Super Monk

Chapter 307

"Richness, have you heard? Something big happened in Dawan village last night! " Early the next morning, Zhao Fugui just got up in the morning. With a trace of tension on her face, Liu Erjie asked Zhao Fugui in a low voice.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? Is there a fight in the village about pumping water? " Every summer, Zhao Fugui asked about all kinds of disputes in planting rice seedlings.

It's not because your family has a long time of water supply, but because my family has a short time of water supply. It's just because your family has water supply first and my family has water supply later. Sometimes it's not easy for the village head to go.

"It's not a fight. I heard in the morning that several children in Dawan village were stolen out of the village by human traffickers last night, and they were picked up at the back of the mountain. It's terrible. Even the criminal police in the city are here! " Liu Erjie said with a worried face, "richness, you are the head of our village. Recently, you should pay attention to it. Don't let the peddlers steal our village's children too!"

"Peddlers? Go to the village and steal the organs? It's impossible. How dare you. Two years ago, a thief went to Dawan village to steal cattle and was killed. If the thief picked up organs, if he was found, several people would be killed! " Zhao Fugui said with disbelief.

Although the two villages next door are so close to each other, things in the village must have changed a lot after seven aunts and eight aunts said it. Maybe it's just a thief who can steal animals. His daughter-in-law can cook and his father-in-law can make a fire. His father-in-law and his daughter-in-law do that in the kitchen.

"Anyway, there were a lot of police cars in Dawan village last night. Many people in our village saw them. The police didn't leave until midnight!" Liu Erjie said.

"OK, I see. I'll let them patrol the village in the evening!" Zhao Fugui didn't care too much. He nodded and said.

There are patrols around Xiaowan village at night, which was set up long ago, mainly for someone to steal happy fruit. In the evening, if there are problems in the village, you can also let them visit by the way.

"I'm going to pull out the rescue team and let them practice first today!" Zhao Fugui drank a bowl of porridge cooked by Liu Erjie, took two rich bags and went outside the inn.

At this time, it was just dawn, Chen Yihan had not got up, and most people in the village were sleeping. It's early in the morning in summer, and it's only six or seven o'clock at this time. However, when Zhao Fugui arrived at the entrance of the village, the remaining 15 members of the rescue team were already waiting at the entrance of the village last night.

"Well, not bad!" Zhao Fugui looked at the energetic young men of the rescue team, nodded and said, "Ma Liujin, take the lead to Heilongtan to help!"

"Yes, rich brother!" Ma Liujin made a decent salute and led the team to Heilongtan. Ma Liujin is Ma Erjie's son. When he was born, he weighed six Jin and got such a name.

"After that, the rescue team gathered at 7:30 every morning and helped to pack things when they arrived at Heilongtan. When the tourists come, they will patrol everywhere and go to save people immediately when they find the dangerous situation. Now help the cold drink shop to put the umbrella and beach chair in place, and clean the beach chair! " At Zhao Fugui's command, Ma Liujin immediately began to be busy with the lifeguard.

In less than half an hour, Zheng Yue and Xiaolian came. After another hour, the sun gradually rose to a high place, the scorching temperature began to rage on the ground, and some tourists began to appear in Heilongtan.

Early in the morning, Shu Xiaosu comes with the beauties of Meiyan international. Shu Ya finds that the beauties' appearance in Heilongtan is especially good. This time, all the beauties are the same. Shuya turned this into a small welfare of Meiyan international, a cool welfare in summer.

The next day, the water park in Heilongtan is still hot. Shu Xiaosu pesters Zhao Fugui and asks Zhao Fugui to take her around. After eating a lot of snacks, she goes to play by herself. Shu Ya is not here, Shu Xiaosu is more courageous, holding Zhao Fugui's hand all the way, Zhao Fugui has no way.

Just when Xiaowan village was full of activity, few people walked around in Dawan village even in broad daylight. No one got any fruit stalls selling fake fruits. All kinds of rumors and gossip spread in every villager's home. The leaders of the Municipal Bureau also began to have a headache, because the preliminary identification results have come out.

"Chen Ju, the preliminary DNA comparison map has come out. The dead man is indeed Niu Sancai of Dawan village, nicknamed laoniuwaier!" Outside the anatomy room, director Chen led the team, and the criminal police captain and the criminal police were waiting outside. A forensic doctor in a white coat came out and said.

"What about the cause of death and the time of death?" Director Chen frowned and asked. Last night's case made him a little uneasy. This kind of shocking case has never happened before. If it is spread to the city, it will inevitably cause panic. At that time, the city will have great pressure to ask the criminal police.

"This!" The forensic doctor was a little embarrassed and pushed his glasses. After a pause, he said, "the time of death is estimated to be around 8:00 to 9:00 last night according to the blood residue on the bones. As for the cause of death, it's like being eaten! "

"Like being eaten? Are you going to let me report to the leaders of the city? Just use the word 'like' Director Chen pinched out the smoke in his hand and said, "what else? What animal can eat a man and a few cows with only bones, and eat them within an hour? You tell meLaoniuguan died between 8:00 and 9:00 p.m., and the first police call was 9:30, which means that the time from laoniuguan's death to being found to call the police is about an hour at most. Even a few tigers can't eat a man and a few cows in such a short time.

"Chen Ju, I didn't say animals did it! According to the residual bite marks on the bones, I compared the system's database and found that the bite marks did not match any known large animal bite marks! " Said the medical examiner.

"It's not animals. Can it be people?" Director Chen said discontentedly.

"In fact, the bite marks left on the bones are indeed similar to human tooth marks. It should be said that they are very similar. At least 70% or 80% of them are identical!" Forensic expression strange said.

As soon as he said this, the expression of director Chen and several criminal policemen changed. Director Chen wanted to light a cigarette again, but he didn't light it several times.

"Ridiculous, the autopsy report should be submitted to the bureau first, and the experts from the provincial department should come to help re check it!" Director Chen finally lit up his cigarette, took a deep breath and said, "inform all branches and police stations, as well as forest patrol and fire fighting. Each unit will send several people to me to organize a mountain search today to see what's on the mountain!"

"In addition, I have a little friendship with Zhao Fugui in Xiaowan village. No one knows that place better than him. I'll ask him to help me!"

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