Super Monk

Chapter 2568

"One last question, you are the only God of the organization this time?" Zhao Fugui didn't care about their reaction. As soon as his eyebrows were raised, his eyes slowly swept over the magic pool behind Acura, and finally settled on Acura's body, he asked slowly.

"To deal with you, I look up to you when I come here myself. How many immortal gods do you think will come?" Acura said with a grim smile as if he were telling the truth.

"There should be at least two immortals. You can't see them alone. I suggest you call out the other immortals as soon as possible, otherwise you may not have a chance to call him!" Zhao Fugui said flatly.

"Yes? Is it up to you? " Acura gave a grim smile, a fierce wave, full of murderous yelling, "kill them, kill them all for me!"

"Roar!" The little devil's eyes turned red instantly. They raised their heads and roared wildly. Then they ran to Zhao Fugui and rushed to them. At least one hundred thousand little demons began to rush. In the dark temple square, they were like a boiling black tide, sweeping towards Zhao Fugui. They formed a black wave and rushed directly.

"Open fire, open fire, cover back, retreat into the maze, guard the exit of the maze, or we'll die!" Miller's expression suddenly became ferocious and frightened, but he didn't forget the instinct of fighting and roared at once. In this square, mechanical transformation, people face this number of small evil spirits. Once they are approached by small evil spirits, they will die. Only when they withdraw to the entrance of the labyrinth passage, can they block such small evil spirits with the advantage of geographical advantage that the labyrinth passage is not wide enough.

"Let's go!" Everyone in the mechanical reformer is a Gatling Vulcan. At this time, depleted uranium armor piercing bullet, a single kill weapon, is useless. Only Gatling Vulcan maintain the defense line.

"Mr. Zhao, let's withdraw together. With you, we will be able to guard the exit of the maze!" Dao en yelled to Zhao Fugui, "there's no need to fight with him. I'll sacrifice for nothing!"

"You go with them and help them keep the line of defense at the exit of the maze!" Zhao Fugui raised his hand, looked at the black wave of evil, said directly to lilisi. Lilith nodded a little, and immediately followed the mechanic to rush to the exit of the maze. In the face of such a large number of evil spirits, even a demigod was surrounded in the maze, which was very dangerous. She had to help Miller and dawn keep the defense line of the exit of the maze.

"Boom!" As soon as Lilis left, Zhao Fugui's Daoli suddenly began to burn like a golden flame. The golden Daoli spread out directly, forming a strong and extreme wall of Daoli.

Seeing this scene, Dao en immediately realized that Zhao Fugui's idea was totally different from theirs. Dao en didn't dare to say any more and ran to the exit of the maze.

"Bang, bang, bang!" After a few seconds, Zhao daogui's voice suddenly burst out, and the devil's body became a little dull. Zhao Fugui is like a reef standing on the beach for thousands of years, letting the black tide crazy impact, but still.

"Akura, I'll kill you!" Zhao Fugui didn't look at the dense demons at all. When he reached the realm of demigod, even if the number of demons exceeded 100000, he was only a mole ant. His eyes focused on Acura from afar. When he stepped on the ground, a clear footprint suddenly appeared on the hard and special gold ground. Zhao Fugui was like a heavy artillery shell, or a horizontal charge Hit the very fast locomotive and rushed straight ahead.

"Boom!" The thunder like explosion appeared in an instant. Zhao Fugui's speed broke through the speed of sound in an instant. A huge sonic boom appeared in the temple square. The evil devil in front of Zhao Fugui was like being hit by a super truck with a weight of 100 tons at a very fast speed. In an instant, it turned into mashed meat. There are also small evil rushed to the sky, not waiting for Zhao Fugui near, was in front of the small evil passed the power of the past hit the sky.

Zhao Fugui split a visible crack in the middle of the black wave composed of dense evil demons in an instant. The crack moved forward in an instant, just like a warship running over the sea at a very fast speed. Even the huge power of Zhao Fugui's forward movement wants to spread around, forming a fan of death, sweeping out on both sides. As long as it is a small evil within this range, it will be directly killed by the power of terror.

The distance of several hundred meters between Zhao Fugui and akura passes in a flash. The moment Zhao Fugui rushes through, he tears at the evil demons completely, and the evil demons can't fill the gap for a long time.

"Boom!" The bright golden fist Gang appeared in an instant, just like a half room sized fist gang. Supported by Zhao Fugui's terrorist power, it flew to akura in an instant.

"Zhao Fugui, your strength really didn't disappoint me. It's worthy of the fastest progress of mankind in hundreds of years. Unfortunately, it's not enough!" In the face of this terrible blow, akura's eyes showed a mysterious look. The gold ground under his feet began to melt, and then huge golden snake heads suddenly appeared from the gold ground. A snake head with golden snake eyes showed a cruel look, and fiercely opened a huge snake mouth to bite Zhao Fugui.The monster from the golden ground has nine huge snake heads. This is a huge nine headed snake. Its whole body is made up of special gold in the temple. Half of the body of this huge monster is on the gold ground, and a tail goes into the seal of the magic pool. The tail is covered with the blood on the seal of the magic pool, and the blood is strangely stained on the tail of this huge snake. Maybe not long ago, this huge snake was just a huge gold statue.

The hydra's head stands 50 or 60 meters high. Each of its heads is bigger than a small building. Acura stands on one of the heads and looks down at Zhao Fugui.

"Hydra, hellish snake, Zeus' pet, Zeus didn't leave several gods' statues before he lost his throne, but left the monster's golden statues, just like the legend says, maybe he is his son. Zhao Fugui, let hailard play with you first Acura stood on the snake's head, looking down at Zhao Fugui, and said with a grim smile.

"Boom!" The snake opened its huge mouth and swallowed Zhao Fugui fiercely. Zhao Fugui's huge figure instantly disappeared in the terrible snake mouth.

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