Super Monk

Chapter 2716

"It looks like I'll always be in your way!" Damon's spirit was burned clean by the holy flame. Zhao Fugui looked coldly at Apollo, who had not made a move just now, and said with a sneer. It seems that the five gods of the so-called longevity organization are actually just using each other. They are afraid that they want each other to die early.

"You can't stand in our way for long!" Apollo said with a sneer, "the seal of Kyushu has been opened. Great changes in the world are about to begin. Now it's only one last step away!"

"Damon knows too many of my secrets, so he must die. I'm just killing him by your hand. Now that he's dead, it's your turn! "

"Each of the five immortals is more confident than the other. Unfortunately, you are the only one left. I will send you together!" Zhao Fugui said coldly. Seeing the past of Beiluo, he was stabbed by the God of Luo. Zhao Fugui was very upset. Damon and Apollo bumped into the door by themselves, and Zhao Fugui just let them out.

"Ridiculous human beings, from today on, you are just the food of all variants!" Apollo gave a grim smile, and as soon as he played the blade, there was a strange streamer on the long sword in his hand. The streamer made the sword crystal clear in a twinkling of an eye. "This sword is called Sha Shen. It's a god treasure obtained by Changsheng organization 600 years ago. It's said that it once killed gods and demons. I don't know if it really killed gods and demons. However, since this sword fell into my hands, I've killed thousands of strong human beings in the past few hundred years. Today you will become one of them!"

As soon as the sword showed streamer, there was a thunderous buzz from the sword. Thunders appeared from the void, and constantly appeared and disappeared around Apollo. It seemed that the sword was also a powerful God treasure.

"You talk too much nonsense, thump!" Zhao Fugui's eyes are full of murders. He directly reaches out his hand and smashes it with a fist. At this moment, a huge General Xu Ying appears from behind Zhao Fugui and blows to Apollo. Zhao Honggui's strength is far less powerful than that of the rich and the poor.

When the General Xu Ying smashed his fist, a terrible sound of sonic boom suddenly sounded in the air. Before the fist fell, the ground had already sounded the sound of "KaKa" fragmentation, and countless cracks spread on the invisible ground.

"A small skill of carving insects!" Apollo showed a sneer of disdain in the face of this fist, and yelled, "kill heaven Kendo, heaven's punishment!"

Apollo directly cut down the sword, but the sword still had no bright light. The powerful light seemed to have been hidden, but there were black thunderbolts around the sword, and black thunderbolts that were as thick as big trees surrounded the sword. The thunder devoured the darkness, and even left a shallow blank in the darkness.

Countless dark thunder and lightning gathered together, making Apollo look like a huge God in charge of thunder and lightning, and then the sword suddenly cut off.

"Boom!" In a twinkling, Apollo's sword was cut off. This dark sword was cut down heavily, and it collided with the fist of General Xu Ying. In a moment, a huge thunderstorm appeared, and General Xu Ying's fist was blasted on the tip of the sword. In a moment, countless dark thunder and lightning had been blasted on General Xu Ying.

"Boom boom!" Countless dark thunder and lightning directly tore the body of General Xu Ying, and penetrated the huge body of General Xu Ying. In a flash, the body of General Xu Ying was submerged. In this instant, a hundred meters around turned into a dark sea of thunder.

"Beat the sky!" Zhao Fugui's eyes coagulated, and once again he made a blow without hesitation. Apollo is worthy of the title of the first God of the immortality organization of the sun god. This guy has lived long enough and his strength is strong enough. Although he may not have the strength to break through the void, he is still strong enough with his sword.

In this moment, the terrible ghost rose up. The huge ghost opened the sky, and even let a piece of star light fall slowly. Now it's night, but even at night it can't be so dark. Although the seal of Kyushu has been completely opened, there is still a force at work in this place.

This force blocked the sky, making Zhao Fugui's area dark, even unable to see the moonlight and stars, leaving only a deep black, just like a dark void.

As soon as the terrible ghost appeared, the ghost gave out a silent roar and directly hit the black thunder sea above Zhao Fugui. "Boom" countless heavy thunders burst in this instant. The dark thunder sea with a radius of more than 100 meters was directly hit by a blow. Countless black thunders burst apart, leaving only fragments like shadows.

"Kill heaven Kendo, heaven has no kill!" Apollo's face changed a little when he saw that the giant spirit would blow away the huge thunder sea. He had revised his estimate of Zhao Fugui's strength, but now he underestimated Zhao Fugui's strength. Zhao Fugui's strength was no weaker than him.

Apollo's face suddenly looks ugly. Zhao Fugui's strength exceeds Apollo's estimate. Apollo does not hesitate to use the killing move in the way of killing Heaven Sword.As soon as the sword wind in Apollo's hand changed, the countless broken black thunder lights suddenly condensed, and then thousands of black thunder lights condensed together, and then continuously compressed and condensed. Thousands of thunder lights as thick as tree trunks finally condensed into a hundred Zhang long dark sword light.

When the sword light is cut down, the darkness in the void is instantly torn. The rolling black sword light is like a terrible thunder waterfall flowing from the sky. When the sword light is cut down, it is a thunder waterfall coming from the void.

There is no killing in the way of killing heaven. This is a sword deduced by Ye Tiannan, but he didn't really evolve this sword when he died, but Apollo took ye Tiannan away. Apollo not only inherited ye Tiannan's body, but also inherited everything of Ye Tiannan. Finally, this sword was evolved in Apollo's hands and became a killing move in the way of killing heaven.

The hundred Zhang long sword was cut down like a thunderstorm, and the concise and incomparable black thunder tore the void. The spirit God seemed to be aware of the crisis, and his face showed an angry look. He gave out a silent roar again. Then he directly faced the sword light cut out by Apollo and hit it hard.

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