Super Monk

Chapter 2644

The huge ghost slowly crawled out from the reddish brown blood sand ground. It turned out that the wooden house Zhao Fugui had seen before was the head of the huge ghost, but in this strange space, Zhao Fugui's heavenly eyes could not see the real face of things. Under the interference of the six samsara forces, Zhao Fugui's heavenly eye has basically become a decoration here.

"Ghost, ghost!" The four people who escaped from the cabin alive saw the giant ghost. They were pale and trembling. They thought that they had just walked in the mouth of the giant ghost. Even if they were more courageous than ordinary people, they were still frightened.

Outside, even though Zheng Wen and his four are not bold people, they are at least brave people. But now that they are here, courage is a luxury for them.

Zhao Fugui watched as the huge ghost crawled out of the ground. It was at least ten feet high, with two horns on its head, animal skin on its body and hair on its head. Some black and yellow tusks were growing outside. It looked strange with a huge stone mill in one hand and a huge steamer in the other.

However, Zhao Fugui did not underestimate the stone mill and steamer, because a breath of six samsara is coming out of the stone mill and steamer. This giant ghost should have been detained here by some Taoist master before, but the stone mill and steamer are the core of the six samsara.

"Mr. Zhao, let's escape. There is no wooden house. Maybe we can escape. This evil ghost is so terrible that we are not his opponent at all!" Just now, the real warrior in the entrance, who was almost rolled by the giant ghost with his tongue, cried in horror. Now there are only four people left with Zhao Fugui. Except for Zheng Wen and three Zhenwu, all the others are dead. Even Zhang Tao, another man from the Moon Palace, is no exception. Zhang Tao didn't hold back his hunger in the mouth of the giant ghost and ate the "steamed mutton" on the table. He also burst his stomach and died.

"In this space, this giant ghost can move in any instant. No one can leave without killing it!" Zhao Fugui stares at the giant ghost and says lightly.

"Boy, you're right. This is the ghost of Comoros. In the ghost, Comoros can reach any place at any time. You can't escape. You're all dead!" The old witch's head grew from the middle of the giant ghost's forehead. It looked at Zhao Fugui and showed greedy expression. She murmured, "last time there were too few people to eat. This time I must eat you all. The meat of Taoist disciples is the best. You can't escape!"

"Comoros?" Zhao Fugui looks at the giant ghost, and he feels a kind of ghost King's breath from the giant ghost. This kind of ghost King's breath is not the kind of ghost king that Zhao Fugui met before, and even Tao Qing got the ghost King's crown at that time.

This kind of breath is just like those ghost kings in the legend of ancient times. At that time, the ghost kings could not be controlled by the local government, the immortal court could not be controlled, and the Lingshan mountain could not be suppressed. If they ran across the three realms and did not enter into the five elements, they could be said to be the existence of a hegemonic level. Even the immortal court could only be suppressed and could not be completely eliminated. Once they were born, it would be a great catastrophe.

However, according to the records in the book of Taiping Taoism, there are only four such ghost kings in the whole world, namely Sanmiao single star, Mangshan CaoGuang, XiaoYushan ghost mother and Feilian. It is said that these four ghost kings were born after the creation of heaven and earth, adhering to the evil spirit between heaven and earth. If there is evil spirit in the world, they can hardly be eliminated.

But even if these four ghost kings lived from ancient times to ten thousand years ago, they could not escape the man's sword and could not appear here at all. Moreover, Zhao Fugui only felt a little bit of ambivalence from the giant ghost. Obviously, this guy could not be compared with the four notorious ghost kings, otherwise it would be better We can't be detained here by the Taoist master to make a ground binding spirit.

"Boy, you don't even know jumoro. You must not be one of those famous schools. If I kill you, I won't worry about getting revenge from your elders!" The old witch said with a grim smile, "jumoro was a ghost general under Cao Guang of Mang Mountain. He killed countless gods and immortals. It's not unfair for you to die under his hands!"

"Kill the gods? You dare to boast that you may have been detained here one or two thousand years ago, so the memory still stays at that time. Now the world has changed a long time ago. There are no Taoist disciples and I don't have any elders. You don't have to worry that someone will retaliate against you, because after today, you will be completely free! " Zhao Fugui light said, trapped here for one or two thousand years, can only move in a region, be eliminated, it should also be a relief.

"One or two thousand years ago? It's been so long? " The old witch murmured, and then her expression began to become extremely ferocious. She yelled, "no matter who you are, you will die!"

"Hoo At the moment, Zhao guimeng's mouth opened, and the green flame spewed out. The green flame spewed out from the mouth of the giant ghost, forming a flaming pillar in an instant. In the blink of an eye, the pillar of fire spewed through tens of meters to Zhao Fugui.

The fire makes people not feel the temperature at all, but even if the brown sand on the ground is swept by the blue phosphorus flame, it immediately begins to melt and turns into a thick dark red liquid. I'm afraid that if the flame burns to people, it will kill everyone in an instant."Run away!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice, then he slowly stretched out his fist and pressed it down fiercely. There is no need for Zhao Fugui to say that Zheng Wen and some of them know that this kind of battle is not something they can intervene in at all, not to mention that almost all of them are injured now, and they stay here to die.

Zhao Fugui just reminded them, did not look at them at all, as he stretched out his fist to press down, the bright golden mang instantly pressed down.

"Boom!" The reddish brown sand ground cracked instantly, and the golden light began to spread in front of Zhao Fugui's steps. A terrible crack approached the giant ghost directly.

In the blink of an eye, the golden light collided with the blue phosphorus flame. The blue phosphorus flame sprayed on the golden Daoli was like a strong wind blowing on a huge stone. The strong wind could not shake the huge stone. Instead, the golden light tore the green flame apart and directly hit the huge ghost jumoro.

"Roar!" Jumoruo did not expect that Zhao Fugui's strength was so strong. In the face of its blue phosphorus flame, he not only did not dodge, but also directly tore the flame open and attacked its essence with golden light.

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