Super Monk

Chapter 2647

"Zhao, Mr. Zhao, is that ghost dead?" Seeing that the giant ghost was slapped by Zhao Fugui into the pit for a long time without any reaction, the four talents who were hiding in the distance came slowly with a nervous face. The real warrior who could speak gave a shivering look at the pit and asked in a low voice.

"Dead!" Zhao Fugui said faintly. Zheng Wen and they quickly looked forward and saw that the jumoro at the bottom of the huge pit was slapped by Zhao Fugui and began to dissipate slowly in the reddish brown sand ground. Seeing this scene, several people were relieved.

"Mr. Zhao is really a master of martial arts. It's no problem to deal with this kind of monsters. These ghosts are not your opponents, Mr. Zhao!" The real warrior who can speak said with a flattering face that the three real warriors now wish to worship Zhao Fugui as their father, as long as Zhao Fugui can take them out alive and let them do anything.

"You don't want to be happy too soon. If I'm right, there will be four similar dangers in the future, and they will become more and more dangerous. You'd better be careful if you want to live!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

"There are four other places like that?" Zheng Wen and the three real warriors turned pale in an instant. Four people died when they met a huangquan shop. If they met such a dangerous place again, I'm afraid they would all die twice more.

"This is probably a big formation imitating the six samsara. If you want to enter the kunxu, you have to break through six seals. Now we have broken through the animal way and the hungry ghost way, and then there are Asura way, hell way, heaven way and humanity way. Animal way, hungry ghost way and hell way are three evil ways. Asura way is good before evil. Only the way of heaven and humanity are good ways. Now we can only hope that the way of heaven and humanity are good ways and there is no danger. In this way, we only need to go through hell road and Asura road to enter the seal of Kun ruins! " Zhao Fugui said.

Six samsara, good and evil coexist, but generally speaking, the evil way is more than the good way, because in the view of six samsara, the evil in the world is more than the good. Most of the people in the world are ordinary people who have little evil and don't commit great evil all their lives. These people account for the vast majority. But for the six paths of reincarnation and hell, even lying is evil. If ordinary people often lie and don't do good deeds, they will enter the reincarnation of evil after death. But most of them are, so in the eyes of the six paths of reincarnation, the evil in the world is more than the good.

However, there is a fixed number for evil to be evil, and for good to be good. Since the elder of the Taoist school has laid a small samsara here, it is very difficult for him to change the fixed number. Therefore, if he meets the way of heaven and humanity, there is probably no danger. Zhao Fugui hasn't found most of them up to now, which shows that they may have been very lucky and found the way of heaven and humanity, so they didn't die, but it is also possible that most of them died in other places.

"Six samsara?" The Chinese never heard of the six samsara. When Zheng Wen and the three true warriors heard of the six samsara, their eyes were filled with hope. The true warrior quickly asked, "Mr. Zhao, are we safe if we find the way of heaven and humanity?"

"It's possible!" Zhao Fugui took a look at the darkness in the distance, and said casually that his sensing ability was still limited, and he could not feel the location of other tokens. Otherwise, he could put Zheng Wen and others in the way of heaven or humanity. He would go to solve the hell way and Asura way himself, and then find them.

"Can we go to heaven and humanity first?" The real warrior asked with hope, and the other two also had the same expression. The three real warriors even wanted to stay in heaven and humanity. They didn't want to go to kunxu to seal. Since heaven and humanity are safe, it's better to stay in heaven and humanity than to go anywhere.

"We don't know the position of heaven and humanity at all. The next time we encounter one, we can only depend on luck!" Zhao Fugui said faintly that he had nothing to say to the three scared Zhenwu men. Instead, he turned to Zheng Wen and said, "be careful, let's go on!"

Zheng Wen nodded silently. He was also very afraid, but fear did not make him lose his mind and forget his task. After all, he was an agent with his own persistence. It was not the three mobs who had not joined the Zhenwu army for a long time. For the Moon Palace, most of the Zhenwu circle were mobs.

These people could have made more and greater contributions to the country, but for the self-interest of themselves and their families, they have become vampires hidden in the blood of the country.

"We shouldn't have come here!" Seeing that Zhao Fugui and Zheng Wen continued to walk deep into the darkness, the real warrior murmured to himself, and then followed up with the other two real warriors.

With the disappearance of the hungry ghost road and the animal Road, the mist in this space has dissipated a lot again. Zhao Fugui can see the scene about 100 meters away, and the suppression of the sky's eye in this space has also begun to weaken. It seems that with the weakening of the small six samsara formation, the power of this space has also begun to weaken.

Zhao Fugui is ahead of him and his speed is accelerating. Zheng Wen follows Zhao Fugui vigilantly and tries to keep up with Zhao Fugui. He is not a real martial artist, but an ordinary person with strict training. However, just because of this, this space has almost no suppression on him, and he can keep up with Zhao Fugui with little effort.The three true warriors are not strong enough, but they have some strength that does not belong to ordinary people. Therefore, the suppression of space is particularly obvious on them. They are just like a stronger ordinary person now, but they can't compare with Zheng Wen in both will and spirit. On the contrary, some of them gradually fall behind Zheng Wen.

These three true martial artists want to ask Zhao Fugui to slow down, but they don't dare to speak. Zhao Fugui can take them because they have joined the true martial army. If they still lag behind, maybe Zhao Fugui will ignore them. Therefore, these three true martial artists dare not ask Zhao Fugui to slow down. They can only try their best to keep up with Zheng Wen and bite their teeth insist.

After walking so fast for a period of time, the three true warriors were in a mess and couldn't hold on any longer. At this time, a real warrior suddenly did not know what he tripped over and fell to the ground. When Zhao Fugui heard the news, he immediately stopped.

"Something's tripping him!" The real warrior who could speak took the opportunity to gasp a few times, then pointed to the foot of the real warrior who fell and said quickly.

"The gun?" Several people's eyes looked in the past, Zhao Fugui's brow immediately wrinkled.

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