Super Monk

Chapter 2633

After the sword from the sky appeared, all the monsters on the ground began to disappear, and soon there were only humans and some monsters that were not much bigger than humans. People on the ground are still fighting, but it seems that the situation of human being being being used as food and being slaughtered wantonly no longer exists. Human beings have become the active attacking party.

In the last mural, almost no monsters can be seen. It seems that only the human beings who began to multiply are left, and the mural disappears here.

"It seems to be telling a long story. If the sword is the man's sword, the story should be about the disappearance of immortals, demons and demons!" Looking at the long mural, Zhao Fugui showed a thoughtful expression and said to himself. "Is it because that person's one person and one sword opened an era that belongs to mankind?"

If that person's one person and one sword ten thousand years ago opened an era that belongs to human beings, what the organization wants to do now is to personally end this era.

"The story of that man is over, and a new one is about to begin. It has been sealed for tens of thousands of years. I'm afraid those demons and immortals are full of hatred for human beings!" Zhao Fugui finally took a look at the sword on the mural and strode forward.

Zhao Fugui only saw one thing in this long mural, that is, people can only rely on themselves in the end. God can't count on any central celestial Dynasty. If those myths and legends are true, how many immortals are there in the so-called celestial court built by human beings? In fact, most immortals and gods are not made by human beings, but by monsters. Most of them are made up of demons, immortals and gods. Do they regard demons as their own people or people as their own people? The answer is obvious.

Even if some immortals and gods cultivated by human beings can protect some of them, they can only protect a few. In those myths and legends, or later story books, it's just a kind of assumption that the celestial immortals should protect human beings and subdue demons. It's never known that they didn't live in the era when human beings and gods lived together and demons were in the world What was that era like.

These extremely old murals are only a part of the truth of that era. At that time, the Terran was just some food. If we don't want to be food again, we still have a lot to do from now on.

Zhao Fugui didn't stop in front of the mural. He strode on. After about half an hour, something different finally appeared in front of the cave. A stone gate appeared in front of Zhao Fugui's eyes.

The dark blue stone gate was tightly closed. It seemed that the stone gate was integrated with the cave wall. The whole stone gate looked very old, and several words were carved on the two stone gates. That character doesn't look very old. It's just an ordinary traditional character. It may be carved by later generations. It's not at the same time as this stone gate. When the stone gate first appeared, it should not have these characters, but it looks quite simple, at least for hundreds of thousands of years.

"Be greedy for life and fear death, turn around and leave. Don't enter this door for many evils!" Zhao Fugui looked at the words on the stone gate and read to himself. "This means that those who are afraid of death or life are better off, and those who do evil should not go in as soon as possible?"

Seeing these words, Zhao Fugui understood it. Obviously, from the appearance of this stone gate, danger appeared. Danger was hidden behind the stone gate. I'm afraid that timid people and evil doers would have no choice but to go in. But what kind of monster can reward good and punish evil and know a person's good or bad?

"It's obvious that there won't be people playing tricks in this place. These words are real warnings. Those who shouldn't go in had better not go in. Unfortunately, sometimes we don't have a choice!" Zhao Fugui said to himself, then a hand on the dark blue stone door, slowly opened the door.

Zhao Fugui is neither timid nor guilty of evil. But Li Lao is not necessarily able to bring so many people. Let alone Zhao Fugui, if he feels that he has entered Shimen, is he cowardly, or is he not able to has the final say in doing evil deeds?

The dark blue stone door looked very heavy, but Zhao Fugui just pushed it. The dark blue stone door was slowly pushed open, and a rotten and humid smell suddenly spread out from it. This rotten and humid smell seemed to be mixed with some rotten smell.

"Corpse stink?" When Zhao Fugui smelled the smell inside the stone, he frowned. The smell mixed with the rotten and damp smell was very similar to the smell of corpse, but the smell was not very heavy, and Zhao Fugui was not sure whether it was corpse smell or not. However, the smell is enough to alert Zhao Fugui. If the smell is really corpse odor, the people who become corpses are likely to be Mr. Li and others.

With a little effort, the whole dark blue stone gate was completely pushed open. The back of the stone gate looked no different from the cave in front of it. It seemed that it was still an ordinary cave. Zhao Fugui took a look inside and then stepped into the stone.

Zhao Fugui stepped into the stone gate, and the cave behind the stone gate was the same as the cave. Then Zhao Fugui stepped into the stone gate with his other foot, but as soon as Zhao Fugui stepped into the stone gate, the situation behind the stone gate changed.Just for a moment, Zhao Fugui seemed to walk into a huge dark space, surrounded by gray everywhere. Even with Zhao Fugui's strength, he could not see the distant scene. Just as Zhao Fugui walked into the dark space, the stone gate behind him closed silently, but Zhao Fugui could not see the scene.

"Hallucinations?" The moment he entered the stone gate, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. Zhao Fugui frowned, thinking that he was in the illusion and was pulled into the illusion. Zhao Fugui frowned and directly activated the Yin God. Zhao Fugui's Yin God appeared from the sea of knowledge. The Yin God opened his eyes in an instant, and two breath of black and white shot out from the eyes of the Yin God. These two breath are absolutely the nemesis of illusion. But now the two breath shot into the darkness and disappeared without any sound, but the darkness did not change at all.

"Is this illusion too strong, or is it not an illusion at all, but I have entered another space and the seal of kunxu?" There was no change in the darkness before his eyes. Zhao Fugui's face changed slightly and he thought of another possibility.

The Yin God didn't work either. Zhao Fugui took back the Yin God. After pondering for a while, he walked slowly to the dark.

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