Super Monk

Chapter 2537

Zhao Fugui's vision is much wider than Lilith's. He can see that the building in front of him is like a palace or a temple. Two statues more than 100 meters high stand in front of the temple. The statues have an ancient Roman style. They are wearing leather armor on the top and a combat skirt on the bottom. They are holding shields and javelins in their hands, as if they are preparing for battle.

There is a passage between the two huge statues. In front of the passage are two exquisite golden gates, about 150 meters high, carved with exquisite patterns and some images. The images on one golden gate look like gods fighting with demons, and the other one seems to depict the beautiful life of the kingdom of God. The two golden gates are half open If archaeologists see these things, they will go crazy.

The passageway leading to the palace is between the two half open doors. There are also many evil spirits' bodies. They were all shot to death.

"Maybe Zeus really lived here!" Zhao Fugui looked at the long passage behind the two exquisite golden gates and said, "this is Mount Olympus. There is a legend of the gods, and there is such a huge golden city. Maybe it was really the palace of Zeus, but after the silence of the gods, for some reasons, the golden city was buried underground. Because of thousands of years of geological changes, it finally became a golden city." It's what it is now.

"I don't know if it used to live here, but I know it must not live here now. Otherwise, these little demons can't act recklessly here. For the gods, these little demons are almost like mice!" Lilith looked behind her and said, "those little monsters still refuse to give up. There are too many of them. I'm afraid they can't be killed so easily. How do we deal with them?"

"Don't worry about them. I'll let the Yin soldiers stop them here. Let's go on!" Zhao Fugui said casually, and then the dense Yin soldiers began to shrink into the passage. The width of the two golden gates added up to about 100 meters, but now the two golden gates are half open, with only a width of 40 meters or 50 meters left in the middle. Tens of thousands of Yin soldiers formed an army formation in the passage of 40 meters or 50 meters, and the evil devil could not even give play to the number advantage at the entrance of the passage, so the Yin soldiers died The speed of death decreased rapidly, but the speed of the little devil began to increase rapidly.

The two golden gates are too heavy for the evil spirits to open. In such an environment, ten thousand Yin soldiers may be able to kill five times their evil spirits. With these Yin soldiers, these evil spirits can't cross the passage.

"Let's go in!" Zhao Fugui is going to wait until he enters the deep part of the palace to take back the Yin soldiers with the ghost flag. In this way, although the Yin soldiers will certainly have a lot of losses, they will not fight with the evil demons too hard. When they enter the deep part of the palace, the evil demons may not be able to find them.

"Garcia, their firepower is very strong, and they also have that kind of small missile. Why can't we hear them fire until now?" Lilisi followed Zhao Fugui and continued to walk along the huge passage. She asked suspiciously as she walked.

"Maybe the sound insulation effect of the gold walls on both sides is too good. The height of these gold walls is more than 200 meters. The top of the gold walls is fused with the mountain of Olympus. I don't know how many meters the thickness of the walls is, and my eye can't penetrate it!" Zhao Fugui looked up at the huge walls, pondered for a while, and said, "this area is not like a palace, but a bit like a maze. No one will waste so much space in the palace to build this kind of passageway without an exit. There are three intersections in front of it, which is like a huge golden maze!"

"Labyrinth?" Lilith asked incredulously, "who would build such a huge golden maze here?"

"Maybe ten thousand years ago, a very boring God!" Zhao Fugui pointed to the three forks in front of him and said, "here in Garcia, they are divided into two teams. One team goes from the left fork passage, and the other pair goes from the middle fork passage. Some evil spirits follow them and enter here. There are evil spirits' bodies in these two passages!"

"How do we get there?" Lilis followed Zhao Fugui to the three branches of the road. She soon saw the bodies of evil spirits in the branches of the road. These evil spirits were killed by Garcia and they, and some bullet marks could be seen on the walls on both sides of the road.

"It's not safe to walk separately. Let's take any road!" Zhao Fugui walked directly to the middle fork road. Garcia knew it was dangerous, but they dared to let the action team go separately. This guy was too confident in the ability of mechanical transformation. Unfortunately, he didn't know that if he met one of the immortals, they would die.

Lilith nodded and followed Zhao Fugui to the middle fork road. If they were separated, it would have little effect on Zhao Fugui, but Lilith might not be able to cope with the danger. Although Lilis is the queen of the blood race, a half step and half god, she is not good enough when she meets the immortal God.

There are no more and more bad demons in the passageway. There are not many corpses in the passageway. This number of rogues can't do any effective damage to the soldiers of the action team.Along the way, except for the corpses of lesser demons, there were no corpses of the soldiers of the action team, no matter they were mechanical remoulders or armored fortifiers.

"Richness, some gold statues are beginning to appear on both sides of the passage!" At this time, Lilis suddenly said that as soon as Zhao Fugui looked up, he saw that there were many gold statues on both sides of the passage. Some of these statues were like soldiers, and some were just ordinary decorations.

"Be careful, some of these statues may come back to life!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice. Before they had gone far, Zhao Fugui saw three human bodies in high-tech armor in the distance. Zhao Fugui had not seen the equipment in the lead box before, otherwise he would immediately know that these were Nordic armor fortifiers. "There are bodies in front of us!"

"I smell blood, too!" Said Lilith.

Zhao Fugui motioned lilisi to be careful, and then came to the three bodies. When he came near the bodies, Zhao Fugui saw the faces under the armor of the bodies and quickly recognized them.

"It's the fortified people in northern Europe. They should be wearing a very advanced exoskeleton armor!"

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