Super Monk

Chapter 298

Zhao Fugui is watching. The process of making caviar is very complicated, but every step doesn't look too complicated, but it just looks like. A little bit of detail will cause a serious decline in the taste of caviar, so there are so few masters in the world to make caviar.

Mehmann had been busy for three hours before he made a small cup of black caviar. After the production, mehmann took a small silver spoon to dig out a little caviar and put it into his mouth to taste carefully.

Mehmann closed his eyes as if to taste the most precious food. Lin zhinuo and Zhao Fugui are looking at him nervously. The taste of black caviar decides whether Xiaowan village can produce caviar. After half a sound, mehmann opened his eyes.

Mehman opened his eyes, a smile on the corner of his mouth, and gave Zhao Fugui a big thumbs up. This action made Zhao Fugui relax and smile immediately. The fresh water sturgeon eggs in Heilongtan can also be used to make caviar. From now on, there will be another specialty in Xiaowan village.

"Mehman said he didn't expect that the freshwater sturgeon here could make caviar, and it's the best caviar. This kind of sturgeon seed is full and round, crystal clear, and low in fat. It is the top food material, no worse than the top sturgeon eggs in the Black Sea. What a surprise Mehmann said a lot of English again, translated by Lin zhinuo.

"Ask him if he would like to work in Xiaowan village. I can offer him a higher salary!" Zhao Fugui said directly.

When Lin zhinuo asked, mehman immediately replied. Lin zhinuo said to Zhao Fugui, "mehman said that money is not a problem, just like before, but he wants to taste 100 grams of black caviar every month!"

"No problem, you tell him it's a deal!" Zhao Fugui was overjoyed and immediately nodded.

The big sturgeon in Heilongtan is the one just now. The caviar from its stomach is ten kilograms. Sturgeon seeds can account for more than 20% of the total body weight, Heilongtan freshwater sturgeon obviously also has such characteristics.

Zhao Fugui doesn't know how many sturgeons there are under Heilongtan, but there will be at least one population. Because the one Zhao Fugui caught today is different from the one he caught last time. There must be more than one sturgeon in Heilongtan.

As long as there are more than ten sturgeons under Heilongtan, Zhao Fugui can make happy caviar and make it one of the signboards of happy farm.

"Mr. mehman said that you will be his boss from now on. He will make all the remaining fish eggs into caviar before tonight. In addition, he will make all kinds of caviar food. That's his job in Shangjing!" Lin zhinuo continued to translate.

"Well, let him work. It seems that there will be another kind of delicious food in the snack street." Zhao Fugui said excitedly.

Top grade caviar is very expensive. What mehman suggests is that 50 grams of caviar can be sold for 3000 yuan. Top grade caviar is the same price, but it's really too expensive for ordinary people in China.

Zhao Fugui hasn't decided the price of caviar in Xiaowan village yet, but it certainly won't be much lower than the price suggested by meiherman. After all, it's a kind of luxury food. For example, it's also a backpack. It's worth thirty or fifty yuan at a roadside stall. World famous brands can buy tens of millions of them.

Zhao Fugui can't sell such a top-level caviar to a roadside stall. This kind of caviar is definitely aimed at high-end consumers.

Mehman began to work here. Zhao Fugui went directly to the snack street. Now there are more than ten snack bars on both sides of the street. In the future, Zhao Fugui will slowly introduce new snack varieties and open all these snack bars.

"The snack bar of caviar is here. It's a good location!" Zhao Fugui chose and decided to open the caviar snack bar next to the happy juice shop.

"It's good to drive here. It can improve the quality of happy fruit virtually! However, if caviar is a snack bar, it can't only sell pure caviar. When I was traveling abroad, I saw that they would make caviar into other food, such as caviar sandwich or caviar sushi. Just put a little caviar on it, the price can be much cheaper, so that more consumers can accept it! " Chen Yihan said.

A small cup of caviar made by mehmann is 50g, and it's only a few grams if you dig with a small spoon. The price can be several times cheaper. In that case, people who have never eaten caviar will be able to taste it, and more people will be able to consume it. This is a very good idea.

"Mehmann should be able to make these things. Let him make caviar, make delicious food with caviar, and arrange a waiter for him!" Thought about it and said.

"Well, even the hotels in Shangjing rarely provide pure caviar. They usually use caviar to make food. Mehmann will certainly make those caviar food. It's not because the customers can't afford pure caviar, but because the quantity of high-quality authentic caviar is very small, and even the large group hotels can't buy much stock in a year! " Chen Yihan said.

"Ask him tomorrow if he can make caviar. If he can, open the snack bar these two days!" Zhao Fugui finally said."Caviar should not be stored for more than two weeks. No matter what storage method is, caviar will be broken if it is stored for more than two weeks. In addition, I don't know how many sturgeons there are in Heilongtan. Since we want to open a snack bar, we need to find out as soon as possible! " Chen Yihan added.

"I'll try my best to find out the sturgeon situation these days, and I won't delay the snack bar. It's good to sell all the ten kilos of fish seeds in a week! " Zhao Fugui said confidently.

"Just know what you know!" Chen Yihan nodded and said.

The two discussed the details again. After a while, manager Liu came over with a look of excitement. Since the construction of the water park project in Xiaowan village started, manager Liu has been staying in Xiaowan village. The initial progress of the project is slower than he expected. However, after the initial difficulties, the progress of the project has been catching up.

"Boss Zhao, the bungee jumping machine has been built, and the colorful high-speed slide has also been completed. The third and fourth projects can be built in a week, and most of the other projects can be completed in half a month. Boss Zhao, go and check the quality of the project Manager Liu happily came over and said.

The project that was expected to be completed in one month was postponed for half a month, but now the project construction is finally smooth, and manager Liu is also very happy.

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