Super Monk

Chapter 293

"Brother Zhao, be careful!" Chen Erdan saw that Zhao Fugui's feet slipped and his face turned white with fright. He cried out. Female tourists look up at the top, also a face of panic, afraid of Zhao Fugui falling from the cliff.

As soon as Zhao Fugui's hand slipped and his body sank down, he quickly grabbed the vine and pushed his feet on the cliff to stabilize his body. Just stabilized his body, Zhao Fugui quickly turned back and yelled.

"Watch out for the stones!" Zhao Fugui turned back and yelled, two pieces of gravel fell from Zhao Fugui's body. Chen Dadan and the female tourists watched in horror as the stone fell down. They smashed two pine branches and fell down. It's only a little short of the two stones hitting them. "Are you all right?"

"It's OK, I didn't hit anyone! Brother Zhao, be careful! " Chen Erdan swallowed his saliva in horror and cried out with difficulty.

Zhao Fugui took a deep breath and slowly turned the Daoli to let it flow all over his body. Daoli flows all over his body. Zhao Fugui feels that his body is dexterous immediately. He starts to descend from the cliff like a big ape.

Daoli can make people as light as a swallow. Zhao Fugui didn't know that before. With the operation of Daoli, Zhao Fugui was quick on the cliff. After more than ten minutes, he dragged the vine down to the side of the pine tree.

"Only one person at a time, the vine can't hold it! Put him down slowly, I'll pull him up first Zhao Fugui grabs the protruding rock in one hand and takes a look at the injured male tourist. He says in a hurry.

The male tourist is now in a coma. The skin of the open fracture of the leg has turned white. This is a sign of excessive bleeding. If we don't stop bleeding quickly, I'm afraid we won't be able to hold it.

"Yes The female tourist nodded desperately with tears in her eyes and slowly put her boyfriend's head down. Zhao Fugui moved carefully.

Two feet on the cliff tried, forced to pedal two stones to support the body, one hand to grasp the vine, the other hand one hand to grasp the male tourists, pull the male tourists.

Zhao Fugui didn't dare to borrow money from the pine tree. If he borrowed money from the pine tree, the pine tree might not be able to hold on immediately.

"Be careful!" As the female tourist looks at her boyfriend being pulled away by Zhao Fugui, tears come out like a broken kite.

As soon as the male tourists left the pine tree, the pine tree suddenly shook a few times, which scared Chen Erdan out of the atmosphere. After this time, Chen Erdan will not dare to bring tourists into the mountain next time.

"Hold on a little longer and I'll be down soon!" Zhao Fugui holds the male tourists under his ribs, grabs the vines with one hand, and most of his strength depends on his legs. He takes the male tourists to climb the cliff.

At this time, outside Daqingshan, the whole Xiaowan village was in a panic. After calling the police, not only ambulances but also fire rescuers were sent out in the city. By this time, it was past Qingtian Township and was about to arrive at Xiaowan village.

Hearing Chen Dadan say that Zhao Fugui went to save people herself, Liu Erjie's legs softened and she was scared to sit down on the ground and couldn't stand up for a long time.

"Quick, uncle Zhao, organize people to go to the mountain and help the rich and noble!" Chen Yihan is also very flustered, but at this time she knows she can't be flustered, so she quickly organizes people and tries to find a way to provide some help to Zhao Fugui.

"Good!" Zhao Hongqi also went to organize people in a hurry. After calling a few people, they immediately went into the mountain and rushed to Daqingshan.

Soon after, several police cars, ambulances and fire engines arrived. Many tourists were surprised to see the flashing lights of the car rush into Xiaowan village, and they didn't know what happened.

The police, firefighters and rescuers gathered together, and with professional equipment, they were led by several villagers to prepare to go up the mountain. By this time, Zhao Fugui had saved the broken leg male tourist from the cliff.

Zhao Fugui rescued the male tourists up the cliff, tore his clothes, and quickly found a stick to fix the legs of the male tourists. Then he took out a small needle bag from his wallet and pulled out several silver needles from the bag.

The silver needle slowly infuses Daoli. Zhao Fugui immediately pricks several silver needles on the leg of the male tourist, uses the silver needles to stop bleeding, and then pricks several silver needles on the chest of the male tourist. This is to stimulate the potential of the male tourist and give him life, so that he won't be able to stay in the hospital.

This male tourist is injured, and it's an external trauma. It's not illness. Zhao Fugui doesn't have many means to use, otherwise he can be cured on the spot.

After all this, Zhao Fugui arranged for a ghost to watch, so that when he went down the cliff, he would not encounter a poisonous snake or beast to eat the male tourists, and then he would be saved in vain.

With his first experience, Zhao Fugui went down the cliff a lot faster the second time. About ten minutes later, Zhao Fugui went down next to the pine tree.

"Brother Zhao, you save her first. I'm to blame for this today. I can't let tourists have an accident!" Chen Erdan's face was pale and trembling, but he said difficultly.

Zhao Fugui hesitated a little. Emotionally, he wanted to save Chen Erdan first. After all, hanging here for one more minute would be more dangerous. But for a long time, the idea of saving the old, the weak, the women and the children first in danger has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and Zhao Fugui is no exception.

"Erdan, hold on for a while. I'll take you to drink in the evening!" Zhao clenched his teeth, nodded firmly to Chen Erdan, slowly reached out to hold the female tourist, and slowly lifted her up with one hand, trying not to affect the pine tree.The female tourist nervously grabs Zhao Fugui's arm. The pine tree shakes slightly. Zhao Fugui's action is light enough. After the pine tree shakes, it doesn't move. Zhao Fugui and Chen Erdan were relieved at the same time.

"Erdan, hold on, I'll be right down!" Zhao Fugui said firmly to Chen Erdan in a deep voice, and then he climbed slowly to the cliff with the female tourists.

Zhao Fugui climbed two times on the cliff with one hand, and his calloused right hand was bleeding slightly by the hard vine. Nearly half of the weight of his own body and that of female tourists is supported by Zhao Fugui's right hand, and the calluses left by one hand working on the construction site are polished.

Zhao Fugui rescued the female tourists and speeded up. He took the female tourists to the cliff as quickly as possible and put the female tourists beside the male tourists.

"Take care of him. Don't touch his needle. I'll go down to save people!" Zhao Fugui quickly explained, then tightened the vine tightly and climbed down the cliff again.

"Brother Zhao, hurry up, the roots of the pine are almost broken!" In the middle of Zhao Fugui's journey, Chen Erdan came over with a cry. The pine trees on the cliff are going to be unable to hold on.

"Don't move!" Zhao Fugui roared, gritted his teeth, quickened his speed, and went down.

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