Super Monk

Chapter 2677

Lingjizi's six paths of samsara, the most precious treasure of Kunlun, was integrated into the understanding of yin and Yang samsara by Zhao Fugui, and became the third eye of samsara. This third eye of samsara became Zhao Fugui's third most precious treasure, second only to the gold pagoda and bronze spear.

The six way reincarnation order itself contains a trace of the original force of the six way reincarnation. After integrating Zhao Fugui's Yin God's understanding of the force of yin and Yang, the six way reincarnation order has become the eye of reincarnation, which has formed a small place of six way reincarnation.

The ten Zhang high Dharma body of ox head and horse face is shrouded by the golden light. The ten Zhang high Dharma body shrinks rapidly and is included in the golden light. In the golden light, the bodies of ox head and horse face are constantly changing, becoming fierce ghosts and beasts, and finally vanishing into invisibility. When the Dharma bodies of ox head and horse face disappear, there are still two sources that want to escape, but they can't break away. Finally, this source is absorbed by the power of six samsara.

Without the two largest ghosts, even the Yin Qi from Yin eye was weak. There was a faint golden light penetrating from the Yin Qi cloud, and the transformation speed of the ten Yin Jedi slowed down immediately.

Zhao Fugui took a look at the Shiyin Jedi that had occupied the whole basin. Then he grabbed the stone like a sword, and the iron chain wrapped around the horse's face collapsed. Zhao Fugui grabbed it directly. Finally, Zhao Fugui pinched it, and it disappeared into the invisible. Zhao Fugui took a deep look at the sword like stone and then walked towards it.

The sword like stone is like the water surface, waving waves. When Zhao Fugui stepped into the stone, it was as if he had passed through a piece of water. Behind the water surface is a deep darkness.

"It seems that the Yin Qi blocking the sun is fading away!" At the same time, in the direction of the entrance of kunxu seal guarded by Zhenwu army, the people of Zhenwu army and Moon Palace found that the cold Yin Qi in the sky began to shrink. Originally, the black Yin Qi had spread to the entrance of kunxu seal, but now, the Yin Qi was slowly receding, and only a piece of shadow was left in the distance, which seemed to be at least half smaller than before.

"What the hell is going on?" No matter zhenwujun or Yuegong's agents, all of them look at each other. They don't know what's going on.

"Are the born demons sealed again?" A little older Zhenwu murmured, perhaps only in this way can we explain why such a scene appeared.

"Only this kind of possibility, it must be Mr. Zhao who seals or destroys some monsters again. It must be so. Only Mr. Zhao has such strength!" The people at the top of the Moon Palace soon reached a consensus that what happened must have something to do with Zhao Fugui. This must be good news. At least it proves that Zhao Fugui is still trying to stop the people of Changsheng organization.

"Send a team to have a look. If you can find Mr. Zhao, direct the armed helicopter formation to provide fire support to Mr. Zhao!" Soon an order was given.

Zhao Fugui didn't know anything about what happened here, but it was good that the scope of Yin eye shrank rapidly, which at least gave Zheng Wen a chance to survive.

"Mr. Zhao has disappeared behind that stone. What shall we do?" At the edge of the plate, Zheng Wen and the people of the Moon Palace watched Zhao Fugui disappear behind the sword shaped stone. A man of the Moon Palace immediately asked.

"There are ghosts in front of us, and the Yin Qi is very heavy. I'm afraid we can't get through. Even if it's gone, it will only drag Mr. Zhao down. We'll go back to the Zhenwu army's station immediately and tell them the news here!" Zheng wenlue hesitated and said immediately.

In order to reveal their true bodies, Niu tou and Ma Mian inhaled almost all the ghosts in the ghost town into the Dharma. So now there are almost no ghosts in the ghost town. Otherwise, Zheng Wen may have become the food of the ghosts. But there are still some fish in other places of the small six samsara formation. If they are far away from the basin, it's OK If it's close to the basin, it will be attacked soon.

"Yes, we can't help Mr. Zhao at all. It's also a drag to get in. Report the news here and see if we can find a way to help Mr. Zhao!" Other people also understand that Zheng Wen is right. They have no ability to help Zhao Fugui. If they go there, they will die, and they may drag him down.

"Come on, this place is too gloomy. Let's get out of here at once!" Soon several people began to move and retreat to the outside of the basin. Some powerful ghosts in the basin have found them, but now it's day after all, and they dare not leave the range of Shiyin Jedi.

Only Zhang Long took a look into the basin, with an inexplicable look in his eyes. Then he bowed his head and immediately followed the others. Now the head of the dragon has been absorbed by the soul of the dragon.

But now Niutou's Dharma body has been destroyed by Zhao Fugui, and Zhang Long's body is still useful. After all, although the body is ordinary, it is much better than ordinary people. When kunxu seal is opened, Zhang Long's body will be useful, whether as the first blood food or the first body after escaping kunxu seal.

Moreover, this body can follow these people back to their camp. The camp ground is full of blood food. A trace of ferocious blood red flashed in Zhang Long's eyes, and then it was hidden. He lowered his head and quickly followed Zheng Wen.On the other side, after passing through the stone sword, Zhao Fugui seems to step into a dark void. At this moment, he lost the concept of up, down, left and right, and his body began to fall rapidly, just like falling directly from a height of ten thousand meters. It seems that there is no concept of time and space, only falling towards the darkness.

There seems to be nothing, no one, no variants in the dark void. Except for Zhao Fugui, he seems to have nothing. Soon, Zhao Fugui feels that even his consciousness will be frozen. It seems like a cage where everything is frozen.

In this dark void, Zhao Fugui didn't know how long he had fallen. At a certain time, his body suddenly fell, and then it seemed to fall somewhere. Zhao Fugui faintly felt that there was some fire around him, but he wanted to open his eyes, but he couldn't open them.

"Crackle!" In that kind of state similar to half asleep and half awake, the sound of a spark burst suddenly sounded, which surprised Zhao Fugui and opened his eyes instantly, but everything he saw when he opened his eyes was beyond his original expectation.

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