Super Monk

Chapter 2535

"It's a corpse. It's supposed to be an ordinary person. Maybe the explorer who found the tunnel entered here by mistake. He was attacked by some kind of monster, tore his body, and then kicked to one side. It should be some kind of small monster that attacked him, otherwise there would be no bone fragments in the corpse. After that, the kick was done by those North Americans and Europeans, and the bones of the corpse had been basically broken! " Zhao Fugui looked at the body and said.

"It seems that all the way up here, those semi mechanical guys haven't been attacked yet!" Lilith thoughtfully said, "if this place has long been controlled by the Changsheng organization, then they were deliberately put in by the Changsheng organization!"

"It shouldn't be long for them to pass. Let's go!" Zhao Fugui took a look at the body, stood up and continued to walk inside the tunnel.

He and lilisi are very fast. High level vampires have night vision ability. Zhao Fugui can also see clearly in the dark when he opens his eyes. The dark can't cause any interference to Zhao Fugui and lilisi. They arrive at the end of the tunnel in a short time.

"The tunnel is so deep that it can't be seen recently. It seems that some local forces in Olympus cooperated with the Changsheng organization to cover up the news here. I'm afraid that ordinary tourists couldn't come here before. It wasn't until they wanted to divulge the news that tourists found here!" Said Lilith.

"These are meaningless. There is a lot of space in front of us. Let's see what the Nordic seal looks like!" Zhao Fugui said, and then he went into the dark without looking back.

With Zhao Fugui's current strength, even in the dark environment, he can almost see two or three hundred meters away when he opens his eyes. Although Lilis also has night vision ability, she can't see as far as Zhao Fugui. She can only see about 100 meters away. So when Zhao Fugui sees the huge wall, Lilis doesn't realize that there are huge things in the dark.

"There is a wall almost 200 meters high. Is such a wall built for giants?" Zhao Fugui's eyes were filled with shock when he saw the huge blue stone wall for the first time. Garcia's mechanical and armored soldiers have a vision limit of less than 100 meters, so they think the bluestone wall is about 100 meters high.

But in such an environment, Zhao Fugui's vision limit can reach two or three hundred meters, so he can directly see the top of the city wall, where the city wall has been integrated with the mountain of Olympus. The bluestone city wall has been extended to the top of the empty space, and the bluestone city wall has been integrated with the mountain above. Zhao Fugui estimated that the wall is almost 200 meters high, which is the height of almost 70 stories.

If you stand on the wall and look down, the car will become the size of a fire box, and people will not be much bigger than ants. Therefore, it is obvious that such a wall is neither built nor built for human beings.

"Where is it?" Lilith's vision limit is still outside, still is a dark, she has not seen the huge bluestone wall.

"About two hundred meters ahead, follow me!" Zhao Fugui said, and then he took Lilith to continue to walk forward, and soon Lilith saw the Great Wall.

It's like an ordinary person seeing a huge building made up of 70 story skyscrapers. Standing under the building and looking up at the top of the building, Lilith can't even see the top of the wall.

"Is this the legendary lost city, the lost golden city?" Looking at the huge blue stone wall, Lilith murmured with shock, "vampires have preserved many precious ancient documents. One of them is the original book of the ancient volume of musulet written more than 3000 years ago. In the ancient volume of musulet, there is a city of giants. It is said that the city is the Palace of the gods, and the whole city is built of gold. Although the wall is not made of gold, it is impossible for a city with a height of 200 meters to have such a high wall. It is only the height that a giant city needs! "

"In China, the wall of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty was only six meters high, which was already the highest wall at that time. In the Ming Dynasty, the wall of Nanjing was only 12 meters high, which was also the highest at that time. The height of the wall of Yanmenguan, the important frontier city, was only 10 meters. In the Tang and Ming Dynasties, China's national strength could only build such a high city, not to mention that its national strength was far less than that of China's European side. It would be nice to build a three or five meter wall! " Zhao Fugui said.

"You're right. There were very few walls in European history. Limited by the national strength at that time, even a few cities built walls, which were very low, even three or five meters. In medieval Europe, castles were the most common. The walls of one or two meters high were very small, which could only accommodate the life of the owners of castles. At that time, the monarchs and nobles in Europe basically had only such human and material resources. It's hard to imagine the relationship between such a huge wall and the human beings at that time! " Lilith nodded and said.

"Perhaps this is indeed the Lost City recorded in the ancient book of Marcel. There is a gate over there. Let's go in from there!" Zhao Fugui looked along the wall and soon saw the wall. His eyesight limit was two or three hundred meters. Standing under the wall and looking at both sides, he could see a 500 meter long section of the wall, so he soon saw the gate.Lilis followed Zhao Fugui to the city wall very quickly. There were still many traces of fighting under the city wall, but the body of the armored man who was killed had disappeared. There were only some blood stains and broken statues on the ground.

"It seems that Garcia attacked these statues. The statues were originally on both sides of the city gate. They should have revived the statues, and then attacked Garcia. There was little blood here. It seems that their loss is not great!" Zhao Fugui looked under the gate and said.

"These broken statues are very similar to the legendary stone ghost. They are stone and winged. They are usually statues. When they encounter invaders or they want to hunt, they will come back to life. They are the guards of demons!" Said Lilith, looking at the broken statues.

"It's interesting that the city of the gods is guarded by the guards of the demons." Zhao Fugui sniffed in the air and said, "there's a strange smell in the gate. It's like a lot of things with a strange smell are dead. Garcia, they seem to have been attacked inside! Be careful, let's go in and have a look! "

Lilis nodded, threw away a stone ghost's arm and followed Zhao Fugui to the city gate. The stone ghost's arm fell on the ground and soon broke into several pieces.

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