Super Monk

Chapter 2715

"Hum, stupid human!" Apollo sneered, and a half human and half beast shadow appeared on him. The half human and half beast shadow was not composed of vigorous Qi, but of something similar to divine power, which should be the power of Apollo itself. Zhao Fugui's fist blew directly on the shadow in the blink of an eye.

"Boom!" Apollo's face suddenly changed. The shadow of half man and half beast on his body surface appeared dense cracks, which was almost smashed by Zhao Fugui.

"I am born according to the will of the Lord and act according to the will of the Lord!" Just then Damon's great prophecy reappeared. "The Lord gives you glory, but you pay him to the devil. The LORD says that he has forsaken my melting, and I will take it back!"

In the dark, a holy light suddenly came down. The Holy Light tore the darkness and shrouded Zhao Fugui. Just when the Holy Light shrouded Zhao Fugui for a moment, Zhao Fugui's Daoli suddenly faded, as if his power began to be suppressed and stripped by the holy light.

"He is in charge of the world. He controls everything. What he says should not exist will disappear." After using one great prophecy, Damon continued to use the second great prophecy. Dai Meng's first big prophecy is to suppress Zhao Fugui, and the second big prophecy is to directly kill Zhao Fugui.

The holy light on the surface of the sacred contract is shining to the extreme in a twinkling of an eye, and it seems that the holy light is about to burn. The more powerful the great prophecy is, the more powerful the power of backfire is, because the essence of the great prophecy is to interfere with the law in a small range at the physical and spiritual levels, so as to change the law to a certain extent.

The more powerful the caster is, the stronger the interference will be. But the success of great prophecy is not only determined by the caster's strength, but also by the caster's strength. The more powerful the caster is, the higher the cost of erasing him. Once the backfire of great prophecy exceeds the upper limit of the sacred contract, the power of great prophecy will act on the caster.

The holy light on the sacred contract has been shining to the extreme. The first big prophecy is suppressing Zhao Fugui's power to the lowest level. Then the second big prophecy is going to kill Zhao Fugui when his power is suppressed to the lowest level.

"Zhao Fugui, your strength is really beyond our expectation, but you should never stand in our way. Even if you killed akura and hewaitos, they should have died long ago, but now you are in our way, there is only one way to die!" Damon used two powerful great prophecies in succession, and his mouth was full of bitterness. This degree of great prophecy was also a great burden to him, but Damon was smiling with pride, because he thought that Zhao Fugui was doomed by these two great prophecies.

With the fall of Damon's voice, Zhao Fugui's Taoist power has become dim. With the power of breaking the void, he releases the great prophecy, which can even instantly wipe out a city with a population of more than one million. This power is probably the most powerful great prophecy outside the garden of Eden. But Daimeng, it's too early to be happy. The sacred contract is a sacred treasure, which is Daimeng's card. But Zhao Fugui has no means.

As soon as Zhao Fugui's eyes were cold, a vertical pupil appeared from Zhao Fugui's forehead. As soon as the golden vertical pupil appeared, it immediately emitted a golden light, which instantly resisted the holy light from the sky. The holy light could no longer suppress Zhao Fugui's power.

"Boom!" Zhao Fugui's Daoli is burning wildly. Almost at the same time, Dai Meng's face changes and tries his best to urge Shengli. At Zhao Fugui's feet, a big white hand appears. This big white bone hand is full of eyes. It's a hand of hell. The LORD says that those who should disappear will go to hell. This big white bone hand is the embodiment of Dimon's second big prophecy. The big white bone hand wants to pull Zhao Fugui directly into hell.

"If you want to kill me, you think too much of your strength!" In Zhao Fugui's eyes, the flame of Daoli burns. He reaches out his hand and presses it down. The huge golden palm appears in an instant. In an instant, the huge golden palm collides with the white bone arm.

"Bang!" There was a loud bang, and then Zhao Fugui held it with one hand. The light on his huge golden palm soared and pinched the bone.

"Kaka, Kaka, Kaka!" With the sound of bone crack, the golden palm of Zhao Fugui's Daoli condenses a little bit and pinches cracks on the white bone palm. There are more and more cracks, and then they begin to expand slowly.

"No!" When Damon saw this scene, he screamed bitterly. Apollo's eyes flashed. He took the opportunity to draw back his sword, but he didn't attack Zhao Fugui for the first time. Dimon screamed bitterly, and a mouthful of blood suddenly came out of his mouth. He struggled and cried out, "the LORD says there is light, so there is light. And the LORD said, the opposite of light is darkness, and there is darkness. The LORD said, "those who blaspheme will be punished, and the sinner will be punished!"

Dai Meng is full of blood and desperately points at Zhao Fugui. He wants to use his last strength to launch another big prophecy to kill Zhao Fugui completely, but this big prophecy can't work on Zhao Fugui at all.

"Who do you think your Lord is?" With a roar, Zhao Fugui made a sudden frenzied effort on his hand. With a loud bang, the huge hand of the white bone hell burst. The arm of this great prophecy was directly crushed by Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui's past of killing gods and demons is just a matter of fighting. Even though that past doesn't belong to him, does Damon think that he is a little character who can kill casually?"Poof At this moment, Dimon burst out with blood, and the holy light on the sacred contract was so bright that it began to burn. Dimon immediately wanted to throw away the sacred contract, but the pale flame on the sacred contract had already burned to him along his arm.

Damon's body suddenly stiffened. The pale flame did not hurt Damon's body at all, but the flame had burned Damon's evil soul in an instant. Although he could use holy power, he was a real sinner. Even the Lord that Dimon believes in has no so-called right or wrong for him. What is good for him is right, and what is bad for him is wrong. The same is true for him.

Holy power is just a kind of power, and power does not distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong.

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