Super Monk

Chapter 2640

"Where are they?" At last, the three real warriors chased the outside of the wooden house and looked inside. Zhao Fugui and the people who had entered the yard had disappeared. The three real warriors' faces changed greatly and immediately became nervous.

"Probably already in the house!" Another true warrior who didn't pull out his tongue said in horror. This strange house is not big, and the yard is small. You can walk a few steps to the wooden house inside. The wooden house door in front is open, but because of the angle, you can't see the situation inside the wooden house from outside the yard.

The wooden house is not far from the gate of the courtyard, and the real warrior's conjecture is very likely. If Zhao Fugui did not hesitate at the gate of the wooden house, it is very likely that they have entered the wooden house now.

"Yes, they must have gone in, and so do we!" The real warrior who spoke earlier took a look at the darkness behind him and quickly said that it was as if something was peeping at them in the darkness. This feeling frightened them.

The three real martial artists hurried into the yard and walked quickly to the wooden house. Just as they stepped into the wooden house, the eyes of the three real martial artists suddenly fell into a trance. At this time, a hunchback old woman suddenly appeared behind and looked at the three real martial artists without expression.

"Come with me!" The voice of the old woman's Yin measurement rang. The three real martial artists looked stiff and walked slowly towards old ou. They walked through the wooden house. There was no one in the wooden house. Zhao Fugui and other people disappeared. It seemed that there was only this strange old woman and the remaining three real martial artists in the wooden house.

The three true warriors went to the old woman in a daze, and finally disappeared in the backyard behind the wooden house. After a while, a donkey screamed in the backyard, and then the sound of the stone mill began to ring.

On the other side, it seems that in different time and space of the same place, Zhao Fugui and several other people have entered the wooden house. Before entering the wooden house, Zhao Fugui looks up at the white flag hanging on the wooden pole at the gate of the yard. On the white flag are written several big ancient seal characters. The ancient seal characters are huangquan road and laojiaodian. It's like a small shop in ancient times, but whether it's the weird environment or the word "huangquan road", it's not a good place.

"I'm so hungry!" Zhao Fugui was observing the wooden house when Zheng Wen suddenly said. Zhao Fugui frowned and looked at him. It has been ten days since Zheng Wen and Li Lao entered the kunxu market to seal the market. Zheng Wen didn't say he was hungry until he entered the wooden house just now. It seems that he doesn't know what is hungry. He didn't expect that he started to shout hungry as soon as he entered the wooden house.

"Hungry, hungry!" The others were all tongue pulled out, but they could barely make a vague voice. While making a vague voice, they pointed to their stomachs and told Zhao Fugui that they were hungry.

"Since you are hungry, sit and see if there is anything to eat here!" Zhao Fugui frowned and said without moving his face. It must be for some reason that these people are hungry at the same time. Zhao Fugui is ready to see what the hell this ghost place can do.

"My guest, what would you like to eat?" Just as Zhao Fugui and his family sat down at a table in the wooden house, the gloomy old woman appeared behind Zhao Fugui silently. She asked in a measured way. At that moment, Zhao Fugui didn't feel the old Ou's approach.

"What do you have here?" Zhao Fugui looks slightly changed, and then asked, after entering the house, Zhao Fugui suddenly found that his feeling became worse, even worse than when he was outside the house.

"Steamed mutton, oil spilled pork, live cut donkey meat!" The old woman said without expression.

"It's strange that you can still have mutton, pork and donkey in this place!" Zhao Fugui said with a sneer that it would be strange if there were such things in this ghost place. It would be good if you didn't bring up a table for the whole people later.

"All, all, all, give it to us quickly!" Zheng Wen seems to be about to bear hunger, eyes are beginning to green, eager to say.

"Wait a minute!" The old woman said without expression, and then walked to the kitchen not far away. Zhao Fugui looks at Zheng Wen and others. These guys are just like the reincarnation of starving ghosts. They all drool and look distorted, as if they have been hungry for a long time.

Zhao Fugui frowned at the five of them and directly opened his eyes. However, Zhao Fugui didn't see any strange smell on them, as if they were just hungry.

"This place can suppress my strength to such an extent that even the eye of heaven can't see the abnormality!" Zhao Fugui face some dignified said, Zheng Wen looked up at Zhao Fugui at a loss, he seems to hear Zhao Fugui speak, but now he can only feel hungry, for other things have no much reaction.

Zhao Fugui has a vague guess about this place. Although he didn't read much, he used to like reading when he was working on the construction site. He read all kinds of books. With the influence of some movies and TV, Zhao Fugui also has some understanding of the six samsara. There are six samsara, most of which are evil, that is, those who do evil while they are alive A lot of people will be involved in several courses, one of which is more consistent with some situations here.When Zhao Fugui was thinking about it, a strong smell of meat suddenly came from the kitchen beside the wooden house. The smell of meat was like the meat steamed by the best chef in the world. Even when Zhao Fugui suddenly smelled the smell of meat, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Gollum, Gollum!" Zheng Wen and some of them were even worse. When they smelled the smell of meat, their stomachs immediately sounded like they had been hungry for several decades. Five people were staring at the direction of meat fragrance. Zhao Fugui saw that they even wanted to rush directly to the place where the smell of meat came from, but he didn't know why. It was like they were nailed to the chair, but they didn't move.

"Here comes the steamed mutton!" Just at this time, the old woman suddenly came over with a big plate, and the rich meat aroma came from the plate. Zhao Fugui's pupils suddenly shrank, and he was ready to start. He was sure that the old lady's thing must be a large plate of steamed human flesh.

Zhao Fugui thought so, but when the big plate was put down, it was actually half steamed sheep on the plate. Zhao Fugui's face slightly changed, and he directly operated Daoli to open the eye of heaven. Under the eye of heaven, there was half a sheep on the plate, not something changed.

"Don't eat!" Zhao Fugui, with a cold look, cheered directly to Zheng Wen and some of them. Then he said coldly to the old woman in the shade, "old lady, is it convenient for me to have a look at your kitchen?"

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