Super Monk

Chapter 306

It's getting dark. While Zhao Fugui is still selecting lifeguards, some strange things happen in Dawan village next door. Recently, the big animals in the village have disappeared one after another. I don't know how to lose them.

"Lao Zhang's family lost two big sows last night, and nothing happened. Two big sows and an old hound are gone The number of livestock losing farmers in Dawan village has increased to seven or eight. As soon as it gets dark, some elderly villagers sit in the village to enjoy the cool and talk about it.

Several fruit stalls at the entrance of the village have also been closed. Now there are few tourists who take the wrong road, and the villagers who set up platforms in Dawan village can no longer cheat a few tourists. But it's better to cheat a tourist than to grow crops, so now some people still sell fake happy fruits in Dawan village.

Zhao Fugui interfered in this matter several times, but when he came to the fruit stall, it disappeared. As soon as he left, the fruit stall came out again. Zhao Fugui could not stay in Dawan village all the time, and he had no good way to deal with this situation.

"The Hound of the old Zhang family has been kept for seven or eight years. It's very alert. People don't eat a bowl of meat when they feed it. It's easy to keep it still. Our village has not offended any special animal thieves, has it Another old man said to himself.

"Yes, in recent days, the dogs in our village are abnormal. When it comes to the night, they shrink into the corner and don't come out or bark. I don't know what happened!"

"Is it because of Zhao Fugui in Dawan village? Our village has not offended anyone except him recently?" A middle-aged woman shakes the Pufan with missing feet and suddenly says.

"Zhao Fugui's family is a big boss now. How many animals will they steal from you? It must not be him

"Not necessarily. Maybe he arranged it. Our village sells fake fruit every day. He must hate us! " The villagers at the entrance of Dawan village are talking and guessing everywhere, but they have no idea.

Dawan village reported the matter to the police, and the town police station came to investigate twice, but there was no result, no footprints, no traces of medicine, and the police of the police station didn't know what was going on.

Just as the villagers were talking about it, a young man with half a stake suddenly ran from the ridge of the field in panic, with a face of fear and a loud scream.

"It's the black egg of the old cowherd's family. What's the matter? It scares the baby so hard!" When the villagers at the entrance of the village saw him, they all stood up. Someone who recognized the young man called out.

"Black egg, what's the matter with you? Where's your grandfather? " A middle-aged woman grabbed the black egg and asked.

Black egg's face turned pale and his eyes were lax. He struggled desperately in the middle-aged woman's arms and screamed in horror. He could not answer the question at all.

"The baby is scared. There must be something wrong. The old cowherd must have something wrong. The old tavern is herding cattle in the back mountain. Go to the village and ask someone to have a look!" Some old people in the village stood up in panic and yelled. The entrance of the village was in chaos. Some people ran to the village and went to the village to shout.

"Something's wrong, something's wrong, old cowherd, something's wrong, in the back mountain, in the back mountain!"

Night Village in Tai Wan village was broken, and the whole village was disturbed. The village leader carried a group of later students with shovel and sticks. Some of them even hurried out with the dogs.

"Follow me, all with flashlight, go to the back mountain to have a look, women take good care of the children, don't let people take advantage of the chaos, go!" The village head of Dawan village yelled a few times. Seventeen or eighteen youths in their twenties or thirties immediately followed him with a flashlight.

The back hill of Dawan village also belongs to Daqingshan. However, this mountain forest is more primitive and desolate than the front hill of Daqingshan in Xiaowan village. Let alone nobody goes to the mountain, even the wasteland at the foot of the mountain is not reclaimed. This place is far away from the village. It is too desolate. In the early years, people and animals were missing occasionally, so there were no farmers to open up wasteland.

The village head of Dawan village with seventeen or eighteen people with flashlights walked along the grass on the wasteland to the back of the mountain. The voice of the village slowly disappeared, and the surrounding became dead. Suddenly, everyone became nervous.

"The old cowherd is herding cattle every day. He must go back to the village before dawn. What's the matter today? He's still out so late. Why is this place so crowded at night? " A young man in his twenties was nervously shining around with a flashlight. He seemed to be afraid that something would suddenly jump out in the dark.

"I used to hear my grandfather say that the mountain behind our village is a mass grave. Many people have died. No one dares to farm here for so many years!" Another said, and as soon as he said this, several people around him immediately became nervous.

"Shut up The head of the village gave a sharp drink, and then said, "don't be too scattered. Pay attention to the surroundings. Old cowherd usually herd cattle around here. Find him quickly and we'll go back to the village! "

As soon as the village head called out, more than a dozen people immediately did not dare to make a sound. However, this ghost place is full of weeds and trees. It can't be seen clearly from the flashlight. On the contrary, there is a gust of wind, which makes it seem that something is hidden everywhere. More than a dozen people dare not speak, but dare not divide too scattered, can only use flashlight to look for people.

"There, there's the cow!" A villager's flashlight shines under a tree. The local flashlight reflects a shadow, which looks like a cow lying on the ground.

"Get over there!" The head of the village yelled and ran to the other side with the villagers. But when the running is close, the villagers in front stop fiercely."Ah The villagers in front screamed in horror, threw away the flashlight, turned around and ran towards the village. The head of the village ran over and flashed a flashlight. His face turned pale and he sat on the ground with a soft leg.

Under the light of the flashlight, the cow that nests under the miscellaneous tree is nothing but a bone shelf left by a cow. Baishenson's bone is still with blood.

The head of the village bravely flashed a flashlight to the side. A head with only white bones appeared beside the cattle skeleton. The head could not hold on any longer. With a scream of panic, he turned and ran to the direction of the village.

Half an hour later, the police of Qingtian town arrived first. Several policemen saw the scene, turned around and vomited loudly. They couldn't solve this kind of case at all. More than an hour later, all the criminal police of the criminal police team of the Municipal Bureau arrived. More than a dozen criminal police pulled up the cordon at the scene, and every criminal police who saw the scene was full of horror.

The criminal police team found three cattle skeletons and one human skeleton at the scene. The human and cattle skeletons are very fresh, not previously dead. The pillar, which may be the only eyewitness at the scene, has been scared out of his wits and is unable to provide effective testimony at all. The criminal police have no choice but to make a careful investigation around the scene.

And Dawan village has only seven or eight miles of Xiaowan village. Zhao Fugui has just disbanded the lifeguard, and he doesn't know what happened here.

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