Super Monk

Chapter 2676

On the other hand, the horse's face, which had been broken up by Zhao Fugui's fist, began to swallow a large amount of Yin Qi, which quickly repaired their bodies. Each of these powerful ghosts and gods in ancient times has its own secret method. Zhao Fugui thought that if he broke the small six samsara array, these ghosts would lose their ability of rebirth. Unexpectedly, Tauren and horse face still have the ability to repair their bodies with the mass of Yin in their eyes.

If that's the case, these two ghosts and gods are backed by Yin eyes and have endless support of Yin Qi. Zhao Fugui can't kill them completely unless he uses Tianhe sword to destroy all their origins. At that time, even if they have massive support of Yin Qi, they can't be revived. However, Zhao Fugui doesn't want to expose his Tianhe sword too early Sword meaning, let Tianhe sword meaning stimulate the things in the seal of kunxu.

"Damn Terran, I didn't expect that your strength has reached such a level. According to the strength of your Terran, you also had the cultivation of crossing the robbery period ten thousand years ago. You can be regarded as a little friar in this world. Ten thousand years ago, I couldn't count one hand of you human immortals, not to mention you garbage monks who didn't even have immortal status. I didn't expect that after ten thousand years, I would be beaten by you damned garbage monks! " Niutou's face appeared an abnormal distorted expression, as if Zhao Fugui had blasted the Dharma, which made it feel a great insult. Niutou's eyes showed a crazy look and roared, "it's all the fault of you damned Terrans, it's the damned North..."

"Shut up, don't mention that man's name!" Just when Tauren was about to say the name of that person, a voice more violent than Tauren's voice rang out. As soon as the voice rang out, Tauren suddenly woke up. There was a trace of fear in his eyes. It seemed that he was also extremely afraid of that person's name.

That person has been their nightmare. In these sealed things, no matter they are immortals, gods, demons or demons, everyone is not willing to mention that person's name. Because they think that in their legend, once the name of that person is mentioned, that person will find the coordinates of the world in the endless river of time and return. No fairy, God or demon is willing to see that person return.

So that person's name is like a taboo, no one is willing to mention, no one dare to mention.

"Your strength is not what we can deal with now, but we don't need to kill you either. We just need to drag you to the other stupid and greedy human beings to open the seal of kunxu!" Ma Mian stares at Zhao Fugui coldly. His iron chains are entangled on the stone like a sword, and the stone is completely entangled.

This iron chain is a ghost weapon that horse noodles took two or three hundred years to refine. It can also play a blocking role by winding around the stone. It can help them delay the time for Zhao Fugui to enter the kunxu seal.

The remaining two gods of the organization believe that as long as they open the seal of Kun ruins, they will get a chance to see for a long time. But what is in the seal of Kun ruins is not using them. Even if the seal of kunxu is opened, they may not be able to calculate the immortals and demons, which is why Niutou and Mamian think that the people of Changsheng organization are just a group of greedy and stupid idiots.

"Your recovery speed is fast enough to block the real entrance of the kunxu seal. If I don't use my cards, it's really difficult to kill you instantly and enter the kunxu seal, but it's too wasteful to use my cards against you!" Zhao Fugui said coldly.

"Waste? Goddamn bastards, ten thousand years ago, master Niu, I could crush such a friar as you with one finger. How dare you not look at me Niutou roared angrily, but he didn't rush up to fight with Zhao Fugui. Instead, he was still firmly in front of the seal entrance of kunxu.

"You sound like a beggar saying that his ancestors were rich too!" Zhao Fugui sneered and said, "the ghosts and gods ten thousand years ago really didn't have a simple character. You talk so much nonsense with me but don't do it. You just want to delay time, right? The longer you drag on, the better it will be for you, so you seem very angry on the surface, but in fact you want to maintain the current situation, right

"Well, you are more and more cunning Niu tou and Ma Mian's face suddenly changed slightly and said coldly, "in those days, Nuwa God created your human race. There was no place for your human race in this world. Unexpectedly, your human race was good at learning. At the beginning of the heaven, someone could be in the immortal class. You also used incense to worship gods and seek protection. In ancient times, there was no one more treacherous and shameless than you. Later, there was a most powerful man in your family. First, he was the first star king in the Eastern Emperor's heavenly court. Later, he didn't want to be grateful. He swept the world with a sword and killed the living creatures. Hateful, hateful, damned

In the voice of the horse's face, there was an unforgettable hatred. Such hatred could not be washed away by all the waters of the world. Such hatred did not dissipate with the passage of time. On the contrary, the deeper the hatred was, the more base it was.

"We human beings have a saying called" my enemy, the enemy's hero, my hero, the enemy's enemy. "The person you are talking about is hateful, hateful, and damned. But for our human race, he is a sword sweeping the world, opening up the flourishing age of the human race for thousands of years. As a human being, we should continue to open up, swing the sword in the sky, and respect the human race!" Zhao Fugui said coldly, "from then on, there are no immortals, gods, demons and demons, only the flourishing age of the human race!""It's a pity that you two can't see the golden age

Zhao Fugui coldly looks at the ox head and horse face standing before the seal of kunxu. A vertical eye between his forehead slowly opens. The golden vertical eye opens between Zhao Fugui's forehead. In a moment, a golden light shoots out from the vertical eye.

"Six samsara, you?" The ox head and horse face saw the golden light, and their faces were shocked. They wanted to escape, but they were covered by the golden light. Ox head and horse face roared in the golden light, exhausted the means, but they could not break away from the golden light, and were directly inhaled by the golden light. In the golden light, their figures began to change constantly.

The vertical eye between Zhao Fugui's forehead is the Shenbao noumenon formed after the fusion of the six Golden tokens. This Shenbao was refined by Zhao Fugui quietly and became Zhao Fugui's third eye.

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