Super Monk

Chapter 2643

"Death A golden light flashed in Zhao Fugui's eyes. The golden light shot out of his eyes and instantly burned the darkness, as if the dark void had been ignited. The golden light directly shrouded the old witch.

"Ah, you are all going to die!" With a shrill scream, the old witch's whole body burst suddenly. It passed a black air and escaped the golden light and quickly got into the room. The golden light from Zhao Fugui's eyes didn't hit the old lady. It fell directly on the courtyard wall behind the old lady. The courtyard wall was pierced in an instant, and the dark blood began to flow from the gap of the courtyard wall. The whole wooden courtyard of the house began to shake.

"This house, this house is moving!" The real warrior who turned into a fat pig howled incoherently. He and another real warrior were scared and shivered. They found that the whole house was moving, and it was moving more and more severely.

"Go Zhao Fugui's face changed slightly, and he immediately reflected that the whole wooden house and yard is a ghost. No wonder it can move everywhere and keep in front of the people who enter this area, because it is a living thing.

Zhao Fugui rushes into the cabin with his body moving. In the cabin, Zheng Wen and five of them are still around the table. All of them are eating desperately with their heads down. The mutton on on the table has changed into a bloody man. He is one of the last three real warriors to enter the cabin.

Among the three Zhenwu men who finally entered the wooden house, two were turned into animals, and one was made into steamed mutton. The wooden house has begun to change, and all the things in it have begun to live. Zheng Wen and they have no reaction to the appearance of Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui's face is a little ugly. People who eat steamed human flesh on the table must be dead. This is a ghost road. As long as they eat the meat on that table, they will die.

"Ah, my stomach hurts. My stomach hurts!" Just at this time, a Zhenwu man who was eating "steamed mutton" suddenly screamed. He fell back to the ground, his stomach was already bulging, just like he was pregnant in October, and his stomach was still growing.

"Bang!" The true warrior's stomach swelled to the limit, burst violently, and a mass of messy bones and flesh spurted out of his stomach, which was immediately absorbed by the floor of the wooden house. The real warrior twitched a few times, then widened his eyes and lost his breath.

"My stomach, my stomach!" In a flash, the other two on the table soon became the same as the real warrior. Their stomachs began to expand like inflatable balloons. Zhao Fugui's face was ugly, but he immediately found that Zheng Wen and the other real warrior had no change.

Zhao Fugui looks carefully. Zheng Wenzheng is holding his own hand and gnawing it. He has broken the finger bone of his left hand and left half of his left hand with bones. Another Zhenwu man whose tongue has been pulled out is holding a leg of the table and gnawing it desperately. Black blood flows from the table and his face is covered with it.

Zheng Wenhe, a true warrior, remembers Zhao Fugui's saying that he can't eat "steamed mutton" on the table. However, they are unable to control their appetite by the power heroes of the hungry ghost. So one starts eating his own hands, and the other starts eating the legs of the table in the wooden house. They don't eat "steamed mutton", and all their stomachs don't explode.

"Go As soon as Zhao Fugui's face sank, he rushed directly into the wooden house. He picked up a person with one hand, just like carrying a child. He directly carried Zheng Wen and another real warrior to the outside of the wooden house. The two real warrior followed Zhao Fugui and ran quickly to the outside of the wooden house.

"Want to go? None of you can leave! " At this time, the head of the old witch appeared on the beam of the wooden house. Her head was hanging upside down on the beam, and her whole body had disappeared. Her head seemed to grow out of the beam. Seeing Zhao Fugui, they wanted to rush out of the wooden house, the head of the old witch suddenly screamed.

The door of the wooden house "bang" closed. In the wooden house, huge black and yellow tusks suddenly grew out. These huge tusks were almost half a person's height. As soon as the disgusting tusks appeared, they bit Zhao Fugui and his family.

"Mr. Zhao, it's going to eat us!" A real warrior behind Zhao Fugui screamed like a frightened woman.

"Bang!" Zhao Fugui looked cold and fierce. He didn't stop at all. He rushed directly to the door of the wooden house and kicked on the door. The golden light instantly lit up the darkness. Zhao Fugui crushed the door, which also began to change. There was a shrill wail in the darkness. The wooden door burst open like a piece of rotten meat, and black blood began to flow everywhere.

After kicking the door, Zhao Fugui immediately rushed out with Zheng Wen and another real warrior. Behind him, the two real warriors only hated their parents for giving birth to two less legs, making them unable to run faster.

"Damn the living!" The old lady's head was hanging on the beam of the house, and she let out a howl. At this moment, the road in the yard in front of the wooden house suddenly came to life. The road turned into a huge scarlet tongue, which instantly caught the last real warrior.

"Help, help me, help me!" The real warrior let out a hoarse howl. He struggled desperately, and his vigorous Qi agitated wildly, trying to break free from the huge tongue, but his vigorous Qi could not play any role. No matter how he struggled, he could not break free from the control of the huge tongue. The huge tongue rolled around the real warrior and slowly pulled him to the wooden house. At this time, the wooden house had become a ferocious and huge ghost. The ghost opened its mouth full of fangs and was about to swallow the real warrior.Zhao Fugui directly threw out the two men he was carrying. He reached forward and rowed in the void. A bright golden awn passed by in an instant. In the twinkling of an eye, the golden awn formed a three Zhang long sword. The sword shot out, tearing the air, with a sharp roar in the air, and then cut directly on the huge tongue.

"Poof The bright golden sword cut off the tongue instantly, and the huge ghost's hair let out a painful wail. From the place where the tongue was broken, huge black thick blood gushed out. The broken tongue fell on the ground and kept wriggling. The real warrior who was rolled in the tongue took the opportunity to escape.

"Roar!" The huge ghost hair roared, and two huge ghost claws came out from the ground. Then the two huge ghost claws supported on the ground, and the huge ghost body came out from the ground.

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