Super Monk

Chapter 292

Zhao Fugui is about to vomit blood. The environment in Daqingshan is relatively primitive. Wild boar, wolf and poisonous snake are not rare. It is very dangerous for people who have no experience in the wild to enter the mountain.

During this time, Zhao Fugui took in the wolves and raised the wild boars in captivity, which made Daqingshan a lot safer. A few villagers in Xiaowan village could work in the mountains.

But it's too dangerous for tourists who don't know the slightest about Daqingshan. Zhao Fugui stressed that tourists can't enter the mountain at will many times. I didn't expect that Chen Dadan and Chen Erdan would make such a mistake. Zhao Fugui is very angry, but now the key is to save people.

"Dadan, where did they fall off the cliff? Take me quickly Zhao Fugui shouts to Chen Dadan with a dignified face, and says to other villagers in a hurry, "you call an ambulance!"

"Brother Zhao, I'll take you!" Chen Dadan hurriedly turns around and runs to the big green hill. Zhao Fugui immediately follows him. They quickly go up the mountain and run to the big green hill.

The tourists of apricot blossom forest on the mountain dodged one after another to make way for them. Zhao Fugui and Chen Dadan got into the big green mountain. After a while, Chen ran down the road and picked up the big egg.

"Dadan, show me the way!" Cried Zhao Fugui.

"Brother Zhao, it's on the other side of the cliff next to matsutake!" Chen Dadan was suddenly picked up, and his face turned pale with fright. He called out shivering.

Chen Dadan knew that Zhao Fugui's strength was great, but he didn't expect that Zhao Fugui's strength could be as great as this, which was amazing.

"Wait here, I'll go first!" As soon as Zhao Fugui hears the location of the cliff fall, he finds it and immediately puts Chen Dadan on the ground. He rushes to the place where he collects matsutake by himself.

When he got deep into the forest, Chen Dadan couldn't see him. Zhao Fugui released mandrill from the pagoda, and let mandrill carry himself to the place where he collected matsutake. The speed increased a lot.

"Help, help, somebody, help!" Under the cliff next to the matsutake collection area, Chen Erdan's panic calls for help kept coming, but Daqingshan usually had no one to step on. No one could hear his help.

"Stop yelling. If this tree can't support us, we'll be dead!" A pale young female tourist said in panic. Next to her, a male tourist with a broken leg was moaning bitterly and faintly.

"He, how is he?" Chen Erdan felt that the tree under him was shaking. He didn't dare to shout any more. He carefully looked to the male tourists. As soon as he saw Bai Sensen's stubble on the leg of the male tourist coming out from under the skin, Chen Erdan felt frightened.

Chen Erdan was full of regret. He knew that he shouldn't have brought these two tourists into the mountain for the sake of the 500 yuan. If he hadn't brought them into the mountain, it would not have happened.

"Husband, husband, you must not faint, someone will save us later!" The female tourists hold the head of the male tourists tightly, crying and shouting.

"Er Dan, Er Dan, can you hear me?" At this time, Zhao Fugui's anxious voice suddenly came from the cliff.

"It's brother Zhao, it's brother Zhao. Brother Zhao has come to save us!" Chen Erdan was excited when he heard Zhao Fugui's voice. He cried excitedly, "brother Zhao, brother Zhao, we are here, we are here!"

When Chen Erdan was excited, the tree growing on the cliff under him began to shake. The female tourists were scared and screamed. Chen Erdan did not dare to move.

When Zhao Fugui heard the sound, he walked slowly to the edge of the cliff and looked under the cliff. His heart sank immediately. Chen Dadan and the three of them fell on a pine tree halfway up the cliff. The cliff is shallow, and the roots of the pine tree plunge into the crevice of the rock, which suddenly increases the weight of three people. The pine tree may fall down at any time.

If the pine falls, Chen Erdan and the three of them will be dead. That pine tree is at least a hundred meters away from the bottom of the cliff. Even if Zhao Fugui falls down, he will die.

"Er Dan, hold on, don't move!" Zhao Fugui is so anxious that he has no time to wait for the professionals in the city to save them.

It takes about an hour to get from downtown Chengdu to Xiaowan village, and it takes professionals at least several hours to get here from the foot of big green hill. Even if Chen Dadan can carry it for such a long time, the pine tree may not be able to.

"Mr. Zhao, my boyfriend's leg is broken. It's an open fracture. He lost too much blood. Please help him!" The female tourist cried to Zhao Fugui.

Open fracture means that the bone has come out of the skin. If it is not treated as soon as possible, the blood will flow all the time. After a long time, people will not be able to do it. Zhao Fugui's face is dignified. He turns around on the cliff anxiously. He is determined to go down to save people.

"Come on, get me some long vines!" Zhao Fugui releases the ghost and says to the ghost in a low voice. Zhao Fugui is too full to take rope with him. Now he has to find some vines for emergency. Fortunately, strong vines can be found everywhere in Daqing Mountain.

After a while, several ghosts pulled several long vines, some of which still had green leaves. Zhao Fugui pulled hard, a few vines are very strong.Zhao Fugui smoothed the three vines into a strand, found a big pine tree on the cliff and tied it tightly, then tied the other end of the vine to his waist. These vines are not thin. Zhao Fugui can only tie one of them to his waist, but he can't tie two to his waist.

"Erdan, hold on, I'm coming down!" Zhao Fugui ready, probe to the cliff below a shout, and then take a deep breath, began to climb down the cliff.

There is no cliff in the whole big green mountain, but there is only one cliff here. Zhao Fugui really doesn't know how these two tourists came here and fell down.

"Brother Zhao, be careful!" Chen Erdan looked up and saw that Zhao Fugui was climbing slowly down the cliff. He immediately cried with fear.

The eyes of the female tourists are also full of emotion. I didn't expect that the boss would take the risk to come down to rescue them. If they want to save the three professionals, they may not be able to wait a long time.

Zhao Fugui didn't want to see the three of them die, so he had to risk his life to save them.

Zhao Fugui slowly climbs down the cliff. The side of the cliff is full of grotesque rocks. Zhao Fugui grabs the vines with one hand and the protruding stones with the other hand and descends carefully.

Chen Erdan's position is 20 or 30 meters away from the top of the cliff. Zhao Fugui climbs down a few meters and looks down. Suddenly, the stone in his hand loosens and his whole body slides down.

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