Super Monk

Chapter 303

When Zhao Fugui heard the call for help, he suddenly looked back and saw a woman in a black bikini struggling in the water. She also seemed to be from Meiyan international. Several beauties around Meiyan International were staring at her, and they didn't seem to react from the shock.

"No, someone is drowning!" Zhao Fugui's face suddenly changed. He immediately turned and rushed to the black dragon pool. Zhao Fugui ran to the edge of the pool, plunged into the water, and swam to the drowning beauty without hesitation.

At this time, the drowning person seems to have choked a few saliva, struggling very weakly and sinking slowly under the water. Zhao Fugui tried his best to swim there, hoping to save people as soon as possible.

Fortunately, the drowning man was only 20 or 30 meters away from the shore, and she didn't enter the farther area. Zhao Fugui swam there in a flash. Drowning beauty at this time has lost consciousness, is slowly sinking to the bottom.

In a hurry, Zhao Fugui caught her, took her to the surface immediately, and quickly swam to the shore. Chen Yihan looks nervous and runs to help Zhao Fugui pull the drowning beauty out of the water.

Zhao Fugui still has some impression on this beautiful woman who came from Meiyan international. Zhao Fugui took part in the bikini in her first class at Meiyan international without help. She can't die here.

"She's got water in her stomach!" Zhao Fugui looks nervous, holds up the bikini beauty, presses her stomach, makes her head down, and wants to squeeze the water out of her stomach. At this time, Zhao Fugui did not care to encounter some places he should not.

"Oh Zhao Fugui pressed her abdomen, bikini beauty retched, but did not spit out the water, Zhao Fugui tried twice, but could not.

Unable to spit out water, Zhao Fugui is also a little flustered. The key to rescuing a drowning person is the first few minutes. If you can't save a person in the first few minutes, people will be in danger.

Zhao Fugui asked Shuya to bring people to support, can't watch her bring people to the accident. After biting his teeth, Zhao Fugui immediately began CPR. He folded his hands and pressed her on her chest several times. Then he held her nose and began to do artificial respiration.

Zhao Fugui did CPR and artificial respiration several times in a row, but the bikini beauty still didn't respond. In a panic, Zhao didn't even expect to check her heartbeat.

First aid didn't work. Zhao Fugui gritted his teeth and finally remembered his medical skills. But today, because he was going to go into the water, he didn't bring anything to save his life.

"Meaning, you call an ambulance, I'll take her to help!" Zhao fuguimeng holds up the bikini beauty and says to Chen Yihan in a hurry. Holding the bikini beauty, he wants to run to Xiaowan village.

"Rich and noble!" The tense look on Chen Yihan's face has disappeared, replaced by an indescribable look. She motioned to Zhao Fugui to put down the bikini beauty. "I'll save her!"

"Meaning, don't be kidding, it's important to save people!" Zhao Fugui was anxious and tried to bypass Chen Yihan twice, but he failed to do so. Chen Yihan has never been a person who doesn't know the weight, and today he doesn't know what's going on.

"Richness, I'm not kidding. You put her down!" Chen Yihan frowned and said seriously.

Seeing Chen Yihan's expression, Zhao Fugui doesn't seem to be joking. After biting his teeth, he still decides to believe Chen Yihan. Zhao Fugui knows that Chen Yihan will never make fun of other people's lives.

"Meaning, how can you save her?" Zhao Fugui put down the bikini beauty and asked anxiously. At this time, Shu Ya and Shu Xiaosu, who were also playing in the water before, also ran over in a hurry. Shu Xiaosu was even more frightened and pale, holding Zhao Fugui's arm tightly.

Chen Yihan doesn't look anxious. She pulls out a Dogtail grass from the grass and walks over to the bikini beauty lying on the ground.

This kind of Dogtail grass has a long stalk at one end and a pile of fluffy things like dog's tail at the other end. It will be very itchy when it rubs on people.

Chen Yihan walks to the bikini beauty with Dogtail grass and rubs her belly with Dogtail grass. For the first time, Zhao Fugui saw the bikini beauty's body twitch slightly. For the second time, the bikini beauty couldn't help laughing and sat up.

"Ha ha, how itchy! Miss Zhao, this is my first kiss The bikini beauty stands up laughing, blinks at Zhao Fugui, runs back to Heilongtan and jumps down, cheers and claps high five with several beauties in the water. How can she look like drowning and coma before.

"It's a mountain and a mountain high!" Lying under the sunshade, also nervous, looking at the situation here, the young woman saw this scene, shook her head and sighed. "It's a pity that she won't cheat Mr. Zhao next time."

"Sister Qingqing, you still cheat me! Miss Zhao can't help sneaking into your room at night because of her big figure! " The little beauty beside said with a smile.

Zhao Fugui looked at the bikini and jumped back to the black dragon pool excitedly. He clapped high fives and cheered with several other beauties. For a moment, he felt that his head was big. These beauties who had nothing to do every day were so playful that they could think of any idea."Brother, I was scared to death. I thought something had happened!" Shu Xiaosu patted his chest and said with lingering fear.

Hearing what Shu Xiaosu said, Zhao Fugui noticed that Shu Xiaosu was holding his arm tightly. Today, Shu Xiaosu is wearing a one-piece white swimsuit. The swimsuit is more conservative, but she perfectly outlines her slim figure.

Coupled with that delicate pretty face, no wonder it has the title of school flower, which makes a group of boys in their school crazy.

"Hum!" Chen Yihan looks pretty and tight. When she sees Shu Xiaosu holding Zhao Fugui's arm tightly, she hums coldly and turns around angrily to leave. The good mood that appeared when she heard what Zhao Fugui said just now disappears.

"Meaning!" Zhao Fugui wanted to catch up and explain. Just now, he was a little flustered. He didn't see that bikini beauty was pretending to drown. There are many flaws in pretending to drown. If he hadn't been a little flustered just now, he would have seen it for a long time.

"Ah Before Zhao Fugui raises his feet to chase him, a high decibel scream appears again. Zhao Fugui and Shu Xiaosu turn back together, and Shu Xiaosu immediately screams.

On the bungee jumping machine, a girl jumped down from the top and quickly fell to the ground. After falling for about several tens of meters, she bounced up again. The girl's excited screams reverberated in the air.

Bungee jumping machine, colorful high-speed slide, people playing in Heilongtan water, everywhere is the sound of tourists playing, water park project, fire.

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