Super Monk

Chapter 305

"Three thousand a month, let Nizi come back! The salary given by rich and noble is much higher than the salary she got when she graduated from the township health station. Besides, the salary of Xiaowan village is so good that it's easy to get married in the future! "

"Yes, yes, I'll call Nicole right away and ask her to come back quickly!"

As soon as Zhao Fugui called on the radio, the village became lively. Although we are all from Xiaowan village, and almost every family can get dividends, there are some differences between working in Kaixin farm and not working in Kaixin farm.

If you work in Kaixin farm, you can not only get a salary, but also be very generous when it comes to big festivals. Either you give the staff one or two catties of Kaixin fruit, or you let the farm kill two wild boars and share the meat for everyone to take home.

Xiaowan village's happy fruit or wild boar meat and other things, if you take them to nearby villages to visit relatives, it's a very face saving thing. Let alone Xiaowan village itself, there are many people in the nearby villages, towns and even cities who want to work in Xiaowan village.

Working in Xiaowan village has become a hot spot. It's not so easy to meet. So when Zhao Fugui said that he wanted to recruit people, the people in the village immediately took action.

When Zhao Fugui finished shouting with the trumpet in the village and came to the black dragon pool, there were thirty or forty people gathered in the black dragon pool. When Zhao Fugui saw the people inside, his eyelids jumped.

"Shanwazi, you haven't graduated from junior high school. Come and join in the fun. Hurry back!" Zhao Fugui reprimanded a black half boy and said to a skinny old man in his 50s and 60s, "father Wangcai, you are so old, you'd better go home and take care of your grandson!"

Zhao Fugui shook his head to them and said aloud, "I'll tell you first. Those under 18 and those over 40 don't accept. What should big guys do?"

Zhao Fugui's prestige in Xiaowan village is very high now. When he said that, a dozen people came out of the crowd with their heads down.

"Richness, you don't think I'm old, but I'm in good health. A few years ago, I was still swimming on the Spring River in winter!" Wangcai's father is not willing to say.

"Father Wangcai, if you come to work, who will take care of your grandson at home? Go back quickly Zhao Fugui waved his hand and said.

"Lao Wangcai, you are a man with an old heart. Do you have an idea when you see so many girls wearing two pieces of cloth in Heilongtan during the day?" More than ten people are not willing to go to Xiaowan village, a 40 year old farmer said with a smile.

"You old pickle, you don't think you can come?" Wang Cai's father retorted reluctantly.

"The rich and noble pay well. They are idle at home, thousands of yuan a month. They can get some things during festivals. Why don't they do it. I'm not the same as you. I'm not old at heart! " The farmer said with disdain.

More than a dozen people left noisily. Zhao Fugui looked at the 20 odd people left behind and nodded reluctantly with satisfaction. In the end, I'm afraid these people will have to be eliminated in half.

"OK, the rest of the people should be good at diving, swimming fast and not flurried into the water! I'm going to take a look at everyone's water quality now. Those who can't do it will be eliminated, and the rest will continue to be trained tomorrow! " Zhao Fugui said.

"Brother Fugui, do whatever you say. We'll listen to you!" The twenties said immediately.

"Well, I'll test out who swims fast first. The task of the rescue team is to save people. It's too slow to save people's time. Now there are twenty-five people, and the five who swim the slowest are eliminated! " Zhao Fugui said, "do you see the floating belt over there? One swims back, and the five slowest swims can go! "

"Brother Fugui, you see, we've been swimming in Heilongtan since we were young. We must swim fast!" The twenties began to prepare, someone said.

"That is, we must not let brother Fugui down!"

"OK, let's go!" After several minutes of preparation, Zhao Fugui gave an order, and the 20 odd people "plop" into the black dragon pool, splashing with water. The 20 odd people quickly swam to the floating belt.

Zhao Fugui stood on the shore and watched them swim to the floating belt. In fact, Zhao Fugui could not use the lifeguard. The water ghost could completely act as the lifeguard. But with so many people in the daytime, we can't see that the drowning people were rescued for no reason, so there must be a lifeguard.

At the beginning, the speed of the No. 20 swimmers was almost the same, but after they swam more than 20 meters, the gap began to be gradually widened. The farther they swam, the bigger the gap was. The distance between the fastest swimmer and the slowest swimmer was almost more than 10 meters. At the critical moment, this distance may be the gap between life and death.

More than a minute later, some people finally started to go ashore. After another minute or so, they were exhausted and the last few people began to go ashore one after another.

"Hoo Hoo More than 20 people gasped violently beside the black dragon pool. Finally, the five people who swam ashore looked at each other and left with a sad face. No one wanted to be eliminated, but someone would be eliminated in the end.

"The next step is to test everyone's diving level. If someone drowns, they will surely slowly sink into the water, so they must be rescued from the water, so they need to do diving. The longer the diving time is and the longer the distance is, the more qualified the swimmers will be. Five people will be eliminated, and finally 15 people will be left to work tomorrow and continue training at night! " Zhao Fugui said.In such a short period of time, Zhao Fugui can only choose those with the best water quality, but it is not so easy to train them into professional lifeguards. In fact, it seems that there are many complicated situations to save people under water.

Ninety nine percent of people will panic when they are drowning. Once someone goes to save them, they are likely to cling to the person who saved them, which will not only harm themselves but also the rescue workers. How to deal with these situations? Zhao Fugui will ask professional staff to teach them tomorrow.

"Why? He can swim more than 30 meters. He seems to be sister Ma's second son. He has good water Zhao Fugui watched as the remaining 20 men began to dive, and soon found a few good ones with good water quality. These people may be the backbone of the Xiaowan village rescue team in the future.

Some people can dive more than 30 meters, while others can't even dive a few meters. Staying underwater for a short time is definitely not good. Zhao Fugui wrote down these people. They must be eliminated.

Zhao Fugui looked at the diving of the No.20 man and secretly compared himself. No matter the time or distance of diving, Zhao Fugui found that he was at least twice as strong as the best man.

Zhao Fugui's mind, it seems to practice breathing method is really good, can let the body gradually beyond the limit, just don't know what will happen in the end.

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