scorpion. Scorpion's whole body is highly toxic, not to mention contact with her, even if it appears within 10 meters of her, it is extremely dangerous.

Venomous scorpion looks at Zhao Fugui like a snake's pupil, and her eyes are like hunting. She smiles at the corners of her mouth, and her fingers tremble inadvertently. Poison is only a lethal means of attack, and venomous scorpion has a unique means of life protection.

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