Super Monk

Chapter 2632

As soon as Zhao Fugui entered the cave, the alloy gate behind him began to close slowly. With the hydraulic device slowly closing the heavy alloy gate, the inside and outside of the cave seemed to become two worlds, and all the sounds outside the cave were blocked outside the alloy gate.

There was only silence left in the deep dark cave, and no sound could be heard in the cave. Zhao Fugui took a look in the cave and went straight to the cave.

This cave is in the hinterland of a mountain in Kunlun Mountains. It's almost full of stone. It's not like it was dug out recently. But if you look at it carefully, you can still see some traces of artificial remains. These traces seem to be very long ago. It seems that someone did something here many years ago.

Maybe it's not the first time that someone came here to study it. Many years ago, someone also found it. Maybe it was hundreds of years ago, or even more distant times.

Zhao Fugui just took a brief look in the cave, and then kept walking forward. It is obvious that there has been no progress in the research here, otherwise the kunxu cave would not have been left until now.

The cave has been slanting downward. It seems that the passage leads all the way to the bottom of the earth. After walking for a while, Zhao Fugui saw the traces left by people. There are a lot of traces, and the time is not too long. They should have been left by Mr. Li. So far, Zhao Fugui has not seen any dangerous places in the cave. I don't know why they are there You're missing.

"Can you let Mr. Zhao in alone, Mr. Chen?" After the alloy gate was closed, several moon palace leaders left behind looked at the cave and asked in silence for a while.

"If Mr. Zhao can't do it, I don't know who else in the world can stop the Changsheng organization!" The adjutant said slowly, "I hope Mr. Zhao and Mr. Li will come out of the gate soon!"

"I hope so!" A few high-level officials of Yuegong sighed at the same time and said that before Mr. Li left, he not only left a strict order that they could not easily open the alloy gate, but also left another order.

The order said that if something else appeared from behind the alloy gate soon, they would not hesitate to detonate the explosives in the cave, destroy everything, and never let the things in the cave escape. If the CL20 buried in the cave explodes, I'm afraid Zhao Fugui and Li Lao will not be able to escape from the cave.

"We should do our own work well and hope Mr. Zhao can succeed. If Mr. Zhao can't succeed, we will be the first line of defense of kunxu. As long as it's not human, no matter what escapes from it, we will destroy it!" The adjutant took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"We must keep this line of defense!" The others nodded and said in a heavy voice. If something escapes from the sealed passageway of kunxu, the Zhenwu army and the Kyushu special forces deployed here will become the first line of defense to guard kunxu. In any case, they will try their best to guard here.

"Start to adjust the defense. Anyway, we have to prepare for the worst!" The adjutant also said that the defense of the Zhenwu army and the Kyushu special corps is aimed at the invasion of the kunxu seal by foreign enemies, but now they should not only guard against the invasion of foreign enemies, but also guard against something coming out of the kunxu seal.

Shortly after Zhao Fugui entered the entrance of the seal of kunxu, Zhenwu army and Kyushu special forces stationed outside the seal of kunxu got busy again.

On the other hand, Zhao Fugui was advancing very fast, but he did not encounter any abnormal situation after walking for about an hour. The cave was still that cave, deep and dark, and he could not see anything else. Along the way, Zhao Fugui did not find any traces of fighting.

"Mr. Li, the traces they left are still there, and there are no traces of fighting. So far, I've been walking for more than an hour. At my speed, I've been at least three or four kilometers underground! " Zhao Fugui said to himself, "can this cave go all the way to hell?"

Zhao Fugui knows that on the continental shelf, the average thickness of the earth's crust is about 40 kilometers. Although the cave is inclined downward, he may have a vertical distance of at least two kilometers now. If he goes on like this, if he can't go to hell, he will have to go to the mantle. According to the research of scientists, there can be radioactive materials and magma everywhere, but although the book says It's written like this, but no one has ever seen the real mantle, and no one has ever been there, so no one knows what's there.

"It seems that they have been trimming here for a while, but they still haven't encountered any fighting!" After walking for a while, Zhao Fugui saw that there were some military ration bags left on the ground of the cave. The appearance of these things showed that they should have been repairing here for a while.

In this dark and deep environment, where there is no other sound, people will feel very depressed, and the loss of physical strength will be greatly accelerated. Even the real martial arts are no exception. Not everyone can completely ignore the influence of the environment like Zhao Fugui. If a small number of ordinary people are here, they can even be scared to death by such an environment.

It's normal to stop to repair and contact people outside. But it's about two kilometers underground. Even with special contact equipment, Zhao Fugui doubts whether they can contact people outside Shandong."Some murals are beginning to appear on the wall. It seems that the age of these murals is very long!" Zhao Fugui didn't use any lighting equipment at all, but now he can see it more clearly than under the golden city sealed by Northern Europe. For Zhao Fugui, the completely lightless environment in the cave is similar to the daytime in the eyes of ordinary people. Zhao Fugui thinks that it should be some kind of magic power.

On both sides of the cave, Zhao Fugui saw some crude murals on the cliff. The murals were all sketched out with simple lines. It seems that there are many things in the fighting, not only human beings, but also many other behemoths. Because the lines are relatively simple, Zhao Fugui can't see what they are.

These murals are very long, just like an unfolded picture scroll. In the picture scroll, we can see that human beings are fighting with those monsters, many of them are killed or eaten, but the fighting with those monsters has never stopped until there is a sword on the mural, a sword falling from the sky.

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