Super Monk

Chapter 304

Seven color high-speed slide, several tourists quickly slide down, along the slide after dozens of meters into the water, splashing a piece of water. As soon as a few tourists entered the water, more tourists began to slide down the slide.

The cool water temperature takes away the heat in the air. Some people swim leisurely in the water, others play water volleyball, and some even float directly on the water to play mahjong. Heilongtan has become the best place to cool down.

Even bungee jumping there are more than a dozen people in line. After consulting Chen Yihan, Zhao Fugui set the price of bungee jumping at 100 yuan a time, which is a little cheaper than ordinary bungee jumping. In terms of playing items, Zhao Fugui's price is not high.

Zhao Fugui didn't have time to explain to Chen Yihan. He stayed by the black dragon pool all day to prevent accidents. One day, until six o'clock in the evening, the water park was closed, and Zhao Fugui got off the water three times.

Twice to save a little girl, once to save a middle-aged aunt. Fortunately, Zhao Fugui got into the water early, and the three people had nothing to do. After being rescued, they were relieved for a while.

If there are too many people, there will inevitably be some problems. It's not good to expect Zhao Fugui to be alone in the future. Zhao Fugui is determined to build a water rescue team as soon as possible.

"It's over at last!" When the last tourist left Heilongtan, Zheng Yue beat her sour arm and looked at a box of money in the ticket booth with a helpless expression.

Although Zheng Yue is an accountant, she has never felt cramped when she received money. Today, she finally realized this feeling. The money in the ticket booth had already taken away the box at noon, but when it came to the end of the night, it collected the money for a large box. Zheng Yuemo calculated silently, and he must have collected thousands of people's money today.

"Let's go back and settle the accounts!" Zhao Fugui finished packing his belongings, put the big money box on his body, and as soon as he resisted, he went to the direction of the farm stove.

Chen Yihan has been doing statistics for a long time in the office of Xiaozao, waiting for them to calculate the water park. "It's roughly equal to the amount of money they received. All the money is here. I'll count it!" Zheng Yue said.

Zheng Yueqing orders the money in one of the boxes, and Zhao Fugui and Chen Yihan count the money in the other box. Zheng Yue is worthy of being born as an accountant. Zhao Fugui and Chen Yihan have not finished counting the money in one box, but she has counted the money in the other box.

"This box is 165800 yuan, which is about 1658 yuan for male tourists!" Zheng Yue said again.

"Here is about 125000, that is, more than 12500 people. If that's the case, there will be about two or three thousand male tourists entering the water park today. If you add the free female tourists, it's estimated that there will be about four thousand. " Zhao Fugui calculated and said.

"Xiaowan village receives less than 6000 tourists today, which means that most of the tourists have come to the water park. The proportion is really high!" Chen Yihan was also surprised and said.

"It's better for Mr. Shu to make a good start, otherwise it would be good if half of the people could go to the water park today!" Zhao Fugui said.

The beautiful men and women Shuya brought from Meiyan international directly detonated the water park. If they didn't come here, the water park would be good if they could receive 2000 tickets today.

"Richness, tomorrow we will continue to do activities in this way?" Chen Yihan doesn't want to hear the words "Meiyan international" now. He frowns and asks.

"Yes, we will continue to do this tomorrow. The female tourists are free of charge, and the male tourists pay 100 yuan for a ticket. All the projects of the water park have been completed. When all the projects of the water park are completed, the male tourists can get a ticket of 200 yuan. Except for the bungee jumping machine, all the other projects can be played. The female tourists can get half a ticket and get a ticket of 100 yuan! " Zhao Fugui has a plan for a long time.

"When the water park project is completed, it will be about the summer vacation, when the passenger flow will certainly rise a lot, and the weather will be hotter, so the attraction of the water park will be greater. It should be a good plan! " Chen Yihan thought about it and nodded.

"In addition, I'm going to set up a water rescue team. The initial plan is to recruit 20 people, 15 lifeguards and five first-aid personnel!" Zhao Fugui added.

"There must be a water rescue team. With so many people in the water park, it's inevitable that accidents will happen. In addition, with the increase of the number of projects, the water area for tourists' activities will become larger and larger. It's sure to be close to the deep water area. It's impossible without lifeguards!" Chen Yihan immediately nodded and said. She doesn't want to let Zhao Fugui take charge of the life-saving task.

Facing a beautiful woman and touching, even in order to save people, Chen Yihan will feel uncomfortable.

"I'm going to choose a few people from the village to start training this evening. In addition, there are some girls in our village who go to the health school outside. They will certainly give first aid. It's really no good. In a few days, I'll go to the hospital and ask some professional first aid personnel to train them. Let's put up the shelf of the lifeguard first Zhao Fugui said.

"Well, then you can help. Let's check the account!" Chen Yihan was eager for Zhao Fugui to get the water rescue team out, nodded and said immediately.

"Good!" Zhao Fugui came out of the farm stove in high spirits and was ready to pick people immediately. Today's water park project, just selling tickets, brings in 2.3 million yuan. Plus the income of cold drink shop and renting umbrella and beach chair, the net income of today's water park is probably more than 300 million yuan, which is almost the same as the income of a small farm stove.The most important thing is that the water park is a project with one-time investment and annual return, while the farm stove consumes a lot of various food materials every day. Generally speaking, the water park project has more advantages in the short term.

Zhao Fugui came out of the small kitchen and immediately went to the village women's director and began to shout at the village with a high pitched loudspeaker.

"I'm Zhao Fugui. A water rescue team will be set up in the village. I'm good at swimming. Now I'll go to Heilongtan water park for a meeting. I'll choose someone later. In addition, we need to recruit some first-aid personnel. If there are children in the family going to the health school, or if there are children from relatives and friends who graduated from the health school, they can come here with a monthly salary of 3000! " Zhao Fugui said in the loudspeaker.

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