Super Monk

Chapter 2529

In the huge dark space, the strong light flashlight in the hand of the heavy fortifier suddenly shines on a high wall, which should be said to be a huge wall, just like the wall used by the giant. This huge wall is all composed of bluestones, which is full of dust and the breath of history. The light of the flashlight can shine for tens of meters in the dark, but the light column can't see the top of the city wall from the bottom up. The city wall seems to be as high as 100 meters or even higher.

"This wall is too high. How can there be such a thing under the main peak of the Olympus?" Miller looked up at the darkness above the city wall. Even if they had night vision ability, their vision limit was only about 100 meters. Miller could not see the limit of the city wall at all.

"This is not a mining area. No mining group has ever mined and inspected here. No one knows what is hidden under the mountains. Maybe there is a lost palace of Zeus here!" Garcia said with a thoughtful expression.

"What Zeus, those are all used to coax children. Maybe the longevity organization is hiding behind this wall and preparing for their terrorist attack!" Williams said with disdain that she didn't believe that there was any God or God in the world. No matter now or ever, she didn't believe that this kind of thing existed.

"Blow it up and rush in!" Raman raised his hands and pointed to the huge bluestone city wall. He said that this guy was not equipped with a Gatling Vulcan as the main weapon like other mechanical reformers, but he directly mounted two quadruple small missile launchers on his arm, and even carried two missile launchers on his back. Raman was the only one. This guy was not equipped with a Gatling Vulcan as the main weapon There are four small missile launchers, totally 16 missiles.

"Wait, Raman, don't mess around!" Raman is about to press the missile launch button. Garcia's face changes and he roars at Raman immediately. Raman's intelligence was greatly affected by the radiation, but fortunately he remembered that Garcia was his captain. With Garcia's help, he did not directly press the missile launch button to attack the huge city wall.

"Divide into two teams and search on both sides to see if we can find a way to get in. Since Changsheng people can get in, we can definitely get in too. Don't waste ammunition!" Garcia quickly ordered. The bluestone city wall is hundreds of meters high. How thick does it need to be to build a city wall hundreds of meters high? Take the structure of the city wall as an example. If you want to build a city wall 100 meters high, you have to build a city wall about 10 or 20 meters thick. Otherwise, there must be problems with the strength of the structure. Even if it doesn't take long to build, it will collapse.

If this is really the palace of the gods, it will have a long history. If the wall is not thick enough, it will have collapsed long ago. It is impossible for it to stand for such a long time. If it's really a 20 meter thick bluestone, their weapons are just wasting ammunition.

"Let's go to the left, you go to the right, if it's dangerous, fire directly!" Garcia told the commander of the European armored fortifier.

"We'd better not go too far away!" The commander of the armor fortifier nodded and said, then the whole special operations team was divided into two groups, one left and the other right, and immediately looked for both sides of the wall.

As soon as the two teams of the special operations team were separated, the mechanical reformers in North America immediately fell into darkness. They did not need lighting, and the built-in mechanical eyes could completely perform night vision. Only the armored fortified people had the light of the enhanced flashlight, but after the two teams were separated to the left and right for more than 100 meters, the light of the strong flashlight disappeared.

"They disappeared, as if they had been swallowed up by the darkness!" Miller said to himself as he watched the lights disappear from the armored man's side.

"Shut up and look around!" Garcia look dignified said, do not know why, here let Garcia feel very uneasy, it seems that there is something hidden in the dark.

Miller's face changed and he muttered a few words, but he still shut up and didn't continue to speak. The mechanical transformation people were fully armed and began to search ahead along the foot of the wall.

On the other hand, the armor fortified people kept advancing along the city wall. They thought that since there was a city wall, there must be a gate. Otherwise, when the city was first built, how could the people inside get in and out? Soon after, in constant search, they seem to have found a gate.

"Look, there seems to be something unusual there!" An armored man's flashlight shines on the wall in the distance, but suddenly there is some darkness in that part of the wall. Half of the wall has a wall, and the other half has no wall.

"It's like the gate of the city!" A few armored fortified men immediately sped up and walked past. There was indeed a gap in the city wall, perhaps a gate. Inside the gate, it was dark. The wall seemed to be 20 or 30 meters thick. The flashlight behind the wall didn't shine far enough to see the situation inside, but there were no other buildings within the scope of the flashlight.

"Tell the Americans to come and tell them we've found the gate!" The armored fortifier commander waved and said.

"Sir, there's a lot of communication interference here. We can't get in touch with them!" Among them, the armored reformer soldiers in charge of communication tried to contact Garcia, but they didn't know why. Communication couldn't be contacted at all. It is reasonable to say that the radios they carry do not need to borrow communication satellites or signal base stations. They can communicate with each other directly. In this underground environment, radio communication should not be affected. But now the communication signals are affected and they can't be contacted at all."What's the matter? Is there a source of interference here? " The armored fortifier commander frowned and said, "it's no good shooting blindly in this situation. Why don't these Americans come with us?"

The commander of the armor fortifier complained. He was about to continue talking when the soldier in charge of the guard suddenly raised his hand to signal silence.

"There seems to be a sound around!" One of the two armored fortifiers in charge of the guard looked around and said, just at this moment, there were some sounds in the dead darkness. It was like the sound of stones peeling off, like someone kicked the gravel off the wall.

"Up there!" As soon as the commander's face changed under the protection of the fully enclosed helmet, he immediately shone the light of the flashlight to the top. Under the light of the flashlight, there were pieces of gravel falling from the darkness above.

"There, those, those statues come back to life!" A flashlight in the hand of an armored man suddenly passed some shadows, and then immediately came back. The armored man cried in horror.

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