Super Monk

Chapter 2528

"Don't worry about communication, we just need to finish the task!" Garcia said in a deep voice, "we should be very close to the target now. Everyone, be alert!"

"Captain, there seems to be a big space below us!" At this moment, the soldier with the instrument suddenly said that the instrument in the hands of the soldiers of the operation team can not only locate the distance, but also scan the rock strata, but the scanning depth is limited, and the accuracy is very poor, but if it is just a general accuracy, there is no problem.

"It looks like we're here. We're ready to fight!" Garcia took a look at the instrument in the soldier's hand and said in a deep voice. At the same time, he directly lifted the six tube Gatling Vulcan in his hand. Garcia's back was not only carrying an ammunition box containing 10000 rounds of various types of bullets, but also carrying a small four shot missile launcher.

"Keep going, be careful!"

The North American mechanical remoulders are on guard in the front, while the European Union's heavy fortifiers are in the back. The tunnel is not too big. The heavy mechanical remoulders can only accommodate one person. Therefore, the whole special operations team is a snake walking along the tunnel.

The mechanical remoulder and the heavy equipment intensifier were all on guard, and they walked slowly along the tunnel. Just after walking for a while, the mechanical remoulder who was exploring the road suddenly stopped, raised his hand and made a warning gesture, and the strong lights were shining in the past.

"It's a corpse, a remnant, to be exact!" Walking in the front of the road to lead the mechanical transformation of people looking at the front of those things suddenly said. What appeared in the middle of the cave in front was a large corpse, which seemed to belong to the main position of a person's trunk. The body of the corpse was still wearing a blue mountaineering suit, but now the suit has been torn, and the limbs and head of the corpse have disappeared.

"It should be the previous Explorer!" Garcia said gravely. He went over and slowly turned over the body. The chest of this large body had been torn open. Almost all the stinking ribs were exposed. Most of the viscera in the chest had been swallowed.

"It seems that those who entered the tunnel before have been eaten!" Miller said with a dignified face. According to the information they have, at least 30 people were missing in the tunnel before they entered. It seems that those people should have become the remains of these bodies.

"Don't worry about them, no matter what ate them, those things can't eat us!" Garcia said coldly, "the target location is very close. Let's continue to walk. Pay attention to the surroundings and above!"

"Brother, it seems that you have to be careful. If you are picked out of this pile of iron sheets, the end will be the same as them." Miller gloated at the back of a group of people said.

"If we're going to be ripped out of it, I'm afraid your brains will be ripped out too!" A heavy fortifier said coldly.

"That's enough. Be careful!" Garcia looked cold, waved his hand, the team continued to move forward, and soon the special operation team was quiet again, but everyone became alert, and walked to the depth of the cave. Since there are things here to hunt humans, they may not be able to attack these mechanical remoulders and heavy fortifiers.

Soon there was only the sound of the advance of the special operations team in the Tunnel Cave, which could not be covered up, because each of them was too heavy to move forward in silence. In the depth of the Tunnel Cave, the closer to the target site of the instrument scanning, the more corpses appeared in front of it. Each of these corpses was incomplete, and all the corpses were eaten.

This is already four or five hundred meters below the surface. In addition, the entrance of the cave is on the mountain range of Olympus. If you add that height, the vertical distance from the cave entrance may have been nearly 1000 meters. Ordinary explorers can't go down to this depth with professional equipment. Therefore, this is probably not the first scene at all. It's not the first scene The bodies of some explorers were dragged all the way here by some things, but obviously, those things only ate what they thought was the best part to eat, and the rest of the bodies were left here.

"Here it is, just ahead!" At this time, walking in the middle of the team, the mechanical reformer with the scanning instrument suddenly said. In front of the team, huge darkness suddenly appeared, and a series of strong lights flashed into the darkness, which could only emit tens of meters of light. Then those lights were swallowed by the darkness. Even if more than a dozen strong lights were shining at the same time, the darkness did not have the tendency to be illuminated at all.

"It seems that it's here. The people of Changsheng organization are attacking Zhao Fugui outside. They may have sent someone in. Everyone is ready to fight. We don't have any friendly forces here, and we're not here to save people. No matter what happens, we will destroy them directly!" Garcia said coldly.

"I understand!" The mechanic and the fortifier said in a deep voice at the same time that all the weapons were loaded and pointed warily to the surrounding darkness.

"Captain, this place is too big. I think it may be the size of a small city!" The mechanic with the instrument in his hand suddenly looked at the machine and said in shock. On the display screen of the instrument in his hand, the underground space showed little by little. Its size was like a small city sunk underground."So big?" Garcia's face also changed abruptly. He had never been to the North American seal, and almost had no information about the North American seal. Therefore, Garcia did not know the situation of the seal. From the perspective of North American seal, the place of seal is a small lost world. Even Zhao Fugui doesn't know how big the North American seal is, but it's certainly not small. It's normal for Northern Europe to have a larger seal.

"The situation here is beyond expectation. There may be some unexpected dangers. Everyone should be alert and keep going!" Garcia's face changed, and then he said in a deep voice.

Soon, the action team came out of the tunnel. The tunnel was like a small door in this huge place. As soon as they left the tunnel, they entered the huge space. The lights were constantly sweeping in the darkness, but there seemed to be nothing in the huge darkness. The special action team moved forward cautiously and walked hundreds of meters forward I suddenly found something in front of me.

"There seems to be something in front, like a wall!" Walking in the front of the mechanical transformation, suddenly looking at the front said.

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