Super Monk

Chapter 2536

As soon as he entered the city wall, Zhao Fugui saw the gold on the ground. The gold on the ground was more than three meters thick, and there was no gap in his sight, just like a whole piece of gold.

"It's really the city of gold, the palace of the gods!" Lilith saw the ground made of gold under her feet and said in shock. If the whole city behind the wall is made of gold, how many tons of gold will there be? One hundred tons, one thousand tons, five thousand tons, ten thousand tons?

You should know that North America has the largest gold reserves in the world, and the national gold reserves of North America in 2012 are only over 8800 tons, up to now no more than 10000 tons. If this city of gold is big enough, it may only have 10000 tons of gold here, more than the gold reserves of North America, and the gold here can make one The Nordic countries suddenly became rich.

"It's a pity that if Changsheng organization is allowed to do what they want to do, gold will become worthless in the future!" Zhao Fugui looked at the thick gold ground and looked into the distance. In the distance, the gold ground was full of the bodies of evil spirits. The dense bodies were like dolls thrown on the ground, and there were more evil spirits tearing these bodies. "We have ill intentioned" friends "to visit. It seems that most of these things have been attracted by Garcia, but there are still many left!"

"Gulu, Gulu!" Zhao Fugui sees those evil spirits in the Golden Square, and they also find Zhao Fugui and Lilis. A evil spirit suddenly makes a sound of "grunt grunt" in its mouth. In a moment, the whole square is devouring the same kind of evil spirits. At the same time, they raise their heads and look at Zhao Fugui and Lilis.

"Gulu!" These evil spirits make a vague sound, and then one by one throw away the corpses of their own kind and rush to Zhao Fugui.

"The abyss monster?" Lilith's face changed slightly when she saw these things. She had seen too many legendary things today. It was obvious that the situation was getting worse and worse. The abyss monster is the lowest demon in the abyss. Lilith also knows about the Kyushu rift. Has the situation on the side of Nordic seal become so bad that many of the lowest variants have escaped from the rift?

"Only a very small part of them should be formed by the mutants escaping from the seal cracks. The rest may be cultivated by the immortal tissue. These guys may be doing some experiments with demons. There can't be so many creatures here to parasitize them, they can't parasitize those mutants, and they can't form these little monsters! " Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice, it seems that this place has been operated by Changsheng organization for many years, but Zhao Fugui suspects that the seal of Kyushu must be opened in order.

Otherwise, the Changsheng organization should have opened the seal here long ago, and it would not have left the most difficult seal of kunxu in the end. If the kunxu seal is the most difficult to open, it can also be opened first. According to the common sense analysis, the Changsheng organization will certainly open the most difficult seal when it is the strongest, and then open other seals, instead of leaving the kunxu seal at the end as it is now.

"There are a lot of these monsters. Although they are the lowest devil soldiers in the abyss, their individual strength is far more than that of a normal healthy human. I'm afraid a small devil can easily kill five healthy adults holding cold weapons!" Lilith looked at the dense evil spirits and said solemnly that although these evil spirits are unlikely to kill them, they will be very troublesome if they are entangled.

"If they're easy to deal with, they can't be able to chase Garcia. Don't worry about them. Let's go on!" Zhao Fugui stretched out his hand forward and slightly turned Daoli. The pagoda in the sea of knowledge immediately began to work. A small black flag appeared in Zhao Fugui's hand. Zhao Fugui flicked it, and the flag floated in the air and fluttered in the wind. Then, teams of Yin soldiers in the flag came out directly from it.

In Zhao Fugui's ghost flag, the number of Yin soldiers was up to 70000. However, after several times of consumption, the number of Yin soldiers in Zhao Fugui's ghost flag is only over 10000. However, these Yin soldiers can be cultivated in Zhao Fugui's sea of knowledge, and now their strength is far more than that of the tiger demon alchemy sect. Now each of these Yin soldiers has at least the strength of evil spirits.

Dense Yin soldiers appear directly from the ghost flag, and then these armed Yin soldiers immediately surround Zhao Fugui and lilisi. They protect Zhao Fugui and lilisi, and soon these Yin soldiers fight with those evil spirits.

Zhao Fugui doesn't want to waste his power to clean up so many evil demons. Dense Yin soldiers form a military array, and circle after circle of Yin soldiers guard outside, forming layer after layer of protection. While protecting Zhao Fugui and lilisi, the Yin soldiers follow Zhao Fugui and lilisi.

Small evil spirits can hurt these Yin soldiers, and these Yin soldiers can also kill them. Dense small evil spirits attack the army formation of Yin soldiers like a black tide. There are more and more yin soldiers killed. Although there are many small evil spirits, the Yin soldiers are like a solid rock, and the small evil spirits will not waver.

The ground began to appear a large number of small evil body, Zhao Fugui they walk all the way, the ground appeared a small evil body. The evil devil watched as Zhao Fugui and Lilis stood in the center of the Yin soldiers, but they couldn't rush over at all."Gollum The screams of the evil spirits become sharper and sharper. Some evil spirits who can't rush to the front for the time being jump high and jump into the Yin soldiers in the back row. Zhao Fugui sees a evil spirit tearing apart a Yin soldier's body, and then is killed by the Yin soldiers next to him.

The strength of a Yin soldier is even stronger than that of a small evil devil. After they form an army, their strength will be even stronger. If Zhao Fugui releases the ghost emperor and has the command of the ghost emperor, the strength of these Yin soldiers will become stronger. On the other hand, although the number of small evil demons is absolutely dominant, there are no powerful demons in them that can tear up the army array of Yin soldiers. Even if they keep piling up corpses, they can't help Yin soldiers. In a short time, these small evil demons have no way to take Yin soldiers.

"There are buildings in front, like a palace!" Zhao Fugui just glanced at the little demons and didn't look at them again. These soldiers were not worth paying attention at all. He took Lilis to the front and soon saw a magnificent golden palace in front of the square.

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