Super Monk

Chapter 2567

"Well, you're lucky. You haven't met any strong people all the time. You can still live till now!" Zhao Fugui said faintly that akura was already a strong man of half step and half god level when the dark war happened in the middle ages, but today, hundreds of years later, he is just a strong man of half God from one heaven to two heaven. For hundreds of years, akura's strength has been improving very slowly. If a human can live that long, he can at least become a super strong man at the top of the demigod triple heaven.

This is the difference between the dark race and the human race. The dark race is inherently stronger than the human race, and their life expectancy is often much longer than that of the human race. However, their starting point is very high, their life is long, and their cultivation speed can not be compared with that of the human race. Human life is short and weak when they were born, but their cultivation speed is very fast. Once the cultivation of a short hundred years of life is successful, it can be compared with those dark strong people who have practiced for hundreds of years, which is also the advantage of human beings.

"I can live to this day naturally because I am strong enough. Do you think I am you pathetic human beings?" Acura said with a ferocious face, and the tusks in his mouth grew out in an instant. Most vampires have only two hollow tusks, but Acura has four tusks, which make him look extremely ferocious.

"Roar, roar!" As if aware of akura's anger, the small evil demons lying around him raised their heads one after another and roared from their throats.

"God, how did we get here?" At this time, Miller and they finally caught up, but everyone's eyes widened and full of fear when they saw the situation here. There are about 100000 small evil demons here, and there are only five or six mechanical transformation people left. They can't resist the attack of so many small evil demons.

"There's more than one pathetic guy. You're all going to die today!" Akura's ferocious face showed a cold smile and said coldly. At this moment, the whole empty Temple Square seemed to be full of chill.

"This used to be the palace of the gods, but now it has become the place occupied by you monsters. These gods are really sad! But it's an honor for you to be your grave in such a place! " Zhao Fugui looked up at the huge throne behind Acura, and the statue standing up on the throne, which is probably as high as 100 meters. Finally, his eyes fell on the magic pool behind Acura, and a strange force was slowly emanating from the magic pool.

"What do you think gods are? Gods need human's belief, demons need human's fear, the difference between gods and demons is just like this, some gods may not kill less human than demons! " Akura said ferociously, "this is the lost golden city of Zeus. The statue on the throne is prepared by Zeus. When it escapes the seal, this huge golden statue will become its short body. It can be said that this was the place where Zeus was born again, but you will die here. You should be very honored to sleep in the place where Zeus was born again. Maybe when the seal is completely opened, they will do something with your corpse! "

"Is that the body Zeus prepared for himself?" Donne was completely shocked when he heard this. Miller and his mechanical reformers didn't feel anything. They were North Americans and didn't like the gods of ancient Greece. Even if there were people who believed in religion, they only believed in Christ God, but Donne was different. Although Donne also believed in God, he was a Nordic. Even if he didn't know the Nordic gods, he had heard their myths When the possible temporary God body of Zeus really appeared in front of his eyes, dawn felt a deep sense of unreal, as if the myth had come into reality.

However, myths may only be some stories that have been handed down for a long time. In a certain era, they may have really happened, but because the time is too long, the real thing has become a story before going to bed. After a long time, the story has become an unreal myth.

Time can always bury anything, and a person is just a tiny grain of dust in the time, a grain of dust can understand the time is too little.

"It doesn't make any sense to me whether gods and demons are just one and two sides or the same thing in essence. Even if there were gods in this world, now it is no longer their time! " Zhao Fugui said coldly, "you should be the northern European seal behind you, right? Then killing you should be able to stop the evergreen from destroying the seal! "

"Ha ha ha ha!" Acura laughed wildly and said, "do you want to stop us from opening the seal of northern Europe? It's a pity that you are too late. The blood of evil has been spilled on the seal. The seal has been irreversibly damaged, just like the seal of North America and other seals. When the seal of kunxu is opened, all the seals of Kyushu will be completely destroyed. No one can stop the return of myth at that time! "

"Sure enough, you have broken the seal!" Zhao Fugui's eyes flashed and said coldly that he had expected such a result for a long time. The Changsheng organization had learned the lesson of the last seal in North America. This time, it certainly won't let the action of destroying the seal have the slightest accident. Zhao Fugui's seal was destroyed before they came to Northern Europe.

"Yes, Zhao Fugui, you're late. We've finished our business. Now the seal has been destroyed. The only thing left is to kill you!" Acura said with a sneer. As soon as he made no secret of his words, all the little demons bent and slowly stood up from the ground, eyeing everyone."Mr. Zhao, the mission has failed. Let's retreat. Anyway, the task has failed. We don't have to let everyone die here for a failed task! " Miller looked at the fear of small evil face big change, quickly said to Zhao Fugui.

"Retreat? Where else can you retreat? The road behind has been blocked. If you want to survive, you can only kill a bloody road from here! " Zhao Fugui said coldly.

"Damn it Miller's frightened face suddenly became very ugly. At this time, he remembered that there was no way out in the maze behind him. Now they had no way out even if they wanted to escape.

"Kill them all to survive!" Donne's face is also very ugly, but the matter has come to this, they have no choice, Donne can only bite his teeth and roar.

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