Super Monk

Chapter 299

Zhao Fugui is too busy to worry about the project of the water park. Now it's almost the time of summer vacation, and tourists urgently need a place for underwater activities. Zhao Fugui was also very excited after listening to manager Liu's words, and immediately went to check.

Zhao Fugui and Chen Yihan come out of the snack street and walk to Heilongtan. From a distance, they can see a bungee jumping machine more than 100 meters standing on the lake bank. Not far from the bungee jumping machine, a huge colorful high-speed slide has been built.

By the way, you can go up to about thirty-five floors of bungee jumping! Miss Chen can also go and have a look! " Manager Liu said to them with a meaningful smile on his face.

"All right, go up and have a look!" Zhao Fugui came interested and said with great interest, "meaning, have you ever traveled before and played bungee jumping? It's said that this thing is out of fashion! "

"Played, of course, played, experience weightlessness and rapid falling feeling, stop exciting!" Chen Yihan said with a mysterious smile.

There is a steel elevator on the main body of the bungee jumping machine. Zhao Fugui and his three people sit on the elevator and rise slowly. As the elevator rises, the scenery below becomes smaller and smaller. Zhao Fugui was suddenly a little uneasy, because by the time the elevator reached the top, the people below had become the size of ants.

Zhao Fugui swallowed his saliva quietly. Although he had a lot of courage, he had never done such a thing before. He had never been to a 30 story building, let alone jumped from it.

"Well, good, good, manager Liu, well done! Other projects should be speeded up and completed as soon as possible! " Zhao Fugui looked at it, and it was like seeing all the mountains. Xiaowan village had become a model.

This height makes Lao Zhao feel a little bottomless. After pretending to look at it, Zhao Fugui wants to go down. At the same time, Zhao Fugui thought to himself, his sister, these city people are really good at playing. It's a pity that they can think of throwing themselves down from such a high place.

"Rich and noble, bungee jumping is very exciting, you try it!" Chen Yihan saw Zhao Fugui pretending to be calm and said with a smile.

"Yes, boss Zhao, you haven't played bungee jumping, have you? People who have played say yes Manager Liu also said with a smile.

It's not miss Hong Kong province. All the people who have played say yes, bullshit. Zhao Fugui scolded secretly, waved his hand and said, "what's fun about this? I'll try it next time I have time. It's not early now. Go down to dinner! "

"Richness, don't you dare to play?" In Chen Yihan's eyes, Zhao Fugui seems to be omnipotent all the time. This time, he suddenly finds that Zhao Fugui seems to be a little afraid of playing bungee jumping machine. Chen Yihan is interested and says.

"What do I dare not to do? It's just the height of more than 30 stories. It's nothing!" Zhao Fugui took a look at his feet and said.

"Ha ha, wealth, I didn't expect you to be afraid of heights!" Chen Yihan suddenly said with a smile.

"I'm not afraid of heights, I just haven't played this before!" Zhao Fugui said unconvinced, "meaning, have you really played this before?"

It's not that Zhao Fugui doesn't believe it, but it's hard to imagine that a girl like Chen Yihan will have the courage to jump from such a high place. If you have to dance, Zhao Fugui is not afraid, but more or less guilty.

"I haven't played either. My mother won't let me. I used to travel with her almost all the time!" Chen Yihan said, "when the business starts here, I must try it!"

"Well, I'll be with you then!" Zhao Fugui immediately found the reason, immediately interface said.

Manager Liu was smiling, but he didn't force Zhao Fugui to challenge his life. Three people from the bungee machine down, Zhao Fugui stood on the shore to see the colorful high-speed slide.

"There are already two projects in the water park. We will start trial operation tomorrow, and we will start business tomorrow!" Zhao Fugui thought about it and said suddenly.

"Open tomorrow? Is it a little too urgent? " Chen Yihan a Leng, a little hesitant said.

"It's just a trial business tomorrow to give tourists a place to play in the water. It's not time for the official business. It's OK!" Zhao Fugui said, "the area of trial operation is in the area where the skydiving machine and the seven colors race to this area. First, tourists are not allowed to go deeper!"

Zhao Fugui simply looked at it and drove directly to a water supplies store in the city. From there, he bought a few hundred meter long floating belt, which is used to isolate the track in swimming competitions.

Zhao Fugui bought something and immediately went into the water when he came back. He isolated all the waters near the bungee jumping machine and the colorful high-speed slide. This water area is OK. The deepest place is only three or four meters, which is not too deep. As long as people can swim, they should be very safe here.

"Rich and noble, do you sell tickets if you try business?" Chen Yihan accompanies Zhao Fugui. When Zhao Fugui has fixed the floating belt, Chen Yihan asks.

"Male tourists pay 100 yuan for a ticket. The colorful high-speed slide can be played for free, but the bungee jumping machine is extra!" Zhao Fugui thought for a while and said, "there is no ticket for female tourists during the trial operation period. I think we can hold an activity. Young and beautiful female tourists can come in and give free cold drinks!"

Chen Yihan looks at Zhao Fugui angrily and clearly understands what he means. Young and beautiful female tourists, playing in bikini, are an attractive scenery. They can attract more male tourists."Well, that's OK. Let's see how it works!" Chen Yihan nodded and said. She also wants to play in water. On such a hot day, she doesn't like too many people. Chen Yihan doesn't want others to look at her.

"In the evening, I'll call president Shu and ask her to pull some watermelons tomorrow. By the way, I'll see if anyone in Meiyan international wants to play with water. No matter men or women, all the people from Meiyan international come here free of charge. It's the popularity of Lala!" Zhao Fugui added.

"That's a good idea. There are a lot of handsome men and beautiful women in Meiyan international. If they are willing to come, they will attract a lot of people!" Chen Yihan nodded and said.

There is no advertisement in the early stage of the water park. There may not be too many people coming to play. We can only think of other ways. If people get popular in the first few days, there will be more and more people.

"You need to get more cold drinks. The cold drink shop next to Heilongtan has to be opened a little bigger. Besides, there have to be people selling tickets. I have to separate this place. Those who don't have tickets can't get in. There are a lot of things. I'll try to be ready tonight! " When Zhao Fugui thought of these things, he immediately began to get busy. Before the weather gets hot tomorrow morning, he has to be ready.

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