Super Monk

Chapter 2641

"Younger generation, if you want to see it, you'll see it. I'm afraid you'll die to see it!" Old woman skin smile meat don't smile Yin measure of say.

"It won't bother you!" Zhao Fugui coldly said, and then his cold eyes swept Zheng Wen, five of them said in a deep voice, "don't eat these things if you don't want to die!"

Zheng Wen and some of them were like hungry ghosts. They were shocked by Zhao Fugui's powerful momentum and seemed to be sober. The old woman's face became colder when she saw this scene. The ghost's eyes fell on Zhao Fugui, but Zhao Fugui didn't seem to notice. She stood up and walked to the kitchen.

There is no one in the kitchen, only a big pot is steaming. Some sticky blood is slowly left on the stove, and there is a sheep's head beside it. Zhao Fugui is always in the state of the eye of heaven. Everything in the kitchen is just like the eye of heaven. The sheep's head, which was thrown at the corner of the stove, widened his eyes and looked like he was dying.

Zhao Fugui takes a glance in the kitchen and goes to the steaming cauldron. A strong smell of meat is constantly emerging in the cauldron. I'm afraid that even the state banquet chef's steamed mutton may not be able to make the meat smell so attractive. This shady old lady can make a pot of meat so fragrant. I'm afraid that the steamed mutton may not be mutton.

"Bang!" Zhao Fugui fiercely picked up the lid of the pot, and a stream of white steam came to his face. The rich meat smell was like the most delicious food in the world. At this moment, Zhao Fugui suddenly felt a burst of hunger, and even made a sound of "Gulu Gulu" in his stomach. Zhao Fugui was stunned and couldn't help reaching for the pot.

A smirk appeared on the old witch's face. Seeing that Zhao Fugui was about to reach for the meat squatting in the pot, Zhao Fugui's Yin God was shocked. His eyes quickly recovered and his hands stopped.

"Interesting, even I can influence it!" Zhao Fugui took a look at the meat in the pot and said to himself, the meat in the pot doesn't look like human flesh in the eyes of heaven, but Zhao Fugui knows that there should be nothing else in this kind of ghost place except human flesh. Can he expect a group of ghosts to raise pigs and sheep here?

When the old witch saw that Zhao Fugui's hand was half stretched out and she took it back, her face suddenly became gloomy, and the smile just appeared on her face disappeared.

Zhao Fugui takes a glance at the contents of the pot in the kitchen, and then goes to the backyard of the wooden house. Zhao Fugui wants to see where the pigs and sheep come from. Zhao Fugui still feels very hungry. He feels very hungry physically. If he is an ordinary person, he may not be able to endure such hunger at all. With Zhao Fugui's current strength, he can even break the valley completely, and he doesn't need to eat at all, so the hunger he feels is not really hungry, but affected.

As for what power can affect Zhao Fugui's half step sage level body, Zhao Fugui is not very clear, but this kind of power is really not simple. Now there are not many forces that can affect Zhao Fugui silently.

Zhao Fugui walked directly to the back of the wooden house, which was also a small yard. One side of the yard was built, and on the other side there was a stone mill. A black donkey was tied to the stone mill. The black donkey was walking around the stone mill, slowly pulling the stone mill and grinding it continuously. I didn't know what the mill was grinding, and a stream of reddish brown viscous liquid was flowing out slowly from the bottom of the stone mill .

As soon as Zhao Fugui appeared, the black donkey immediately looked at Zhao Fugui. He opened his mouth and uttered a vague "Momo" cry. As soon as the black donkey opened his mouth, Zhao Fugui saw that there was no tongue in his mouth.

"If you don't work, what's your name?" The old witch suddenly appeared next to the black donkey. She found a whip in her hand. She whipped the black donkey with a whip. The black donkey screamed in pain, and she didn't dare to cry again. She quickly pulled up the stone mill.

When Zhao Fugui saw that the donkey already knew it, he looked to the other side of the yard. There was a big fat pig arching in the dirty pigsty. It didn't seem to find Zhao Fugui.

"Do you want to eat pork with oil or donkey meat alive? I'm the only one with the most delicious meat in a hundred miles The old witch said to Zhao Fugui coldly.

"How to eat pork with oil? How to eat mutton alive? " Zhao Fugui asked with a sneer.

"The oil splashed pork is the meat cut from this big fat pig. Once in the oil pan, it's half cooked. It's just suitable for you to eat now! To cut the donkey meat alive is to cut the meat from the black donkey and dip it in the blood as sauce. It's just suitable to eat later! " The old witch Yin measures of say.

The black donkey trembled when he heard the old lady's words. Even the stone mill couldn't be pulled. The old lady didn't return her head. She whipped her with a whip. The black donkey suddenly screamed and trembled. He reluctantly pulled the stone mill and continued to grind the things in the stone mill.

"Half cooked and half cooked can be eaten by the living. I'm afraid only the dead can enjoy it when it's dipped in blood. Do you think I will die later?" Zhao Fugui asked with a sneer.

"The immortal master can't help me when I enter my huangquan shop!" The wrinkles on the old witch's face were like chrysanthemums, and she said with a grim smile.

"Don't you know that now that the God is dead, the devil is gone, the immortal is gone, and the six ways are gone, you are a lonely ghost, and you dare to say that you are in the huangquan shop?" Zhao Fugui sneered and strode to the black donkey beside the stone mill."God is dead, the devil is destroyed, and the six immortals don't exist?" Hearing Zhao Fugui's words, the old witch seemed to be completely stunned. She murmured to herself that she thought she was a ghost guarding the hell, one of the six ways of the keeper, and presided over several hells. Is there no six ways in the world, no hell?

"Chula!" Zhao Fugui grabs the skin of the black donkey and tears it violently. The sound of tearing the skin and flesh rings fiercely. The skin of the black donkey was torn by Zhao Fugui. Two pieces of the torn skin appeared in Zhao Fugui's hands. But under the skin, it was not the flesh and blood of the donkey, but a man, a real warrior who had no time to follow.

"Ah, ah, ah!" As soon as the real warrior escaped from the black donkey skin, he immediately hid behind Zhao Fugui. He pointed at the old witch with a frightened face and made a vague voice. The real warrior's tongue had been pulled out of the little tongue pulling hell guarded by the one horned kid.

Zhao Fugui rescues the real warrior. He doesn't care about the old witch. Then he goes straight to the pigsty. A cold light in his hand suddenly flashes by, and the body of the big fat pig in the pigsty is cut in an instant.

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