Super Monk

Chapter 2646

"Mr. Zhao has pinched that monster's stone magic weapon out!" On the other side, seeing this scene, the only real warrior who could speak among the four people who were hiding far away suddenly cried out excitedly.

"I said Mr. Zhao would do it!" Zheng Wen was also excited to say that he had confidence in Zhao Fugui before, but it was inevitable that he would be uneasy in such a place. It was only when he saw that Zhao Fugui easily pinched the treasure thrown out by the giant ghost that Zheng Wen really felt relieved. "Mr. Zhao is too powerful. With him, those ghosts are certainly not his opponents!"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Zhao will be able to take us out of this place alive!" The real warrior can't wait to say.

"We don't have to get out of here alive, as long as we can stop the organization!" Zheng Wen took a deep breath and said slowly, no matter what, he still remembers his task. He is not the real warrior who has just joined the army. He knows what the most important thing is. "Mr. Zhao will surely lead us to stop the Changsheng organization!"

Hearing what Zheng Wen said, the three true warriors all blinked and didn't make a sound. For them, nothing is more important than their own life, and they have no ability to stop the organization. Now they want to live.

"How dare you destroy the stone mill hell? The ten halls of hell will not spare you, and the emperor of heaven will also take you to blame!" The old witch obviously still lives in her own fantasy world. Ten or two thousand years ago, she might think that hell still exists, heaven is still high, and gods and immortals exist. For thousands of years, the old witch did not doubt what she did, but made her more and more convinced that the stone mill in her hand represented the stone mill hell.

"Kill, kill, I'll kill you!" The old witch looked crazy and howled. Jumoro roared and strode towards Zhao Fugui. The old witch thinks that her stone mill is a stone mill hell. The stone mill hell was destroyed by Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui certainly has a big crime, but she, as the person in charge of the stone mill hell, will also be severely punished by Yama. An inexplicable fear makes the old witch crazy.

Maybe one or two thousand years of being trapped here had already made the old witch crazy, but the stone mill hell was crushed by Zhao Fugui. Because of fear, it released the fear side of the old witch.

"It's meaningless for you to stay here. I'll let you out of it." Zhao Fugui looked at the giant ghost and said calmly. Then Zhao Fugui stepped on the reddish brown sand ground. There was a deep footprint on the ground. The sound of sonic boom sounded instantly. Zhao Fugui surpassed the speed of sound and met the giant ghost.

Zheng Wen, they can hardly see the shadow of Zhao Fugui. By the time they see it clearly, Zhao Fugui has appeared in front of the giant ghost. He punches the giant ghost in the chest.

Zhao Fugui's fist blows out, the bright golden light appears, the mist floating in the air is broken in an instant, and a shock wave like gray fog cloud ring even appears around Zhao Fugui's fist in the dark. Zhao Fugui's fist is extremely terrible.

"Bang!" In the dark, there was a burst of sound, and the giant ghost could not react at all, so he was punched in the chest by Zhao Fugui. With this blow, jumoro's chest seemed to be hit by a heavy missile. His chest burst open in an instant. There was a big transparent hole in the middle of his chest. There were many bones in jumoro's stomach, which seemed to be the people he had eaten.

"Why? You're pretty tough! " Zhao Fugui thought that this blow could directly blow up the body of jumoro and kill him completely. Unexpectedly, he just made a big transparent hole in the chest of jumoro. Zhao Fugui gave a light "eh" shot again and slapped jumoro in the face.

Zhao Fugui's slap made a thunderous sound in the air. Zhao Fugui's slap is like the fall of Mount Tai and the fall of the Tianhe river. His power is not only terrible. A ten foot Golden Palm appeared on the top of jumoro's head. The giant palm snapped fiercely, and there was a roaring sound in the air. It seemed that the giant palm tore the air and shot it hard at jumoro.

"No!" The old witch let out a scream. She tried her best to control the giant ghost. She raised her hands and blasted to the golden giant palm. She even smashed out the steamer representing the steamer in hell, trying to stop the golden giant palm from falling.

Zhao jugui's evil spirit was nothing but the real evil spirit of Zhao jugui.

"Boom!" The reddish brown sand ground is directly photographed as a huge pit with a diameter of more than 30 meters. The ground vibrates in an instant, and the huge pit even goes deep into the ground for more than 10 meters, forming a deep big hole. In the big hole, the body of kumorro has been patted into a thin meat cake, and the head of the old witch has long disappeared.

Even the bigger steamer was smashed. There was a little golden light in the smashed steamer. Zhao Fugui found another half golden token in it. Even in such an attack, the token was intact. It was really a suspected treasure.

Zhao Fugui slaps the giant ghost to death. The thick fog in the dark fades a little bit again. Zhao Fugui glances around and can see far away. It seems that as long as all the six samsara in this space are destroyed, then the space will return to normal.Zhao Fugui just wanted to take a look around and put the two tokens in his hand together. When the two and a half pieces of tokens were put together, they would automatically merge into one, forming a complete token. Zhao Fugui looked at the token, and the golden light in his hand flashed, and the token was put into the sea of knowledge.

"The animal way and the hungry ghost way have disappeared, and then there are four paths in the six paths of reincarnation. As for hell, it is not necessarily to face the eighteen layers of hell. There is almost only the breath of six paths of reincarnation but not the breath of hell in these tokens. I'm afraid a complete little hell can't be evolved by this token!" Zhao Fugui secretly thought of it in his heart, but at present, one reincarnation is better than another.

The animal road in front, those ghosts and one horned kids are not worth mentioning. In this hungry ghost Road, the strength of jumoro is much stronger. I'm afraid the ghosts in the back will be stronger one by one. However, this is normal. If the strength of the ghosts guarding each of the six samsara is almost the same as that of the one horned kid, it's a joke. A slightly more powerful character can directly kill this place.

The master of daomen's painstaking arrangement here is definitely not to add a little joke to the seal of kunxu.

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